Gearing in Eternity’s End

Unclear, but maybe. I’ve done my best to include quotes from various sources below which I’ve seen so far.

From MMO-Champion:

“There will be opportunities for you to get gear to get you to where you can feel successful playing through the Zereth Mortis story content.”

“Tier sets will be available through the raids and Great Vault.”

“After Patch 9.2 releases, you’ll unlock the Forge of Creation, and earn a new currency. This currency, along with an item from PVP or dungeons, can be transformed into a tier set piece.”

From Wowhead:

“You’ll be able to find gear, treasure, and rares within Zereth Mortis, with an item level range of ~229-249. The gear will have special set bonuses like increased mobility outside of instances.”

“Cosmic Flux will also be used alongside Creation Catalyst to create tier set pieces from other activities such as Mythic+ or raid.”

“Tier bonuses will also work on all zones, there’s no Domination shard-like limitation.”

“If you don’t raid, you will still be able to interact with the system through the Cypher system on Zereth Mortis, which will eventually unlock the Forge of Creation system…This system allows you to earn a new currency, and spending it will allow you to take any item of appropriate item level and upgradable and turn it into a Tier set piece…This allows all players to engage with the Tier system…Can be obtained in the Great Vault.”

From the blue post above:

“Once players fully uncover the secrets of the First Ones, the Creation Catalyst will become available. This will serve to help anyone who’s having bad luck on a particular armor slot, or to help alts quickly catch up later in the patch. The Creation Catalyst will use Cosmic Flux in combination with an appropriate non-set armor piece to create a Progenitor armor piece in that armor slot of the same item level. The armor you transform can be obtained from PvP, Mythic+, or other new Eternity’s End content.”


That gear looks horrible. Nothing angelic or ascending at all about it when you’re suppose to be defeating hell itself. Pathetic.


So I just watched the video interview on Wowhead with World of Warcraft Lead Game Designer Morgan Day, and he does say that although raiders will get set pieces first, eventually once enough content is unlocked, “everyone” can start to create set pieces later in the patch. I have to assume that “everyone” includes folks beyond those who raid, do M+ or PvP, but who really knows at this point.

When I make a max ilvl progenitor set piece from an m+ piece using the catalyst of creation, does that unlock the transmog for that progenitor piece at that ilvl?

Example using 9.1 ilvls: I like the mythic helmet tmog, I have a 252 helmet from plaguefall or something. I use that m+ helm to make a tier set bonus helmet, do I unlock the mythic ilvl equivalent tmog of the tier set? Or is it just a plaguefall helmet look with a tier bonus attached?

Cobra shot has a cd?

You’ve never been able to aquire Tier set gear from quests or solo.

It is, after all, a social game at it’s core though. It’s hard to be surprised when the game genre is MMO.

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I don’t know about other commenters, but I just want something, period. I don’t care about tier. For instance, rank 6 Korthia gear is comparable to normal raids, currently. Of course, we soloists, don’t need anything that rivals heroic or mythic level raids. And with mogs, who care what it looks like?


Right now we simply just don’t know if there is going to be any real gear progression outside of the 3 main activities (raid, M+ and PvP). I’d like to think the answer will be yes, but it concerns me that they apparently are putting in so much effort on “making outdoor content harder”. I’m worried that people who don’t participate in the 3 main activities will be left with no real gear progression and instead will get gimmicky gear that [checks notes] helps us move faster outside of instances. I personally don’t feel as if random pieces of 249 ilvl gear at best constitutes meaningful gear progression.

I’ve heard and read multiple instances where Blizzard claims “everyone” will eventually be able to access tier pieces, but until we see it on the PTR/live, it’s unknown if “everyone” literally means everyone regardless of the content they participate in, or everyone means raiders, M+ participants, or PVPers only.

Wrath of the Lich King all the way until Warlords of Draenor.

If the game is going to continue to spit on solo players, why should they stay and pay a sub?


From any source. They even described how you can craft them later on.

Make them all or you can craft slot Z?

It’s not clear, it could be either way and it makes a huge difference.

One way you can get the same piece of gear from all sources and play like you want.

The other way you end up with silo’d grinds. Sure, the set comes from all sources, but the arms only come from raid, so you have to grind that. The legs only come from a new currency, so you have to grind that. The helmet comes from M+, so you have to grind that…

Your saying that you got tier sets in Wrath-WoD simply via questing?

I mean, I’ve played WoW since it’s very beginning and I don’t remember Tier sets being a quest reward.

They’ve always been exchange items that you aquired through raid bosses.

I got tier sets from solo content. In that I didn’t have to be lucky enough to have the right friends and be in the right cliques in order to earn gear.

Wrath had badges you could spend to get tier sets and other things, which could be earned solo queuing for dungeons. Other expacs had LFR which awarded decent tier sets. WoD flopped with decent solo progression but Legion and BfA had it done pretty well. Then that got dropped and SL once again dumps on solo players.


And someone with better taste to make hunter sets that don’t look like hot garbage everytime :laughing:

5-mans a isn’t solo content.

Besides the best you could do in Wrath in 5-mans were Emblems of Triumph that you could save up over long month to purchase, I think either 2(or 4?) pieces of Tier but you still couldn’t get all of it.

And I’m pretty sure that’s the best it ever was as far as 5-man content giving Tier.

I think what your trying to say is you want tier gear to be obtainable through the group finder. Which is a lot different from solo.

Honestly though, if you actually read everything it looks like tier will be more available than ever this time around. It mentioned being able to get tier from dungeons, PvP, raid and even occasional questing. It says all of these will have a new currency as a reward that you can save up and then convert certain gear prices to tier.

Not sure about LFR yet. They could honestly go either way on that depending on who’s screaming louder at any moment in time(the Gatekeepers or the Casuals).

I don’t have a dog in the fight though as long as I can M+ and maybe Pvp(depending if PvP is a crapshow again or not).

5mans you can queue for that won’t deny you entry I consider solo accessible.

I want them to be solo accessible.

The writing on that seems vague. They haven’t straight up said solo players get any of this new shiny stuff.

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It does seem vague. But it does seem pretty clear from the Cosmic Forge or whatever that you’ll be able to convert dungeon and “other” gear to Tier, so we do know there is at least some leeway too it.

Will just have to wait to see more details before damning or praising.

1st big complaint: It is such a shame that all these sets look exactly alike from one another, yet when you compare them to tier sets of old, WHICH is what this was meant to be a return-to-form, none of those sets looked like copy-pastes of one another. ESPECIALLY the mage and priest sets, these two look far too similar. Give a brand new player a look at any of these sets, and ask them which classes they belong to. Nobody would get a single one right. At least, with older tier sets, a brand new player might be able to guess over half of them right. TLDR: No class fantasy attached to ANY of these sets.

2nd big complaint: The new store transmog, probably developed by a different team, looks like it should have been the mythic mage set from the raid, yet it got scrapped in favor of this “same style for every class” concept. Thats what it looks like, probably not what it is, but imagine how that makes players feel. Not good having something you could’ve earned being ripped away!

3rd big complaint: You really. Really. REALLY. Did not need to implement MORE systems. It feels like the amount of time it takes to develop and balance a system, could instead have been allocated to developing engaging content.

I highly, highly, highly doubt any of these major complaints will be addressed. Its probably too late in the patch development cycle to make drastic changes. TLDR Class sets feel too monotonous, store mog feels like it replaces a class’s tier set appearance even if not the reality of the situation, and more systems = bad, more content = good.


it’s almost like they had an exodus recently and continuous shuffles between dev teams to try and make things better. but they only made it worse.

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This is the epitome of least possible effort. Wow.

Aside fron the models being some of the worst offenders of copy and paste ever, and the fact that the set bonuses are absolute garbage for multiple classes… there are way worse problems with this.

Do NOT allow raiding set bonuses to be obtainable through m+. M+ ease of gearing has already created a huge problem with raiders not being able to do the content they want because m+ spammers outgear them. Big problem that they are, instead of addressing, compounding.

If you can get higher ilevel tier sets by failing to time keys than you can by successfully clearing raids, why would you gear up through raids? Where is natural raid progression?