Genedar and Beledar [LORE]

I kinda figured its not a naaru itself but more like the cradle for one. The shifting is just from the lil naaru fetus goop


That’s quite the mental image that is.


Ty I enjoyed that idea lol. Like maybe they’re goopy before they form into a crystal with hard crystal “skin”

Like a sausage


It’s weird how they used to say that a Naaru falling into a void state was extremely rare, but now it’s the default.


Rare times?

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Nobody expects the Naaru inquisition! (except we do, we all do…)


What I think would be cool if Khadgar relived when he was inside Beledar. That’s where he came from in the final campaign cenematic.

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Nice connection to the Genedar. Forgot about that piece of lore from Outland.

Also here’s the concept art for the Beledar:

It has that typical synchronistic light prism naaru like pattern


I wonder if there’s something else inside the crystal.


They say that The Darkstar originated in Benson, Arizona, 'eh?

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That’s what I have always assumed OP. And I think it’s been pretty heavily implied by Blizz, but never actually outright confirmed.

That’s why I’ve speculated that the last Boss of TWW will be the awakened Void Naaru from Beledar. I say it’s the real reason Xal’atath is there, she needs to either eliminate a potentially powerful Light enemy or convert it to her side.

So that’s my prediction, the last raid is on the crystal ship with the Void Naaru as the last boss. The big question is, do we kill it or just switch it back to the Light.

Exodar is spelled similarly, and I wonder if someone was piloting Beledar and crashed it the same way the Exodar crashed. Like two cousins who could not fly, but tried anyway. :rofl: (kidding… don’t @ me bros)

May have been. But doesn’t make much sense as the Naaru were created before the universe was ordered into the cosmic forces and the Pantheons created.

IMO, it was a pretty stupid thing for Blizz to write and then immediately negate with Shadowlands.

Where did it even come from?

Is Beledar related to the ‘‘song’’ that the Elder Voidy Guy That’s Training Alleria was talking about? With the destruction of his world? Why would the song be a bad thing if some of the NPC’s in Hallowfall think it’s a good thing? O,<?

I thought the ‘‘song’’ was about Azeroth, but maybe it was Beledar talking to Anduin? – Did that get cleared up? Like that big burst of light that rocked Anduin and Thrall in the trailer, was it Beledar? The light looks like the same in the Titan room where Dagrin is working w/the Earthen rep.

if it wasn’t the game devs telling us this, I could easily hand wave that, if this was from the game itself, it’s like RL discovery of SMBH being at the center of galaxies. E.g., initially thought rare, but then as we discovered more, we found out how, relatively, common they are.

But, yeah, since - i think - that ‘insight’ was meta-knowledge, it just sounds like “oh, actually, it’s pretty common!”

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I like to think the dreani are just really bad pilots and they have hundreds of ships crashd into plantes all over the universe

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Maybe they’re closet drunks.

like shooting stars, except crashing into the planets becoming meteorites…anchorites?

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The name connection to the Naaru’s long established naming convention is irritating because the Arathi named the silly thing.

It means The Emperor’s Vision or something, if I recall. The similarity may be a red herring, maybe a coincidence.

Yeah, that is a bit weird. But, I can’t help but think there’s an Ashbringer tie-in somewhere. As in, the pulsing back and forth, from Light to Shadow. Maybe Anduin can channel some pure Light to set it back to Light only? Kinda like they did with that dark crystal found in Blackrock Spire that was eventually forged by none other than Magni into the sword we know and love today.

Wondering if the vision this Emperor* was planted by a Naaru to go and save the crystal from turning completely to Void, and Xal’atath is tryna’ intercept it, too?

*whom I still maintain may even be from a parallel world who’s Algari Expedition fell into some wacky timeway thing (ref. how relatively close the Isle of Dorn is to Pandaria/Timeless Isle, where there’s a connection from TI to AU Draenor…)