Gear templates were the best thing, apparently

Id like to see a stat allocation system like in Lost Ark PvP.

Grinding gear is fun for me in pve or Path of Exile. PvP i wanna mess around with builds on an even playing field. Conquest grinding is not it IMO.

**For arena! Bgs and world PvP gear imbalance is cool.

We could go back and forth forever on this forever (as has been done many times on these forums already) but we all know 99% don’t do this and the ones that do are just griefing themselves. Everyone plays what is most optimal whether they like it or not to reach an end results of their spec being as good as it can be. With templates (even if you disagreed with the exact stats) the same thing was achieved. With that said I don’t feel like rehashing all of this further for the umpteenth time so I will bow out of further discussion and leave the last word for someone else.

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Blizzard already ruined that with secondary stats being affected by diminishing returns on values after a certain % anyways.

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It’d be kind of cool if they made crit give extra value in pvp. Like, crits are still smaller but 1% worth of crit gave 1.5% to offset this so you crit more and the stat wasn’t truly terrible.

At least we don’t hit that point for a while. :dracthyr_yay_animated: Also hiiiii.

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I wouldn’t say Legion was the best PvP, but as far as gearing characters goes, it was hands down my favorite. I absolutely loved being able to hit level cap, and immediately queue arenas. You had your weapons that needed to be leveled up to unlock stuff which did make minor differences and I was okay with that. Even though I was always behind on my weapon, it never held me back.

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Hi kennie :3

I think that is something they should try and work with, but even with the current state of the game I feel like blizz is very overwhelmed when it comes to class\spec balance. they should try and simplify things.

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Legion has the two lowest % glad mounts in the game I believe but no one wants a balanced game where tuning isn’t really needed.

All specs and classes felt balanced in legion. Maybe someday we get the return of templates & make wow PvP great again!

This is just hilariously flat out false. The game has never been balanced and never will be.

There is a reason templates were tried and then gotten rid of. There’s no reason at all to return to them. And there are many games that already offer that same thing, someone already mentioned lost ark, go give that a shot. (It’s completely beyond dead) Have fun.

Blizzard balanced PvP frequently in Legion and in the later seasons they were just making very minute adjustments because specs were pretty balanced.

IMO, Blizzard should have iterated on templates and allowed players to adjust their secondary stats a bit more. And if most people are adjusting their stats the same way, maybe that should become the new default template values.

In Legion, you could tell Blizzard cared about PvP and they were staying on top of PvP balance.

Thank god they aren’t listening to the players anymore then, that’s all I can say about that.

Immediately no.

Templates were a terrible thing and never need to return.

And GW and FF are the last things to model after healthy pvp


The barrier for entry is the easiest this game has ever been, go do WQ in warmode and get a currency that is for gear only 3 ilvls under max level gear.

Go sit afk in a popular zone and collect crates giving conquest away.

I literally leveled to 80 and was current gear level within hours.

They’re terrible examples, especially FF as they’re not particularly known for their pvp

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Ill take current system over template anyday.
Gearing has never been faster or easier.

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Same. templates were the dark age of pvp, and thank god that experiment is dead. People like gearing their pvp toons. end of story

Imo this is either the best or second best system that we’ve ever had. late MoP would be the other ideal setup to me.

It was only great for if you wanted to endlessly do instance pvp and god forbid you wanted to go doing anything in world or pve and not at least have pvp gear to make it easier for you.

Now you just have to have rating and upgrading gear is easy

It was good if you wanted to queue a fresh toon in leveling greens. sometimes the scaling was even broken and they were too powerful.

I think it also depends on which part of the template era you look at. Come BFA, it was atrocious. You basically had to wear almost all PVE gear and had chase pieces all throughout the raids, with ilvl mattering, and M+s. Idk how we ended up with that lol…

Let’s not forget the melee using tank trinkets, or the obscene dmg trinkets

Yeah i forgot about that. was there a point in awc where basically everybody was running that trinket? trying to remember what it did, but i want to say it was a big absorb shield on low hp or something

So there was the battle of drez that gave a massive shield, flat shield.

And then there was the spore trinket from m+ that procced a massive amount of healing

There was another trinket that also did healing but I can’t remember where from.

Found an old skill capped video from 8.3 lol. Thats the main season that i really played, so these are the ones i remember for sure. Obsidian claw, drestagath, remote guidance device (that stupid gear that flies at you), and voodoo totem.

So the game had a sort of low barrier to entry with the ‘template’ but then the barrier to actually be competitive was completely absurd with all of these chase items.