Genesis Motes

I am also ok with this.

Genesis does what Nintendon’t.

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Of course, and that’s fine. It’s cosmetics - and a lot of them, so of course it adds up. I wouldn’t call 2.000 gold for a cosmetic piece excessive or way too expensive. Do world quests for 10-15 minutes and you got the gold for a piece. If someone really wants all of these pieces, I still think it’s no big deal that it costs more then. People should just farm piece by piece if they don’t have ANY gold, which is a big accomplishment in itself in modern days, instead of demanding to get all these transmog pieces with nothing more than a finger snap.

Your missing out on the entire catalog then. They are a prog rock band that evolved into more pop with a prog edge but if you only start at 1980 then you have lost the race.

You know what’s cool?

Your post.

You know what’s not cool?

Your name.

Which means there’s no harm in making it easier.


Don’t mind Kennie, they’re just the resident contrarian. 35k posts speak to that.

Uhh, the only part that really could use an adjustment is a few of the reagents. The motes are just kill blue guys at the portal area for a few hours and easiest part of the “Grind”.

“A few hours”


Not an argument and not fine. The whole discussion here is about cosmetics. You don’t get to suddenly dismiss that outright for “reasons”. Especially when as already mentioned, you already unlock these cosmetics via renown only to be slapped in the face when you realise that no, no you haven’t actually unlocked them at all.

The average piece costs around 2-3k gold. Not a massive sum in isolation. But as I said, there are a lot (if not all) of these cosmetics that costs sinew. That quickly adds up to 10’s of thousands of gold for a cosmetic you technically already “unlocked” through renown and that in addition, costs other materials and supplies. No one is gonna buy all of them. Especially not with those costs. But the pervasiveness of the sinews required is so large that even buying several of them will still set you back at least 20k gold. Heaven help anyone who plays more than one class. Again, not a huuuuuge sum. But that’s not the point. It’s the sudden block and price tag of a not insignificant amount of gold either that is the “slap in the face” moment that we’re talking about here.

Strawman argument. No one is demanding anything and not with a “snap of their fingers” either. We are merely pointing out that its a bad system that causes the prices to be overinflated for the reward you receive that you technically already “earned” but I guess not because “lmao your renown doesn’t mean as much as you thought it did”.

Basically you’ve got a situation where this is a fundamentally broken system (much like the motes system in ZM) mainly because the large amounts of sinews required are from mobs that provide said currency:

  1. Rarely drop them.
  2. Are not part of any quests.
  3. Are not killed in everyday gameplay.
  4. Are out of the way mobs and spread out thinly.
  5. Only spawn in 1 zone in the entire game.
  6. Are not indicated to be of any value to anyone who doesn’t know what these things are actually used for and thus have often been blithely vendored by many (due to not knowing their true purpose and value). Not even their tooltip gives any indication as to their actual purpose.

Of course, otherwise it would be absolutely no problem to work for these different pieces. Aquiring about 100k gold for this big amount of different cosmetic items over the span of, idk, let’s say 2 months, should be no big deal and a reasonable amount of gold if someone really does want everything.
It’s only a problem if you don’t have this amount of gold and see yourself confronted with the complete amount of gold/sinew at once.

But there’s the huge difference - don’t farm the Sinew. It’s a waste of time and a repetitive, brain-numbing activity with little progress. With gold farming for Sinew it’s different because there are many diverse ways to aquire gold and it’s a lot faster.
The mote system is something completely different and I think there’s just no comparison between these two.
One is, at least for poor players with little to no gold in their pockets, a short time goal with the possibility to aquire piece by piece through different ways of farming and gameplay. The other is always the same grind in the same zone without any way of doing something differently or changing the process, for months probably.

Anyway. They should do something about how awful this is.