Gear upgrade cost - middle-ground request

Again you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. When your leading an entire herd of horses, the concern isn’t the horse that drinks, it’s the 19 that don’t.

This event is meant to be enjoyed by the masses. At a certain point you have to look at the data and decide what is more important: have a successful event that everyone enjoys? Have one more mode of the game that in order to earn the best and most rewards you have to invest a massive amount of time.

Most people even the people who have max ilvl characters now have expressed that the time sink part of this even - it’s too high. Most players seem to have expected to be in, out and had max rewards within a month with casual gameplay. The hardcore expected a week maybe two.

Reality is it’s greater than that, much greater.

I understand why - this event is our S4 content to keep busy for 3 months. But folks didn’t think of it that way when they were thinking about this event before it was released.

They either saw:

  • Unlimited Overpowered Potential

  • I can earn an expansions worth of transmog and level alts really fast.

Very few people saw the bigger picture and realized:

  • I have to chase the unlimited power potential to increase my reward currency rates to reach my transmog goals.

That is a marketing issue on Blizzards part of not managing expectations.

So, should everyone throw in the towel and move on?

Dont be shocked when people start turning you down for groups later on. Refusing to upgrade gear, but expecting to do content where your gear needs to be upgraded…

People already screen for Ilvl, and if the wow community repeats history, as time progresses people get more and more picky.

No that isn’t my intent at all.

However, everyone casual, hardcore, and everyone else has to actually re-assess their expectations from this event.

The reality is we have a large enough data set now with our play experience and what Blizzard has said, what they have adjusted, and at what frequency they have made those adjustments that we can all draw more realistic expectations of what Blizzard is intending with the event.

  • Asking for account-wide discounts is not aligned with that dataset even in the slightest which is what this thread was about.

I’ve explained why it isn’t. The larger body of players wouldn’t even benefit from this change right now, only a small fraction of the player-base. They already shot down a nearly identical idea of discounting upgrades in general which a large part of those who already paid for upgrades were in support of.

So logically there is very little probability that blizzard would even consider for a second an account-wide discount.

Yes, I agree these threads were dead before they even hit the forum. People really love complaining though.

I do suspect (as I’m sure others do too) that Blizzard will apply further boosts to Bronze later in the event, in order to entice players back after a lull.

So while upgrade costs won’t decrease, the burden on late adopters might be somewhat lessened. Though they will still miss out on being able to buy some cosmetics, simply because they are so far behind. The Heirlooms appear to be the things people will miss out on the most, if they don’t start playing sooner rather than later.

My expectation from this event was be overpowered and collect cool cosmetics. My expectation from this event was that it was meant for everyone to achieve that within reason.

There’s no reason we can’t start level 70 at an overpowered state. There’s no reason this event needs a complex progression system. We start incredibly strong from the get-go once you play through this thing once. Imagine how the event would feel if the cloak didn’t provide some sort of account-wide buff.

But it is an account-wide buff. They obviously want us to feel powerful, so why is it exclusively from levels 10-50ish? I want to play alts when I level them, not park them and immediately level another one. The current state of the game makes that an incredibly bad-feeling bottleneck.

The options are 1. get lucky enough to get carried for a bit or 2. do a limited replay loop until you are able to enjoy the experience by yourself. Unless, of course, you enjoy struggling to do anything. Personally, I’m a fan of WoW, not Dark Souls.

I should amend that I’m not here doing raids higher than LFR, I don’t have that kind of time for one activity right now. I’m simply doing world content or matchmade content. The matchmade content is fine, it’s quick and often my power doesn’t matter unless it’s a scenario. But doing anything else at 70 for, like, the first week after hitting 70 does not feel good to play.

The event makes heirlooms pointless mostly. I mean they nerfed the crap out of heirlooms already so that the only benefit is rest XP lasts longer instead of giving you an XP bonus. The way you can level in this mode without heirlooms is comparable to full heirlooms minus any hokey borderline exploit power leveling methods in retail.

So why people are chasing the heirlooms I will never understand.

I’m still kind of pissed off they nerfed the crap out of heirlooms only to make us re-earn that benefit in an event.

Heh, I spent a couple million gold getting 10 toons power leveled in S3. Silly me. So far I’ve leveled a few duplicates for the other faction, especially having a mage on both factions for portals.

I know there are a few people at character cap. But I’m sure there are lots of people with only one or two toons out there.

I already have most of the Heirlooms though, MoP was when I started playing.

I had to delete characters to create time walking characters. I just didn’t want to pay to server transfer them.

I had a heap of low level toons. I hate questing though so they never got anywhere, when I had one of each class I deleted the extras.

The nerfs to heirlooms though really should of never happened. I can only speak for myself but I busted by butt to buy those things back in BC and WotlK, then busted my but to afford the upgrades. Came back after our recent break to find out they no longer give bonus XP. I almost unsubbed on the spot and almost didn’t come back to WoW.

Yeah, the reduced expenditure of rested XP is rubbish. You blow through it well before a session ends.

If your leveling multiple characters and your smart with rest xp its “okay” its not great but it’s “okay” but when I level on retail. I rarely have rest EXP. I’m doing multi hour leveling sessions on the daily.

IDK- Im at mostly 402 and encroaching on 416 gear and personally I dont think i have enough stamina ATM to shrug off a Devastate. my Gaurdian druid buddy said it hits for over 1million on him

I have just over 2m health atm. I also use the Tinkers which provide shields as well. It’s a bit scary at times, but it’s not instant death sort of territory.

The only character I do groups on is this one and it is close enough to max ilvl. The alts are just there to be leveled and do dailies. Pretty sure you probably replied to the wrong person considering I bought my upgrades.

I don’t disagree that they think forcing high activity for the full duration of the event as being something good. I would be ok with reduced bronze gains if they made power account wide via gear discounts and/or account wide cloak stats. I have no problem spending time in the event through the duration, I just want the playtime to be more enjoyable throughout Rather than painful when playing ALTS and only fun in geared character.

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