Gearscore is actually good for the game

Apparently you have not seen Dalaran lately, full of people sitting around.

I played the OG version, in a guild, PvPed done dailys, gathered mats and crafted things (on multiple different characters) all while using RDF, when I felt running dungeons. That is the fun alot of us remember from the ORGINAL version.

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You’re not even trying to hide the irony, are you?

Gearscore is fine but 3.5k minimum for heroics, that’s a joke right? Heroics are cake even when everyone is at 2.5, and you can’t get anywhere close to 3.5 without gear and badges from…heroics. Don’t be that guy.

Think the gearscore is not as useful as the average item level used in Retail - 3000 odd is pretty meaningless compared to average item level of say 195

Lol. This isn’t the case. If 4k has chosen gear poorly and isn’t familiar with the class, 3k can easily wipe the floor with them.

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Hes making alot of bold assumptions about wow players and their knowledge of hit and / or expertise caps/

Everyone is different but if you look at Gearscore subjectively as a metric to judge player capability, it’s hard to argue against it being utter trash.

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eh, decent attempt. 3/10 for effort.

okay, who let him back in? <.<

If you dont want GS to be a factor in your time playing the game, you should just join a guild.

It really solves the most common problems people have.

I had people tell me whatever about my gearscore back in wrath and how it wasnt whatever. Didnt mean a thing. 264 hunter pulling 5k, I was doing 10k.

I never used gearscore and never will. Dont know what it actually does but if its not telling you their hit, their defense their expertise or any other important information then its not an addon that is worth anything.

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Whoosh goes the point

Ok Boomer! Poor lil PvE kiddie! :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Issue is certainly not in Gear score itself. Rather in how it is used by the WoW community.

When level 78 priest display concern whether his gearscore is high enough for normal difficulty dungeons, there is something terribly wrong here.

And the priest didn’t said that in manner that would imply it’s joke on the entire situation around GS being subject of many discussions.

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