Genn Graymane

Once again cause she killed his son. Kind of makes you want someone dead. Just saying.


His son technically got himself killed :dracthyr_shrug:

And no it is not a justification to commit war crime even less so during a legion invasion that thrwatens all life on Azeroth.

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Trust me a family bond is a very good reason to want the one who killed your son dead. You can claim all you want but she killed his son (Reguardless of if the Arrow was shot at Genn or at Liam) and he has the right of vengeance which he will probally try and take at every turn.

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Yeah, that would be a terrible time to backstab one of the Titanic keepers protecting Azeroth and try to enslave one of their most powerful followers, especially for the purpose of selfishly protecting your own hide. An act like that might well provoke some people into trying to stop you.


I meant from the get-go of his story / her killing his son in the war-effort when she was targeting Genn & the whole vendetta ordeal.

… But yeah the ridge part was a bit silly. lol
Especially since there were still a heap of Alliance players despite finding out about that were still like “No iTs StiLL DeSpIcaBlE!! ThE HoRdE’s ReTrEaT WaS oUtRaGeOuS!!”

Gotta admit, kinda how I felt until I ran my horde through the story.

Which is why wow was better when each side had a unique storyline.


Sylvie was subjugating the Valkyr because that was the only viable option to create more forsaken. Forsaken do not procreate. Garrosh ordered her to attack Gilneas. She is not blameless, but she was acting on orders and Garrosh was a dictator at the time.

This could’ve made Genn’s ani-hero/villain moment in BfA - senselessly pursuing Sylvanas at the expense of the Alliance . This could have been Horde’s defensive war against the Alliance and developed Sylvanas into a Horde war hero. Instead, we got a mary sue villain and another L for the Horde leadership.

Genn is cool but they are gonna force his character to accept us into Gilneas. Which doesn’t make sense. Even at times where our factions came together, Genn thoroughly hated us, and for good reason. Gotta respect someone who sticks by their principles.

RIP consistent character lore. Time to all hug it out and pretend that the past never happened.

But she was the one who choose to use the Plague even though Garrosh’s orders were to not do that. So she came in intending on killing all of Gilneas who had simply been keeping to themselves. And like it or not even if the arrow wasnt ment for Liam thats who it struck so now she has to deal with an angry werewolf who might even attack her if she comes back from the Maw. And I don’t blame him. I do wonder if Blizzard would try and pull something like have Sylvie come back from the maw with the soul of Liam. We will see.


I know this is meant to be bait but…

Hes the worst leader in all of WoW’s history.

I didn’t say she was blameless.

It is kind of a nice idea if Sylvanas somehow met Liam in the afterlife and he was happy and at peace and he asked her to tell this to his parents. Can’t happen in the Maw though. This could’ve been Genn’s closure.

It’s not like is some kind of “cap” on how many forsaken a Valkyr could create. Hell we saw them even raise races that they shouldn’t have according to the games own lore. She wanted more because the one thing they do have a limit to is how many times they can take her place in the after life. She wanted unlimited lives, nothing else.

I dont do baits.
I honestely like him.
About Sylvanas and the Valkyr, lets just face it she qantes to raise all Gilneans as new forsaken, if she was hust doing Garrosh wil, she would not use the blight as he told her not to do it.
And about Genn son, she killed him, that is pretry much a reason to any parent out there want to have a revenge.
Never liked Sylvanas anyway and I would never understand why the forsaken prefer her ober Calia, a actual Menehil. I can understand the Crusade doing what they have been doing lately but the Forsaken, from all races, come on…

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I wonder if some of her fans would still vehemently defend her despite all her actions, if she didn’t look the way she does. Suppose she were a male orc, troll, or even a goblin… something tells me that her defense would suddenly almost entirely disappear.^^"


What exactly makes Genn a good leader?

There are people who say that Garrosh did nothing wrong.

Honestly, I believe that, in most cases, it’s just a meme. I mean, Garrosh is basically the WoW version of a certain individual who believed that one race should stand above all others.

  1. Varian will cut you
  2. Who was evil?
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There is an explanation why Garrosh started the aggression because Thrall was a negligent Warchief, but Garrosh took it waaaay too far by expelling everyone who wasn’t an orc from the city. Garrosh did save the orcs from famine though.

Still trying to figure out why they settled in Durotar and not in Azshara.

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