So there’s nothing for non-three pillars players. Got it. Solo players still aren’t welcome in your game anymore.
It says the tier pieces will come from the raid, Mythic Vault activities like pvp and mythic plus, and from the Creation Catalyst. For the catalyst it says armor drops will come from pvp, mythic and other Eternity’s End content. So I’m guessing there’s going to be armor drops from World content that can be upgraded to tier pieces with the Creation system.
Agreed. This makes me happy as I am not a PvPer, I despise M+, and I have no desire to raid above LFR. I’ve had a great time in 9.1 and 9.1.5, glad that it looks like this may continue!
I’m liking the casual “this is how it works” explanation for something the game had for most of its existence
…no really, it was gone too long so there are probably plenty of people who haven’t experienced tier sets.
Hello, I see you posted a thread about the new 9.2 gear. I’m super excited about the new patch and all the great transmog potential! I personally will be really interested at the possible RP events taking place among Warlocks with their new gear! Nothing bad can come from that, that’s for sure!
Thanks for the post and have a wonderful day!
So we don’t have a choice on the second legendary we have to have the belt and one more slotted legendary. Oh dang disappointing.
(gives Greatbobbo a cookie for truth)
Thank you for breakfast, bakery gnome.
So with the current Datamined Brewmaster tier set, i hope that it is purely just placeholder.
We’ll start with the 4pc.
Breath of Fire empowers your next Tiger Palm or Blackout Kick, increasing Shuffle duration and Brew cooldown reduction by 100%.
BoF Empowering either Tigers Palm or Blackout kick, Okay, so right now one of our best legendaries optimizes hitting Blackout kick right after BoF, but the effect in the 4pc does nothing, Shuffle is already a 100% uptime ability, the added duration doesnt change anything or has any effect. The Empowered Tiger’s Palm, if we were to hit that button outside of an energy dump during our Nizauo CD. The gain on the Brew reduction is too small to impact anything meaningful. We don’t even hit Celestial Brew and Fortifying Brew on CD, so its a waste of effect there, and the impact on Purifying is too low.
The 2pc
Targets ignited by Breath of Fire deal an additional 4% less damage to you.
Potential to be an okay passive that doesn’t change any gameplay (which is what the post says tier sets would do)
We’ve seen this before.
Looking back at other tier sets for Monk, This is just a Copy/Paste of our Nighthold Teir Set where the nighthold set in its time was way stronger.
Nighthold 2pc: Ironskin Brew increases your Stagger amount by an additional 5%.
Nighthold 4pc: Tiger Palm reduces the remaining cooldown on your brews by an additional 1 sec.
I’d much rather have a Tier that is more impactful to our gameplay and something we haven’t already seen and been disappointed with.
On to Covenant Legendaries.
There arent really good options for Brewmaster,
The overall best being Kyrian, but makes you have to desync your uses of Nizauo and opens up weird tanking and dps patterns that will be hard to fit into how most tank fights work.
Necrolord’s legendary doesn’t really do much, the proc chance is incredibly low and essentially doesn’t feel like your wearing it at all.
Nightfae, being a good covenant legendary option, isn’t a good covenant to play, a lot of punishment for moving, which is what tanks do a lot in mythic + and in raid its lacking in its ST and defensive uses.
Venthyr. Best individual legendary, but the covenant is lagging extremely far behind compared to the others in all aspects of tank gameplay.
As a Brewmaster, I’m really hoping that the dual legendary being locked to Covenant+1 is removed and can be any two, cause right now they’re would have to be some reworking of a lot of our covenant abilities or existing covenant legendaries.
Eh, I’ve found that the mail sets look the best and most distinctive of the bunch.
My question is, will Soul Ash and Cinders be usable at all to upgrade legendaries after this patch? Or should we spend them all now because their usage will be replaced by the Cosmic Flux?
And when you say “all legendaries”, that includes all ranks/ilvls of legendaries, correct?
I am in favor of the simpler set bonuses. We may be stuck with them for awhile and I want something that is broadly applicable. These maw only gem set bonuses from 9.1 are mildly irritating.
Please reconsider the set bonuses for Outlaw. Please. Like, with sugar on top. The 2 piece is rng on top of more rng with no way to increase that rng.
The 4 piece is pointless with more rng and does not improve gameplay or damage in anyway.
TL;DR: I think the sets look samey and boring, and have little (if any) class identity, and they need a 2nd or 3rd draft before being added to the game.
Is there any particular reason you guys chose the gold and white color scheme for every single set? I mean, I get we’re in the afterlife, but we aren’t part of a heavenly host…
I’ve heard it said before that set gear was supposed to present a silhouette that players could identify as a specific class. You would look at a character in their set gear and immediately think “Mage”.
Nothing about these screams “Warrior” or “Shaman” or “Warlock” or “Druid”. Mostly, all I get from these is “Priest” or “Paladin”.
If I had to guess, you were going for “this looks like a mold used to cast armor for ‘x’ class”, or they’re from the First Ones’ forge so they need to look all “heaven-y”. So here’s my hot take on it: if the First Ones liked the gold and white look, they’d have made everything they’ve ever constructed that way. But they didn’t, did they? All of the different parts of the afterlife (that we’ve seen) look unique with their own color scheme, even Bastion to a degree.
Why don’t you run with that? It’s boring to be all the same, so why not embrace the differences?
I’m most likely going to transmog away from these sets because, let’s be honest, I don’t want to look like every other person who decides to keep the look, and I certainly don’t want to look like a class I’m not playing. If I wanted to look like a paladin, I’d play one.
Ah, can’t wait to get some trash greens, er i mean tier sets. yo why does the store have better loot LMAO.
Can’t really judge before I see it animated, but what I’m not sure is limiting it to 5 pieces. In Antorus you made 6 piece of tier because of legendary slots. I know it’s possible to recraft a legendary, but why not make it 6 pieces again to make it easier?
I won’t push it but I one day hope you’ll go back to have some 8 pieces sets like in Sunwell Plateau.
It seemed rather vague in the writing there, but it really doesn’t seem like one will be able to earn a tier set from world or solo content.
“Nor should it.” a lot of players here would say. At the same time they wonder why the game is dead. It’s a big, exclusive, elitist club, and most of us ain’t in it.
Been pretty refreshing not having to worry about gates and their keepers in Eorzea.
Could these be added to the store? We could get extra work and effects that stand out added to them.
Yeah, there’s a lot of conflicting info out there on this subject. This article itself says that you can eventually get upgradable gear from “other Eternity’s End content” besides Mythic or PVP, which suggests eventually those of us who don’t raid, do M+ or do PvP will be able to eventually get set pieces.
However, other interviews, including a lengthy one posted on Wowhead just now, have strongly indicated set items will only be available via raiding, M+ or PvP. It seems clear there will be some gear available outside of those activities, but they appear to be at best barely above what is obtainable by upgrading Korthia gear to Tier 6 right now. That doesn’t even include Raid Finder gear, which has been an absolute joke this entire expansion.
Only way we will know for sure is when the PTR hits, of course, but I am a little worried that they pretty much made gear progression only available to those doing raids, M+ or PvP, and everyone else gets to explore the new map and that’s about it.
So for those of us who don’t raid, don’t do mythics, and don’t PvP, our option is the Catalyst stuff? Doesn’t that kind of limit us to transforming Korthia gear? Or, is there new gear for us also?