I clicked the Gear Update options and then the game froze on the login screen. I had to control alt delete the game. When I came back, no gear update was done on that character and the option to do it was taken away.
How do I get the Gear Update back?
Not sure why it froze. You should get it back after 60 days of inactivity.
I don’t believe there is a way, Dalador. Other than time.
You might want to do a proper reset UI.
I’ve been using the Update Gear feature on the character selection screen. All of my characters that I upgraded were unable to login after the update. The login looked as if it was going to work (bar going across the screen, etc.) but they could not be logged in. I killed the World of Warcraft App and was able to login again. When I logged in the characters were located at either the alliance or the horde starting area of the Dragon Isles. I’ve tried this with and without addons and experienced the same issue. SO… now that I’ve upgraded a couple more, I put the app into windowed mode to make it easier to close and log back in. Everything else about the gear upgrade seems to work great. I like this feature even if it is a little buggy.
By this do you mean leave the character sit for 60 days or the entire account has to sit with no log in activity for 60 days?
Just the character.