Gearing Hpal for H/Mythic prog Guild

I started playing as Resto Shaman and have them somewhat geared but fell back in love with hpal which was gonna be my alt but decided to gear up as main. add on discord for more info. discord - dewki

Hey Drowzi, I added you on discord, if our times work for you we should chat!

Hey! We are looking for a H Paladin for our AOTC prog guild. I will warn you we arent interested in Mythic raiding though. If you are still interested though check out the post!

Hi! Dairy Daddies is recruiting an HPal for ATOC into CE raiding. We expect to be AOTC within a week or two and are 8/8N and 3/8H atm. Raid times are 830-1130 EST on Tu/Th. We run dungeons daily and are going to be slamming keys next week. I’ve added you on discord (LilFishyMan) so hmu if the times work and you want to chat!

This is a warning to all guilds posting or interested in DEWKI here the above player. He was catered to in our guild, created drama and on the first raid day of the expansion he ninja quit the guild and then was whispering our other members to have them mass leave as well , please for the health of your guild avoid this guy