Gear upgrade cost - middle-ground request

All I’m saying is from a rational perspective there’s already only a small % of the player base that is actually pushing the item upgrades on their first character to a point that they would benefit from making it account-wide. There would be an enormous outcry by everyone who has been asking for upgrades to be discounted who haven’t upgraded anything yet - when there is already a perception that a large % of players with high upgrade levels did so via the exploits and only got cape progress removed.

If they are going to touch this at all - they have to do it either through increased bronze acquisition or reducing the cost to upgrade in general. The later they already shot down.

The only viable way to do this that wont create massively negative PR is bronze increase, making the discount account wide for having upgraded will shaft a large portion of the player base or at least be perceived to do so.

IDK Why the highest level content give the best bronze rewards, by the time you are allowed to do that content your gear should already be high level and you dont really need a lot of bronze anymore.
IMO, making Normal/LFR/LFD content drop a lot more bronze would be nice to help get gear up to the level you need to do those heroic /mythic tiers

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I realize that you said perception of rather than fact but yea the majority of players who are maxed out are no longer because of farms, just active players. It isn’t hard by this day to be maxed.
Making the upgrades account wide would benefit a lot more than just the players who have it maxed out already. It would encourage more players who have been resisting upgrading, due to saving for cosmetics, to then invest in upgrades because they value would be much higher. That investment would make all of their characters stronger, allowing them to farm bronze more easily on more characters each day doing the daily queues or even raids if they do have some time. It will also just make playing those characters more entertaining.

I’ll go back to what I pointed out before. From blizzard’s perspective they said “NO” to discounting upgrade costs. Applying an account-wide discount will only benefit the subset of players who are willing and interested in playing multiple characters. To me this means it would benefit fewer people than the thing they already said no to. I realize the two aren’t the same but, I get the distinct impression Blizzard didn’t actually expect players to chase max power on one let alone multiple characters in remix (that’s my opinion based on the impression I get I have no facts for the basis).

yea we are talking pure opinions at this point but my opinion was that they did intend for people to max out gear since that is how you get Overpowered, which was a big selling point of the event. Without a doubt, discount on all gear upgrades would benefit more people, but was just talking about alternatives that they haven’t technically ruled out in my opinion of how the english/semantics work.

That’s highly debatable. I see it brought up constantly and in terms of the information and branding the over powered part of the sell was a bullet point in a wall of bullet points at best. It’s not even it’s own marketing section in the announcement materials. Again opinion and unless they say what the intent was we can’t know who is right I just know based on all the materials I’ve seen. People seemed to latch on to the part they liked and didn’t take in everything as a collective whole.

they mention it multiple times, even video thumbnail says overpowered. descriptions talk about powering up and going as far as you can. Regardless of what was in news post though, marketing is more than that. The PTR is a huge form of marketing. Yes it technically is posted for bug fixing, but if not under NDA, then it is also for the sake of marketing. That event allowed you to get even more overpowered and so that was what people were saying about the event. Also, regardless of that, just look at how the mode was designed. We wouldn’t be able to gear up and do millions of dps if that wasn’t what was intended, aside from bugs. So yes, being overpowered is what they intended.

I’m curious who this concept would hurt.

The folks that are maxed out right now probably wouldn’t really benefit from gearing alts easier in terms of bronze acquisition. They likely already have everything they want, and the gear they have won’t matter at the end of the event. So having someone with a maxed-out character that can raise the ilvl of their other characters a little easier won’t change how we see them play already. It won’t impact you or I.

But folks like me, who may be in the minority, who are still gearing their characters and can’t play at the rate those folks are, we’d benefit quite a bit from being able to catch our alts up to play a bit more in the open world.

I agree that the idea of keeping bronze costs so high for gear in general is a bad move. I think having to upgrade gear at all sucks. I wish we didn’t even have actual gear and everything was based on the cloak, but that’s not how it is, and they refuse to budge on this gear thing.

So my only hope is that they do something, anything, to not make me feel like I have to get carried through LFR and LFD for a week or two before I can actually feel impactful and enjoy playing my level 70 characters solo.

I’d love a harder leveling experience on the main game, but this is a limited time event and it was advertised as a zany over-powered experience, and it takes so much effort at 70 to get there. The fresh 70 experience is not fun, it’s tedious and repetitive.

Assuming I agreed with everything else you said, and I don’t necessarily, but let’s say I do.

As soon as you found out the event was 3 months long. The expectation should of became to reach that threshold over 3 months. Not 16 different characters over 3 months.

We’re playing a whole expansion of content over 3 months. The rate of reaching that state of OP that people have is a little far fetched and outside of rational logic given the scope of the event.

Every nerf and update has reinforced the logic that they didn’t intend for people to go into remix and be done in a couple weeks wither that is your first character to max or your leveling five characters to try to get all the rewards. The intent was to have you engaged for the full length to get all the rewards.

It isn’t really. You’re meant to invest in your gear, so you can earn Bronze faster, since harder raids generally provide larger incomes.

Really no reason to, I level alts so that when remix ends they get copied to live and I have them for TWW. The bronze I get from leveling them is used to buy goodies. I only have one geared remix toon.

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Your not understanding what I’m saying. I mean the expectation to do it quickly. Like that your expecting its achievable short of an ALL IN investment in remix by now since launch. That expectation is far fetched. Not the achievable limit. The time it takes to reach that limit.

I’m not anywhere near the limit. My main is currently ilvl415 and I can stand in the most dangerous fire I have found so far.

I’ve seen people suggest that it takes about 9 days of all in investment to get to max though.

That’s certainly achievable. I’ve just been lazy.

It’s a limited time event during the summer in season 4. They aren’t designing around players with no life going all in for 9 days straight. Their likely designing for people playing 1-2 hours a day tops over a much longer time span. The math, if you don’t do normal raids or higher. It’s roughly 2.5 hours a day for 3 months to get to max item level and all rewards. I’ve heard running the actual raids makes it much faster but the % of players who do that in retail is a small part of the population, I can only imagine what % here does that in remix.

Clearly it’s not huge since you have 1 or 2 people in an LFR raid (different lockout timer) blowing everyone else out of the water. 1 or 2 people in a heroic dungeon in the same boat. So somewhere between 1 in 20 and 1 in 5…lets just call it 20%.

I feel exactly the same. I’d love for my alts to be able to actually contribute in raids, but there’s absolutely no way it’s worth spending up to half a million bronze on EACH ALT, when (for me at least) the point of alts is to collect bronze to buy cosmetics…and of course farm raids for weapon appearances, since we can’t buy those for some reason.

You shouldn’t be doing LFR unless you’re locked out of heroics. Normals are for leveling. LFR is pointless.

Maybe but that isn’t the point. The point is when you get in groups. The number of players pumping at the top before a huge cliff in damage meters. It’s 1 or 2 players and then everyone else. Not like retail where there’s a small difference between yoru damage…like a cliff like doing 10% of the next guy.

So clearly only 1 in 5 or maybe 1 in 3 players playing right now is making that leap in logic and commitment. It’s a minority.

Yes. You have to temporarily forget how retail works. You aren’t playing retail.

8 or 9 bodies in a raid are the cheerleaders.

Eventually, you’ll be the one being cheered at, if you stick with it.

Your ignoring logic. People are playing for the rewards. For some people the power is the reward for others it’s not even a appetizer - its irrelevant, their playing for the rewards. Their going to take the low hanging fruit that doesn’t require dealing with the people who believe power is the reward. Retail, Event. Doesn’t mater its a thought process. No amount of gas lighting or negotiating or demanding or explaining will change those people’s mind.

Their not suddenly going to go from “I refuse to spend bronze on upgrading gear when I have to buy rewards with it.” to “Okay I’ll buy the upgrades and hope I can afford my rewards later.” It just won’t happen.

The current data we have shows it’s not happening. There are some who are investing in power but its not the widely adopted way to play.

You go from that… and knowing these people are already complaining the currency isnt split and that it costs too much to upgrade the first character at 70. To wanting account wide discounts that will only be given to people who already leveled and upgraded a 70. The majority of players the 4 out 5 or the 18 out of 20 are going to grab pitch forks.

I’m in the upgrade for power camp at this point btw. I’m just being rational in what my expectations are.

They should be investing in their gear, so as to earn better income for their rewards. They would get more Bronze after upgrading their gear, because they can do harder content which rewards more Bronze.

Can we force them to? No. Should we? No.

I think we should be trying to convince them to. It is more rational than any other path to the rewards.