Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

You don’t define what people deserve.


Nice argument bruh

The main thing is it is the truth.


You don’t get to dictate my opinion.

Oh wow, look at me, I’m so smart coming up with non-concrete arguments.

You don’t dictate effort/difficulty. Let me know when you got something concrete!


Unlike you, I don’t feel threatened by my alts being able to get almost the ilvl of my main. And if that means people have time gated content they can do to get ~400 ilvl when mythic raiders are ~420, awesome. Good for them. Gives them content to do over a tier.

Am I supposed to care what your opinion is? Blizzard is the only one that gets a vote on how this works, and they decided that it’s fine. I agree with them. And this isn’t a new thing, it’s been this way for years now. So, uh, have fun in Classic if that’s what you want, cause retail isn’t going back to that reward paradigm.


Of course you would agree with them. That 400 ilvl gear that takes you 20 minutes to earn will help your battle pets a ton. Good luck buddy, keep on coming for those dopamine rushes

What?? Ik your not sitting here trying to tell people what they do and do not deserve, who do you think you are??

I find some of you guys amusing… Like to know that people waste time inspecting others just make sure that you got better gear than them is absurd.

You don’t get to dictate my opinion?

That right because it is an OPINION lol.

There’s a similar post about elitism. This would be a perfect example of why it is a bad thing.

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You know, generally I try to keep an open mind and have a civil, reasonable debate with anyone even if their views differ.

But that Waterstrider guy? I’m sorry but people like him make me glad we have the gearing system we have now.


You realize when you respond with a juvenile insult like that it just proves my point right? There’s a reason we don’t care about your opinion. It’s all salt and vitriol and has no regard for other people, what they find fun, or how they enjoy playing the game. You’re pissing into the wind demonstrating why even Blizzard shouldn’t consider your feedback when you make statements like that.


Amen to that.


Hehe, it’s called “elitism”.

The truth is… I don’t want Classic. What I want is for Retail to be good. But it isn’t, so I’m going to play Classic instead. It is, for me, an imperfect solution.

The problem is, I just don’t believe that the devs know what’s wrong. Or they know, but don’t believe, if you understand what I mean.

They seem intrinsically married to many of the things that ARE the problem. RNG loot boxes. WF/TF. A form of storytelling that has the players just watching on from the sidelines (as a GM of a tabletop RPG, I’d never get away with that ****). An open world that looks pretty, but isn’t interesting or challenging to be in. Too much focus on endgame content.

Been that way since Vanilla though. All of the major lore villains, all of the conclusions to major storylines have been in raids. The most time and effort that Blizzard has put in has been in raid building. When pretty much all the new raid patches have come out, what were non-raiders given along with that? A camp somewhere with some quests if they’re lucky? Maybe a new dungeon? It’s always felt like we were given the scraps.

Everyone does. It’s that the WQ’s and such are the less “haRdCoR3” content.

World quests aren’t any content. Can literally afk right click and do them.


You must be lost,they don’t do that at all they just jump right into heroic raiding regardless of progression nowa days because they farm mythic + dungeon they completely skip all progressions.


I’m not suggesting that raids shouldn’t be the culmination of the stories being told in an xpac. I’m suggesting that in BfA it feels like the various non-raid content feels like it ONLY exists for the purpose of gearing you up to enter raids. There is little or no satisfaction to be gained from running that pre-raid content in itself.

In WotLK and Cata, I enjoyed running the dungeons in themselves. In Legion and BfA, I put up with the dungeons for the gear. There’s a clear difference there. At least there is for me.

This is what has ruined the game. What’s the point of putting in time doing mythic raids and + if some casual can get the same ilvl doing world quests and warfronts.

Show me someone that has yet to step foot into a single raid or dungeon that has the same ilvl as a dedicated mythic raider.