Geese Are Jerks

They are not sparrows where it takes less energy to fly than to walk. It takes energy to take off until they are way up there gliding.

Seagulls give no rest to the Bald Eagles when they come into the nesting territory. Apparently its a rather large territory.

Bald Eagle : I’d take you all on. But I’m due somewhere else.
/tries to make a dignified retreat.

Idk :thinking:

Hugs can make anyone feel better.

Geese are also Psychopaths.

If a Bird or small animal wanders to close to their nest, the geese will chase the unfortunate animal down, grab it, drag it over to the closest body of water if one is near by and hold it under to drown the creature.

And what’s more, other geese have been observed casually walking over and spectating the drowning like it was a street performance.