Genedar and Beledar [LORE]

(Wall of text)
Iwas playing through some low-level areas, and in Nagrand, both in Outland and AU Draenor, there’s this Genedar (Oshu’gun for the orcs). So, I started researching a few things.

GENEDAR: Genedar is basically a Naaru Vessel that brought the Draenei from Argus to Draenor.

Well, when Genedar crashed on Draenor, two Naaru who were on this vessel, K’ara and K’ure, were injured. K’ara managed to eject from the vessel, while K’ure stayed behind. K’ure’s injury caused him to enter the Void state (common in a Naaru’s lifecycle). “As his holy energies bled away over time, a void slowly grew in his place.” (By WoW Wiki)

Now, I’ll open a parenthesis related to the Shadowmoon orc clan, which I found interesting in this context:

K’ara, the Naaru who ejected, also entered the Void state due to being severely injured and fell in the Shadowmoon Valley region. The orcs there nicknamed it “The Dark Star.” Here’s a quote from the WoW Wiki: “K’ara’s remains appeared in the sky as a shadow beneath the pale moon and was met with both adoration and fear by the orcs. The clan gave it many names, such as ‘great father’ or ‘dark mother.’ The clan mystics referred to it as the ‘Dark Star’ and worshipped it as a deity. The Shadowmoon soon found that their power had grown in ways they did not fully understand, and they began to hear the ‘voice of shadow’ in addition to the languages of the stars and earth. A few bold shaman tried to access K’ara’s shadowy power, but the Void energies shattered their minds.”

That’s why the orcs of the Shadowmoon clan can manipulate Void energies so well. It would be interesting if we had a return of the clan in the future.

Anyway, search for images of Genedar and imagine it glowing with Holy Light or Void Energy. It would be the same, if not identical, to Beledar (considering that most of Genedar is buried underground).

Now let’s move on to the newly introduced BELEDAR.

Beledar, as we’ve seen in-game so far, is the crystal on the ceiling of Hollowfall, shining intensely with Holy Light.

Well, when Sargeras struck Azeroth with his sword, it was the day Beledar shifted to the Void for the first time.

This made me think: Could Beledar be a vessel containing a powerful Prime Naaru, and due to Sargeras’ strike, it got injured, causing it to shift into the Void state?

(Not to mention the similarity between the names of known Naaru vessels: Genedar, Xenedar, Exodar, etc… and BELEDAR)


Xalatath calls it a dying star. An naaru are brilliant like stars. The evidence is there


This is awesome stuff. :slight_smile: I love the Naaru. I’ve been wondering what Beledar actually is for a while now. :slight_smile:


This is possible given Blizzard’s tendency to add foreshadowing into zones.


I’ve been saying it’s reminiscent of Oshu’gun since I first went down there. Even the symbols on the ceiling are reminiscent of the symbols around Oshu’gun. And the symbols on the crystal itself are Naaru in nature.


I’m desperately hoping beledar has nothing to do with Naaru.
I’m so tired of the light just being naaru.

but deep down, I know it’s just going to be naaru.


The Light created the Naaru, so it makes sense.


does it?
why did the light create only naaru?

every other force has multiple tiers of beings, except the light apparently.

EDIT: also I thought Elune made the naaru, not the light itself.


The Void is multi-faceted, multi-faced, a constant shift of grey areas. The Light is very one-note, one-direction, no grey areas.

To me, it stands to reason that the Void would mimick that in what was created by it, while the Light mimics its singular existence style.

Velen mentioned how the Naaru’s power resembles Elune’s, but she didn’t create them.

In the primordial era following the birth of the universe — a result of the clash between the Light and Void — shards of fractured Light occasionally gathered in the Great Dark Beyond and formed clouds of Light from which powerful beings emerged, among which were the benevolent naaru.

But it could be a Prime Naaru, a shard of Light that’s a primordial style of Naaru or maybe something different, but still a being of Light that’s mimicked with the same symbols.


This is a very popular theory in the WoW community, as all signs point to it being true

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One thing of concern is the rock is named by the Arathi isn’t it? Do they know these naming schemes?


The naaru speak telepathically. Who isn’t to say that they didn’t hear mental whispers when they “named” it?

They also sing rhythmically… Why are we here in the first place? Some song people heard.


Well maybe they should of told the orcs Oshu’gun wasn’t the right name, really caused a lot of confusion there.


Wasn’t Beeledar named specifically in the vision of the emperor that sent the Hallowfall Arathi on their sacred mission?


Maybe… Maybe they were in too much pain to worry about mere mortals. Or maybe they didn’t think the orcs could help them.

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I’ve no idea really, I’ve yet to deep dive the Arathi beyond skimming what people and books say

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That’s upsetting, orcs are very helpful, see what they did the moment the elements were threatened? :frowning:

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From what I understood, the name Beledar was “learned” during the Emperor’s vision and not something he invented.

I might me wrong tho


Even in revendreth the naaru trapped there say that naaru all live in the existential plane of Light

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from that same wiki page

and Archmage Khadgar found in an ancient cosmology tome a passage indicating that the prime naaru may have been created by Elune during the great ordering of Light and Shadow

and we know Elune isn’t part of the light, at least not entirely (we’ve seen her dabble in quite a few of the cosmic powers). So if she created the naaru, where’s the native light denizens?

That’d also explain why naaru have a void form, but old gods don’t have a “light” form, because naaru are artificial light entities.

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