Genesis Motes

Hey so. Now that Shadowlands is long since over. Can we get a vendor to convert Cosmic Flux into Genesis Motes or…something? Having to farm over 18,000 of these is. Excessive and I feel bad for new players (And myself)


Yes please that would be convenient

I personally want a single old content currency that can be bought and sold for every other old content currency


You know what’s cool?

Blizz actually made a change to mote acquisition a couple months ago.

You know what’s not cool?

The change was them nerfing the drop rate into oblivion for a hyperspawn. Twelve months after SL was over.


I did not know this. But i am. So mad.

Zereth Mortis was. It was something.

I just have 100s of thousand cosmic flux i dont need nor never really needed. Let me do something useful…

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I agree and also boost the anima acquisition overall! Pleaseeee, it is so scarce…

Edit: loooool typed anime instead of anima


It’s an optional cosmetic farm.

Blizzard applies Trick of the Tail to the Genesis Mote drop rate.


Correct! You’re very good at identifying things.

Head on over to deviant art. You can acquire a bunch there :upside_down_face::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth::melting_face:

(But yes, push the throttles forward on that anima flow)

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Shadowlands is such a grindy mess when it comes to cosmetics. They need to boost the acquisition rate for all those bs currencies.


Do you like Phil Collins? I’ve been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn’t understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual.


Love (a drummer named) Phil. Great performer, singer and excellent drummer. His side project Brand X was awesome too. And he produced for a lot of artists. Like Howard Jones and Frida’s solo stuff.

I will always like the more proggy/esoteric Genesis stuff like Lamb and Musical Box, but every iteration of genesis has been good


And yet here we are … with Tallstrider Sinew locking out literally HUNDREDS of cosmetics.

An item with a very low drop rate, and AH degenerates manipulating the market. An item that should be 10-15g, was ~200g a couple months ago when I started paying attention to this problem, and is now like 600g EACH.

Cmon Blizzard. Are you a gotcha phone game? Or a AAA Studio? EVERY mob in the DI should drop Tallstrider Sinew, and the drop rate should be like 10%.

It’s not too late Blizzard. Step up. Bring back your glory. Can we reclaim the days of “let’s make a great GAME!” instead of “how can we sell Tokens?”

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Lol thank you for that, had a good laugh

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Been asking for this since Zereth Mortis was current.

Still asking for it, now.

Heck, let us convert tons of our worthless old currencies into Genesis Motes. Cosmic Flux? Sure. Can I interest you in some Dragon Isles Supplies for Genesis Motes, too? War Supplies?


Stop exaggerating, it’s not “hundreds” of cosmetics. Not at all. If you really want ALL cosmetics for every armor spec, every piece of cosmetic equipment plus the few dragon customization pieces… it’s 58 pieces. And it’s not 600 gold right now, it’s already 449, further sinking.
If you don’t want to farm the Sinew, just farm a bit of gold and buy them piece by piece. What do you expect? To get all these pieces basically for free or the amount of gold you get for a quest?
100k gold for 58 (!) cosmetic items is no big deal. It just becomes a big deal for you personally if you want to have everything at once and don’t have any gold, which is also more a you-problem, not a “blizzard wants to sell tokens!!11”-problem.

Edit: It’s probably not even 58 items because a lot of these purchasable items you get for free just by maxing out renown.

These items should have only cost DI Resources. Tying it to this stupid shell game of some of A, some of B, some of C is stupid and unnecessary. ESPECIALLY for a cosmetic.

The only way to excuse this petty attempt at RP is to make it freely available. Like the Flourescent Fluid.

The 449 “current price” is manipulated. It means nothing to quote that price when all it takes is the next AH degenerate to reset the market back to 600g (and thus why I quoted its previous price of 200 … which of course you ignored). And saying “it’s only 100k” when it should be 1k tells us all we need to know about your stance. When the price is two orders of magnitude higher than what it should be,

You choose to defend the AH degenerate community and you’re free to do that. Just as I can take a stand against it.

I wonder if they ever nerfed the bird hyperspawn that was actually far superior to the hyperspawn everyone else used with the portal mobs.

So… no cost at all, basically. As I said. I disagree that cosmetics shouldn’t cost anything but some resources you passively get by doing content. It’s fine that cosmetics cost a bit more, because they’re completely optional and fall into the category of luxury, not necessity.

You already complained how “rare” the item is, how bad the drop chance. Therefore it’s not manipulation if the item is expensive, sells at these prices and is able to hold a high price for months. Especially considering that the Sinew is in the region wide part of the AH which isn’t really controlable anymore since the start of DF. If the price was really just manipulated, it wouldn’t even last for one day and prices would be back to a completely low niveau.

Nah. I’m not defending anyone. I’m just against free handouts and annoyed by entitled players who want everything for free because they’re too lazy to aquire some gold, want everything at once and then blame Blizzard for their own greed.