Genn Graymane

… is the best current leader we have at this point in WoW.
Damn even as a Horde player I love the guy, made a few worgens just because of him.
My favorite by far.
What about you guys?!


Elf leader is randomly wondering through the forset screaming nonsense.
Gnome leader took a beating and locked himself in an airbag.
Dwarf leader is a pretty solid guy.
Human leader is emo and wears black eyeliner.
Draenei leader has issues with his demonic son.

I guess Glen is an alright dog.


I love Worgen in general so I’m with you OP. I’m not a big fan of anyone Blizz chooses to lead us. They’re either evil or way too soft.


He’s okay. There’s actually no leader at the moment, whom I can’t stand at all. While I might not particularly like some, no one really stands out very negatively. I dunno.


I wish I was strong to go to SW and kill him a few times by myself.


Why? He hasn’t done anything negative so far, or is it just that you don’t like his face? ^^"
I mean, I would prefer Varian… but yeah…


I’m actually surprised that Genn didn’t This is Sparta!! Sylvanas into the Maw for Liam.

He’s just as angry as the next and unpredictable.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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One would have expected that, yes. But in fact, it is directly mentioned that he not only forgives the undead but was also willing to welcome them back into the Alliance. Sylvie unfortunately killed those, who wanted to return. So, he doesn’t seem as angry and unpredictable anymore.

Edit: Of course, that shouldn’t apply in case of Sylvie. I doubt any of her victims would be willing to forgive her.


He’s such a zealot that he did nothing when the Naaru locked up his wife and then when Alleria was wary of X’era coming back, he just said, “Oh, I’m sure she’ll see you’re doing good now and it’ll be fine!” Like no big deal, it’s okay you were locked up before, we still love our deity and nothing could possibly go wrong again! If it weren’t for Illidan killing X’era, I could see Alleria getting locked up again and Turalyon saying something stupid like “It’s for the good of the Light, it’ll be okay, you’ll be out soon, sorry I couldn’t convince her to let you out.”


You’re right, I had completely forgotten about that. Yep… that’s definitely more than lousy.


Ten bucks says they’ll bs their way into bringing Yrel back (because I’m sure the Naaru also transcend time!) along with her Lightbound army and Turalyon will be the first to jump on the Light Kool-aid bandwagon. lol


I always thought his writing was bad since legion. I’m not sure what leader I like anymore that’s still alive, the last one was Garrosh and Carine bloodhoof. Blood elf leader is still cool too :disguised_face:

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I’m not sure what a worgeb is, OP, but I agree, he’s my favorite. I miss interacting with him like we did in BFA.

In my head cannon, this character and Genn are the same age, same generation, so we saw a lot of the same things. This char highly disagreed with the whole wall thing, as does the real person typing this, not a fan of philosophies that assert that walls are the way to go to protect a country, but anyway…in character, it made my job of feeding people as a harvest witch that much harder.

The curse incident happened, and we came to see things a little more eye to eye, and now I respect him for looking out for his people. In my opinion it’s the best part of WoW’s overall story arch going on.

Edit: Regarding Turalyon, that “Stay a while and listen” thing we get on the docks at the beginning has me keeping an eye on Turalyon with a bit of a side eye. I don’t care for zealotry.


I’ve been thinking that ever since I did Mag’har questline.

It’s like an AU inverse Arthas. And the whole Xe’ra sequence changed my perspective of them. All things can be represented in an evil sense and not be stereotypical fangs and green eyes.

I suppose this where the Warcraft story is headed. And answers questions of late on the forums regarding expectations of enemies.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I’m with you on this choice.

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It’s all about perspective. It’s not good or evil as much as it’s just “this is what we were created to do.”


Genn is a homicidal maniac with severe mental issues

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The fact that he doesn’t have a diplomatic bone in his body makes him a not so good leader.

Can we be absolutely certain he hasn’t already been infected with Yrel’s zealotry?

Secret meeting of Naaru, Turalyon and Lightbound so no one knows they’re gonna try to take over Azeroth?