Gear upgrade cost - middle-ground request

Okay, but this isn’t an end-game progression event, end game is there because it makes some rewards obtainable, and you also get more bronze. This event was meant to level alts, not gear them. As for feeling powerful, so you don’t feel powerful? That is a scaling issue, at times you have to upgrade gear to be on par, for me alt wise 10 - 58ish were powerful, then scaling kicked in, not so powerful anymore.

Again, not an endgame game mode, I’d be with you if it was, but this isn’t it, play main with gear do highest content. Level alts in preparation for TWW Warbands, this event was never intended for alts to also be super geared, especially when it is limited, it was meant for other things. Retail is different because it’s not temporary, like this game mode.

Then why are there end-game activities and why are they balanced around upgrading your gear?

Just because there are end-game activities, doesn’t make it an endgame game mode, this here is for achievements, rewards, replaying the content, leveling alts ‘leveling’ in preparation for TWW. It’s balanced because they didn’t want you to start doing the hardest stuff right away. There are reasons and reasons why Gear upgrade costs are not going to be lowered. It should be the case right now, maybe in the last month, but not now.

Let’s agree to disagree.

Finally, I personally doubt your gains and their speed.
And I get faster queues and gains with a beefed up low level than a worthless ilvl 346 70.

I’d rather have the daily queues give at least 3 times more bronze, but it is what it is.

Either way, enjoy the event!

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So I’m not supposed to get all of the achievements that aren’t possible to do while leveling? I’m supposed to just level alts and abandon them?

Hmm… i don’t think you’re correct.

I’ll stand by my request. I’d like to continue playing another character at level 70 without struggling every step of the way. But as it stands it feels like I’m stuck with this guy and punished for not leveling something I might enjoy at 70 a little more.

Missing the point of alts here, it isn’t to gear them in an event that has temporary power that will only last for the limited event, it is there to get them prepared for TWW warbands feature. You want to play an alt at the same level as main, put in the bronze. The gear is temporary, will be gone come end of the event.

Daily queues do give more than 3x bronze than what you are probably getting because you are queueing as a lowbie vs a level 70. Daily Dungeons, Scenarios, and Quests from the Bazaar give 1250 Bronze each at level 70. 7*1250 = 8750 + whatever bronze you acquire from the dungeons, LFR, and scenario plus scrapping the gear is easily 10k+ Bronze a day per character.

What level you are won’t change your queue time. Level 70’s can group with level 10’s. All toons are in the same pool. You just gain more bronze for doing the dailies at a higher level. Anything below 70 doesn’t get the 1250 Bronze per. 50’s only get 750 per. level 10’s get like 250 Bronze I think it was. Think it is around either 30 or 40 it moves to 500 per.

As far as leveling my level 50 well was level 50 has a +300% XP cloak. Heroic Dungeon bosses give massive bonus xp. It gains a level per boss. On my alts atm I just do the dailies and then log off them. So a lot of Cloak XP on those level 25+.

But gear is still quite necessary to collect many of the things, unless you’re provided a carry or wish to struggle immensely.

Just because that is what you you want to do with alts, doesn’t make it the only thing that should be done with alts in the event. Maybe I am giving too much credit to Blizzard but I find it hard that their intent is for the event to be full of extremely weak alts just trying to get carried by those of us who actually upgraded armor. I mean that is what they created so I guess I am giving them too much credit, but hopefully they will fix that decision. If it was a permanent event, then having to invest that much bronze for an alt wouldn’t be quite as bad, but it isn’t. There is no logical reason why that should decide that you can’t enjoy trying other classes/specs in an overpowered way, which is what they currently have implemented.

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Also there’s this vibe. I feel like I made a mistake with making this character my gear focus, and that’s definitely souring the event a little. Would love to feel like I have options without completely gimping my bronze acquisition.

Yes, it’s fastest to just level alts for more bronze, but leveling alts has been my end of expansion game for the last 18 or so years. I’d much rather play some of them at max level and acquire bronze that way, but in order to do so I have to spend a significant portion of this event dumping all of their bronze into them first.

It doesn’t feel great, especially when you don’t have the ability to just live in this game mode like some folks. It’s very casual unfriendly.

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Blizzard could easily slash upgrade cost and refund everyone over 460 ilvl a cool 100k bronze to call it even.

This doesn’t help the 98% of the population that hasn’t upgraded one character beyond the first level 70 level of upgrades. If they aren’t going to reduce the upgrade cost they certainly shouldnt let OP players have more OP players for cheap.

That said.

I do believe that the bronze rewards across the board can be increased and where by effectively upgrades are cheaper. They ruled out making the upgrades cheaper they didn’t rule out more enhancements to rewards.

I don’t like the costs to begin with. I absolutely hate that I have to spend an entire day’s worth of bronze (3 instance dailies then whatever else I can do) to upgrade a few pieces of gear. It’s a stupid treadmill and I absolutely hate it.

But it’s necessary to have that character that can eventually carry my wife and friends later on in the expac. It feels necessary to enjoy the rest of the open world at 70. It sucks, but it’s necessary. I wish this short-lived event just let me start powerful and stay powerful without this investment treadmill, but they said they refuse to make it better, even though it seems like nearly everyone wants it better. Classic Blizzard, right?

So my only hope is that they’ll at least make alts a little less tedious to play at 70. It’s not the ideal solution to these problems that the devs of this mode created and refuse to budge on, but it’s one I’d make peace with better.

I would love for upgrade discount to be account wide.

A transference of cloak power would be nice too.

As it is, I literally don’t treat my alts as anything more than a bronze resource. I can’t play them because they’re too far behind in ilvl, not to mention cloak threads.

It’s 38500 to do one full round of ilvl upgrades, and I have a few to go yet on my “main”. I am not going to do it all again on an alt, so mog farmers they become.

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So I have been posting for several days about changes to alts like upgrade discount being account wide out of fear for how it would feel later once main was maxed and it was time for alts. Well today I maxed the main and started my alt, and let me just say, it feels even worse than I had feared. To go from killing bosses in seconds to this slog, I don’t know how long I will last. Blizzard I plead with you once more, please make this change so that the enjoyment of the event doesn’t end on this day.

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I’ve decided to upgrade gear on this toon, and maybe my prot pally, but other alts I’ll just get all the stuff I want from mounts and tmogs with earned bronze. Definitely can’t see myself trying to upgrade every alt without some discount.

I’ll likely upgrade my DH’s gear as well, but it feels bad.

I understand the cost but it wont happen. If they aren’t going to discount the upgrades they certainley aren’t going to let you upgrade a full round of item levels on an alt with the free 40k bronze you get for hitting 70. By this I mean on each subsequent alt.

Why not, what is so harmful about that? The player already spent the time grinding to power on one character and getting all the bronze needed to get everything is not difficult with or without any changes, for people who have some time to spend in the game. So why not increase the fun of the event while also making it more accessible to people who don’t have as much time.

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I haven’t even applied to any raiding groups. I just don’t think I will be accepted. I haven’t farmed extra threads or upgraded my gear. Have to spend what bronze I get on the cosmetics. I am not even trying to obtain them all.