Gearing is terrible and unrewarding because of casuals

Those that are complaining about pug groups asking for AotC, high ilvls, IO scores…etc…for fairly nominal content…

That all is a direct reaction to the reality that it is waaaaaaaaaaaay to easy to gear.

People are reaching gear ilvls without learning content or mastering how to play.
They are effectively out-pacing content.

So… here is your double-edged sword…

You can gear stupid easily doing stupid, simplistic, stuff… and not acquire the necessary skills and experience that would warrant more advanced players taking you into the more advanced content they’re doing.
Immediate slot-machine dopamine rushes where you hit a wall and become resentful and angry because you want more hits.

Or, alternatively, Blizz could go back to both content and gear being tied together in natural progression with rewards being commensurate to difficulty… and you could play more dynamically and actually learn, experience, and master content and become gradually stronger as the content becomes gradually more challenging.
Much more psychologically rewarding process in the long run with either no wall or a wall that produces much less resentment because it doesn’t ‘feel’ unfair.

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I’m about as casual as you can get. I don’t raid, I don’t do dungeons until I can complete it myself or with my partner. What I miss the most is crafted gear. I loved the days when a casual player like myself would farm materials, save up money and then go to a raider crafter and have them craft me a weapon or armor from a pattern drop from the raid they ran. It was a win/win. I felt I had “earned” the item by providing the materials, the raider worked hard to get the pattern and some even had to collect one material from running dungeons or raids, I’d pay them for their service and we were both happy, not to mention the economy. No it wasn’t as high gear/weapon as they got in the raid but it was close enough that I could kill things without dying every time I encountered something in the world that was hard to kill. Now we have mob scaling. You can’t only have gear from WQ or Invasions capped at a low level then expect those people only getting low level gear to not be able to quest and kill mobs doing quest, WQ and invasions. Everyone says, well if you are gear level blah blah you can kill things, you don’t have to be 395 to stay alive. Tell that to my mage. I still have to wait on people to show up during invasions and WQ when its a harder to kill mob because if I don’t, I’m dead and running back for 5 min. because they couldn’t be bothered to put the graveyards close to the one mob in the area that is difficult and where people die the most. Casuals don’t want gear “given” to them. It’s really not a rewarding feeling to us either. I wish back to the days of out leveling mobs so I can farm materials in peace and to crafted gear that I could gather mats and buy the finished item from a raider once they made it for me.

That’s another way to do it.

I just don’t think Mythic or Heroic raids should have “TF”. Progression there shouldn’t rely on RNG.

RNG is fine for world content, etc., but at some point … it’d be nice to actually to to skill based rewards.

As someone who does both, two of my azerite pieces are from m+ and only one is from raids. It depends on which pieces have the best slots for your spec, one isn’t inherently better than the other.

Everything should be skill based rewards, in my opinion.

RNG for only non-raid/m+ content? So I should still be able to get those 420 gloves on my hunter for running around and collecting a few pieces of azerite? She’s almost heroic geared and I haven’t touched anything higher than a +3 and normal raids.

op isn’t smart enough to understand that the casuals pay the bills and without them there might not even be a Warcraft anymore.

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False. Players pay the bills. Stop trying to label and separate people. That’s the problem with these forums, it fosters the “them vs. us” mentality. The OP didn’t help and neither did you.


Don’t call yourself casuals, call yourself “entitled”. Casuals are people who play casually, whichever content, entitled people are ones who think paying for sub entitles them to same gear as people who put the effort into the game.

And you are a big minority in this game, especially if you count all the unsubbed people waiting for Classic, you’re less than 1%.

With you getting special treatment is why WoW is slowly dying out, which fortunately changes with Classic being an option. WoW will survive.

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Sorry I still don’t see any benefit of this…cause the thing is if i had a guild maybe yes but in this case I do not nor do I have the luxury of having friends to runs this mess with on a daily. In addition there is already visual/written guides on fights.

I’m not about to pug more than what I’m already doing now which is insanity (most if not half the pugs i’ve joined have been an utter mess/draining I don’t recommend it) … . Please don’t say it is psychology rewarding because in this case that is an opinion that clearly not all of us agree with… If im going to pug with some mess that got stick up their butt or who enjoy a toxic environment better have them all on ignore or they need to stay in these runs because I’ve done raiding/mythic + you have people that leave right at the start or the middle. So something has got to give.

Now does that sound positive to you? I’m exhausted typing this bologna. I’ve played this game since wrath i will tell you darn well the amount of mess i see now is not the same as before.

And yet,thoses that can’t catch up you want them to not gear up for what’s coming.I see.

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What exactly do you need to gear up for? If you don’t do any challenging content, what do you need heroic raid gear for?

What’s coming you don’t want to have gear the wouldn’t get you through 8.2 .You do realize there are those that are catching up or gearing atls as of now.You are saying they should fellow your example by playing it your way.This game as many people with many ambitions.

This is not 8.2, 8.2 isn’t even out and you’re geared for 8.2. When 8.2 comes you can get some catchup there, since that’s what current game goes with, but instead you get catch-up over a month before 8.2 comes out, and all the free gear to replace any group content.
What game did best was have tiers, if 8.2 comes, you first have to do parts of 8.1 before heading into 8.2, that’s how it went.

People can remain sceptical about Classic, but when it does come out, and people playing Classic vastly outnumber people playing current game, it sends Blizzard signal what attracts players, so one of 3 things happens:

  1. They focus more on releasing older expansions and work on that, neglecting current game
  2. They try to make current game more like first few expansions, as it would seem that’s what attracts players
  3. With how much creating new expansion costs, they try to make up by adding more purchasable stuff.

Your way with free gear removes incentives for people to try harder content, people will always take easier road, and get bored, that’s why BFA is so dead, people get geared and go through content in a week, then stop playing.

The state of pugs is worse…

And it comes back to the same thing I was talking about.

There are a lot of players trying to push and play content they’re not ready for.
Because they’re on that gear treadmill trying to get that next hit…they’ve been over-geared for the content they were doing and are not prepared for the content they’re trying to do.

But they think they can do it because of their inflated ilvl and they think they’re supposed to do it becaise that is the only place they can get ‘upgrades.’
But because there is no longer linear progression in the game…they haven’t gained the skills and knowledge to do that content yet.
And that is where they hit that wall.

So what’s the duel you gear your way and let other gear theirs.Btw,classic has nothing to do with this matter.If you want to discuss that there is a forum for that.

Games are competitive, people who work more for their goals, have more, that’s what attracts people, every game has that.
We can argue this for hours, but you want free gear with no effort so it’s pointless, we’ll just wait it out a few months and see what impact Classic has on current game, and I got a strong feeling you won’t like the results.

It very much does, since that’s where current game will draw stuff from if it does well.

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This whole comment deserves a thread on its own tbh. +1


And what’s the purpose of competing ?Esport no doubts,money,glory,Listen not everyone is that ,some like me after work would want to chill or maybe kill giant spiders.Each to his own.

Killing giant spiders is no effort, they’re world npcs and there’s bout 0% chance of dying, may as well play a hack and slash game. WoW has challenging content, that’s what it did well.

What’s purpose of competing? Satisfaction of reaching a goal you set, and getting rewards for it. We got 0 rewards from normal and heroic raids as there’s “sit and do nothing and get pretty much the same result”.

It’s like some sort of skewed ‘Keeping up with the Joneses.’

I don’t get it either.

I have always seen it as… Do hard content to get better gear to do harder content to get better gear to do harder content… with the end reward being, once you’ve completed the hardest content of a tier then you have the best gear for a short while until the next tier of content rolls out.
No spoonfeeding.

Progression through content was the aim…not this lame as hell RNG slot-machine Skinners Box treadmill.

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It won’t last, new expansions take lot of work and effort, and if vast majority prefers Classic over this, they’ll go for their old roots.