Gearing is an outdated concept

Monster Hunter is a HIGHLY gear dependent game. Someone sees you in low rank gear in a G or S rank…you get kicked.
The witcher is also a gear and level depended game…and not an MMO.

MMO’s have always been a gear and level based game. Comparing HotS and WoW is asinine. They are different games all together. You don’t raid to raid…you raid for better gear. There are in game catch ups that get you to normal raid level gear in absolutely no time. Benthic set costs nothing to grind up for full 385. Have guildies run you through regular mythics, and boom you are ready for normal raiding…You shouldn’t expect to not play a game for months and months and jump into end game content without either friends carrying you, or putting effort before hand. You want end game content handed to you for no work, this is entitlement. Go back to offline games then…

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Don’t try surströmming or lutfisk.

Just trust me.

I’ve actually heard of lutfisk but have never tried it. Now I’m going to have to look up the former, just out of morbid curiousity.

But I am going to see if there are places locally that carry swedish food items. If only as a matter of curiosity.

I’ve had friends in the navy who told me that some countries can be … strange. A quote a navy friend gave me that horrifies me to this day.

“After leaving a country, we looked forward to McDonalds. You know, fine cuisine?”

The idea of McDonalds being considered fine cuisine horrifies me. I don’t want to contemplate what kind of food would make one say that and mean it.

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Its fermented herring.

Rotten fish.

Smells so bad you cant open the can inside the house, the stench permeates everything.

…unless you really REALLY have something to prove.
Or are very drunk.
Sæll sistyar; Island segr HALLO

Already looked it up. Yeah, it doesn’t sound appetizing. But then again, think back on culinary history. Who had the crazy idea that boiling milk for any kind of cooking was a good idea?

I’ll still take a pass on certain food items, but there had to have been a reason someone tried it in the first place!

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while i dont usually partake in the whole “its not sunday” reply to threads…its not sunday

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Hej hej! :slight_smile:

And its not Sunday, no, but this is fun.

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With the lack of the incredible tech we have these days, especially food preservation, people found they couldn’t be too fussy.
""okay so its been in the Sun for a while. Have some ale with it then go help Papa with chores!’’

Entirely possible. When you’re hungry enough, anything you can get down your throat is food! The trick is keeping it down!

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Gear also makes the game extremely fun… You ought to think this radical idea of yours through before you post it here like this.

Or maybe you’re just trolling, it’s very hard to tell.

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That’s where the ale happen!

OP: Sounds like MMOs are not the genre of game for you. Like you said there are many games out there that fit your playstyle. You should look into them.


I enjoy McDonalds…

But do you call it “fine cuisine”?

I enjoy food that I know is “fast food” but I certainly don’t call it “fine cuisine”.

Maybe not Fine Dining, but not exactly Truck Stop quality bad Fast food

But, I like Potatoes.

Or any other mmorpg…

The overall complaint is that he wants to be able to pick up where he left off as far as scale versus endgame. He wants to play an offline MMO, one that he is already Max gear without having to Re Max gear every 5 or so weeks

They did say “food”.

It’s a bit of a stretch to call lutefisk-- much less surstromming-- food.

The first is at best a nutrient of a sort, and the second probably should be indicted by the UN under both chemical and biological weapons violations.