Geese Are Jerks

So i live around a lot of water and we have loads of geese. For the two people who may not know geese are birds who have wings and the capability to fly. Occasionally they need to cross the road. Do they fly across the road? No. Of course they don’t. They walk across the road in a single-file line stopping traffic in both directions. Geese are jerks!


They are also tasty and a traditional food for Christmas (in certain areas).



I don’t like the cobra chickens.



They will still the sandwich you plan to eat at the local park.

But I feel for you OP. There’s a flock/swarm of them near where I work and they love to waddle across the parking lot slow as you please while leaving droppings in their wake.

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As a Canadian, I’m well familiar with the cobra chicken, and they are in fact, evil incarnate. My friend has a legit phobia of them because of being chased and beaten as a child by one. Poor girl.


I don’t know which is the worst offender. Geese or seagulls.


Eye of Azshara says hi


Please for the love of God, Blizzard better NOT add geese as a creature in WoW!

Especially watch where you step on when there are geese grazing on some grass! Geese dung is the worst.


Ducks first!


Don’t give them ideas-
next thing you know they’ll add poop for all animals in wow

Or worse make a raid thats just like-a thousand geese

Swans in my book. One attacked my son when he was 5 knocking him to the ground face first pecking on the back of his neck and back. Lost all romance for the Swan that day!

Geese aren’t very nice. I got chased by two geese when I was a kid.

Oh no
what if they add a goose loa
Thats the real antagonist that they’ve been building up to reveal this whole time
Because geese are just
pure evil

Yeah, swans may look beautiful but there’s a monster under that beauty. There’s a company with a retention pond that has geese and swans and there signs up that say don’t go near them because they’ve been known to chase people and like your poor son peck and hit people with their wings.

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Have you tried giving them a hug so that you can feel better?

I have always known that geese are not sweet, cute water birds. LOL my aunt had a pair she used as guard animals, for which they are supremely suited as they are nosey and noisy as heck about it (just Try to sneak past a pair LOL HONKHONKHONK). a full-grown gander can break a human leg or arm bone if he’s in full flogging defense mode.

its better if you offer bread in small pieces … and keep offering just a little closer each time … just be sure to cover the eyes first thing when you grab it …

did someone above mention roast goose is a traditional Christmas feast? :rofl: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


They’re just plain flying evil.
I still remember when I was in teens my younger cousin was feeding ducks and some geese came in and literally attacked her while trying to feed the ducks…To this day that goose is still on display in my Uncle’s basement.

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