Genn Greymane is an Aggressor

Thumbing back through, the only intent seemed to be to kill as many as possible at once. As per the quote, it drew in numerous generals, elite soldiers, and magi. Which required waiting so they could get there then reinforce. Maximum casualties. With Garrosh celebrating it as the victory he wanted.

I mean Garrosh is essentially Ted Bundy as an orc though, without the denying the murders. I think he was just excited to see the explosion and know lotsa people died.

I don’t remember him being totally happy at the end of the book. He knew the alliance wasn’t broken and disheartened, like he intended them to be.

I know the scene you mean. He gets bummed for roughly thirty seconds when he hears Northwatch was retaken and the Alliance are headed to break the blockade. Then doubles down manically with fresh wind saying he wants to escalate further from controlling Kalimdor to wiping out the Alliance.

Which, as we know, stops abruptly when we find out that we need to fight almost entirely on a new continent because the devs said so :rofl:

Here’s the problem I have… the restraint shown is out of character for the Alliance given it’s history…and the targets affected. We’re talking orcs, trolls, and undead here. It kind of smacks of an extreme effort to put White Hads on the Alliance after pinning genocide on the Horde.

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Congratulations! You summed up why Alliance players have been complaining about this since its inception.

Where is th is particular item?

Thread Necromancer!


Stop necroing!


I’m honestly curious, how do you find a thread that is 8 months old?

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Oh honey no. You have this wrong. He saw Sylvanas sound the horn. He knew that Sylvanas is a duplicitous self serving banshee queen. He knew that anything she did would not be for the benefit of the war against the Legion, but for herself. Even if there were short term gains for the war effort against the Legion any items of power Sylvanas was pursuing would inevitably be used against the Alliance. She’s a bad faith actor on the world stage and he knew that.

So again baby… The old Wolf was right. Sylvanas was evil and darling she’s not a friend to you… Or did you miss her whole story arc since Warcraft 3?


Man, this thread aged real poorly.

This bit is still funny to me. Like Sylvanas attacked Gilneas unprovoked, yet Genn is the jerk for trying to defend because you think Gilneas is Lordaeronian territory.


dont you know, sylvanas owned lordaeron which means she owns all of the eastern kingdoms, that troll even said it so it must be true


I never said gilneas was lordaeronian territory. I said sylvanas had a right to the eastern kingdoms. Be it through Right of conquest, right of occupation, take your pick. Do not put words in my mouth. I

Okay. Still wrong, but okay. Right of conquest means literally nothing in terms of the argument - by your logic, Arthas, Sargeras, and Azshara all owned huge swaths of Azeroth outside their domains.

In the context of Sylvanas attacking Gilneas, it’s still an unprovoked attack on a nation that doesn’t belong to her nor has made any aggression towards her. Right of conquest doesn’t even apply to the argument in question.

In fact, it doesn’t even apply to any argument. “A person ha a right to something if they can conquer it” is stupid, that’s not how rights work.

Also I don’t know if you’re quoting Puppies to say that because she owned Lordaeron, she owned all of the Eastern Kingdoms… but you know Puppies quoted that to mock you, right? Even if her claim to Lordaeron’s throne was legitimate, that doesn’t mean she owns all the continent. The other Seven Kingdoms, Khaz Modan, Quel’thelas… all independent nations who were at one time ALLIED with Lordaeron, not owned by it.

Terenas didn’t own them because of his throne, and neither does Sylvanas. That includes Gilneas.


except it isnt, stormwind is part of the eastern kingdoms and doesn’t belong to her, ironforge is part of the eastern kingdoms and doesn’t belong to her, hell not even lordaeron belongs to her anymore because she lost it when she blighted the hell out of the capital.

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Fake news, the npc was lying to you.

This is what Genn actually says:


I honestly love this Rashamon/Unreliable Narrator stuff, and I wish we had more of it in WoW.

why would you say that, just by saying that blizzard just got 25.3 ideas for unreliable narrators

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Good! Like I said, I want more of that!

EDIT: While I’m on a roll. Kezan expansion. Make it happen.