Gear Store Delivery Prices


As a Canadian gamer, I’ve already bought some items on the gear store in the past. I wanted to buy some new stuff yesterday but found that, now, delivery prices to my home are 55$ (item, a mat, is 35$). There’s no options but this international price where there should be more. What happens ? We canadians can’t buy anymore or what ?


I can sympathise; unfortunately what you’re looking at are FedEx prices.


Also, please note that while it is the official physical merch store for Blizzard - the policies and all of the handling of that particular site are completely separate from this one. Any questions you have would need to be directed through their support.


From European side, from EU Gear store and to an EU country the shipping fees are 100€. I’m not kidding there’s whole threads protesting this.

Nobody’s entirely sure what’s happening thats causing the hike in transport fees.

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