My god those armor sets are clownsuit ugly. Look like random leveling gear from legion or something.
The way I understand it is that this is a new runecrafting power that we will be able to unlock at the runecarver and craft to 2 or 3 pieces of gear. In addition to crafting it, there is going to be a belt pre-made that we can get (assumedly off the rep vendor) essentially skipping the craft. So you could either recraft your current belt legendary to make way for the “freebie” belt or craft the new runecrafting power into one of its other slots.
Something to keep in mind is making sure that you leave the tier set slots open, which assumedly the new runecarving power won’t overlap in its other potential slots since they are going into the game at the same time.
But cobra shot has no cooldown.
Am I misunderstanding something?
I’m confused now that I’ve read the replies. Kaivax where you at.
The Enhancement shaman bonuses (datamined) are underwhelming, but could be significantly improved by bringing back alpha wolf. We need AOE baby!
Well, at least they are consistent.
Cobra Shot
35 Focus 40 yd range
Instant cast
Requires Hunter (Beast Mastery)
Requires level 14
Requires Ranged Weapon
A quick shot causing [(84.8% of Attack power) * ((min(Level - 1, 19) * 12 + 112) / 340)] Physical damage.
Reduces the cooldown of Kill Command by 1 sec.
to my reading it improves the amount that cobra shot reduces the cooldown…
What are some of these tier sets? Some of them seem so completely out of place and make no sense.
For example, the holy paladin one is not worth it.
The rogue ones all look silly. The marksman hunter one is only good for aoe situations
Some of them, like the protection paladin and guardian druid look fine though.
I just seriously hope this isn’t their final stage and some of them change
Why is Mythic+ mandatory for every type of endgame player yet again? What if we don’t want to play Esports dungeons?
Once again Mythic+ offers the highest ilvl gear from the weekly vault for an activity that is considerably easier than the equivalent activity in other endgame. It is harder to get pvp ilvl gear at max ilvl, and it is harder to do a mythic raid than it is to do a paltry +15 dungeon…
This makes it so that everyone is very very much encouraged (basically forced) to do mythic+, including raiders and pvpers. Now Mythic+ is not only a source of tier gear, but the highest ilvl version of it…the heroic raid which is harder than any +15 dungeon will ever be, will drop gear that is significantly worse FOR RAIDERS than what braindead content like mythic+ will drop.
Shards of domination got memed on because a few big name youtubers spewed some buzzwords about “RNG systems” and the community was in a bad mood at the time, but at least what that system did was make raid gear actually remotely useful in raids.
One question.
If we’re all getting a belt for free that matches the Tier set, does this mean that there are no belt drops in SotFO. If this is the case (and there are no belt drops from the raid), will crafting the Legendary belt add its appearance to our Transmog Wardrobe? (Since currently Shadowlands crafted legendaries don’t add their appearances to the wardrobe.)
I can see this.
Maybe the wording could be a bit more clear?
I pray priests get some changes. I don’t even know what they were going for with the changes to us in the past 2 xpacs, but these sets likely won’t help spriest out at all. If all of our damage ends up coming from needing to be the meta covenant, it doesn’t seem great.
I’m tired of being necrolord. I don’t want to be kyrian. NF is okay but I don’t enjoy it, and Venthyr is pretty poopy. Covenants continuing to be relevant feels lame. When we had class halls, we all had one thing. Same with the legendary cloak. Corruptions were bad, imo, but they still gave you other ways to play, even though they were just as mandatory and on a terrible rotation. I just miss not feeling forced to play the one you know is going to win out even if you mess something up.
Having a higher chance for a free mind blast and slow moving shadow spoopies to hit a target (which one? blood link tag type of target?) doesn’t fix the clunky feeling of AoE or feeling forced into being a turret. Plus, playing out in the world and soloing old content is such a drag that I’d rather do it on my poorly geared mage.
These bonuses all seem amazing in m+, but mediocre/worthless anywhere else.
Looks bloody good blizz. So proud. These are all good changes.
Keep it up, keep the streak going. Community is backing you
Huh? Have you not seen any other tier set bonus before?
I have. Have you?
Then you’d know some classes 4 set bonus is more important than their 2 piece, and vice versa. If you go read all of the set bonuses you’ll see a pattern of one of the bonuses being for cleave/AoE and one being primarily single target.
This was also how legion tier sets were designed, and WoD, and MoP.
What’s your argument? You don’t like them? They’re all very good.
Max loves most of them, and even preach said they’re good and he doesn’t even play WoW anymore.
Or padding that being squished out .
You’re correct, and I didn’t say anything stating otherwise.
I don’t really have an argument. I’m not here to argue anything. I do stand by my statement though.
I have no clue on who Max is. And I only know Preach based off of a few threads on these forums.
Mhm. Kyrian’s Priest legendary is pretty craptastic for Shadow, hell Boon of the Ascended itself is craptastic for Shadow since its horribly clunky to use. All this “1 cov lego+1 normal lego” does is pushes all PvE Shadow Priests to be Necrolord due to how strong Pallid Bones is, and how stupid easy it is to use Unholy Transfusion or whatever. Woo push a instant cast ability once every 45 seconds. Profit with a 20 second mage pewpewp’ing.
Arguably, for some specs, the 1 cov lego+1 normal lego is great, since they already use the Cov lego(Night Fae BM/MM, Venthyr Boomie, etc.) But like you said, for a lot…either the Covenant ability is trash or the Covenant legendary is trash, if not both.
It’s the last major patch of the expansion, we are “wrapping” the story up. Let us have fun with 2 of any legendary like we could in Legion. Who cares if I want to run around with Collective Anguish and Darkglare on this girl. Let us have fun. Blizzard has already blatantly proven they can’t balance the Covenant abilities, so its clear that this won’t be balanced either. So just…let us have fun making wacky combos if we want to.