Gear Power Gap Isn't Item Level (what really matters)

With the popularity of the ILevel Gear Disparity thread there seems to be a lot of confusion on what is actually “Geared” means. With patch 8.3 damage and healing are based around corruption and essences. Which means you need Rank 15 Cloak and to keep stacking resistance each week to be viable.

Furthermore a stat optimized 450 Item level character with T3 corruption is WAAAAAY more geared than a 470 without. If the 470 got bad corruption rolls, is behind on cloak etc… he is way less geared than the 450 optimized toon and will do less damage and be less effective.

Not to mention there is still some form of that negative word “SCALING” in PvP. Which creates more problems and has no place in an RPG game just like templates.

Example - a 450 character with Rank 3 essences and good corruption damage will scale up to fight the 470. While the higher level character that doesn’t have corruption, the right stats, essences damage will scale down. Meaning the 450 is basically a Twink at 120. He is getting the benefit of scaling + having corruption damage sources. Essences performing better etc…etc…

So how do we Twink at 120? The key is getting your corruption resistance as high as possible to wear stacked T3 and T2 items. Getting your Heart level higher to improve your stats and essences. Sockets and hard hitting trinkets, BiS traits.

I have 440 T3 tentacle gloves on and they are way better than my 470 socketed gloves. (sounds wrong but it’s true) Since we need corruption. These gloves add 10-15% dmg alone. Not to mention when I stack them with another T2 tentacle piece. If i took them off for the 470 piece not only would I lose that damage. But…we have that nasty scaling we have to unfortunately deal with in PvP.

So when you look at another player look at the key items. Heart/essences and corruption, Rank 15 cloak with trinkets/sockets.

Hey if you get an awesome 470 item with great corruption and socket wear it. However it’s better to just wear a 440 item with better stats and corruption if not.

As I get more gear I plan on Twinking at 120 to maximize abusing this awful scaling mechanic until they remove it completely. It’s impossible for scaling to work with so many different types of gear sources. So just gonna max out Cloak, Heart, Azerite, Corruption, Stats and keep my item level lower. The higher levels will scale down while I am wearing the gear that matters scaling my damage up to melt them.

Don’t neglect wearing Blue items with sockets and corruption as these can still be vastly more powerful in a build then Epic quality gear.

What a game we play huh… Good luck out there.

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So you’re telling me that PvE items and RNG are the major issues with PvP? Get out of here with that nonsense.

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Well RNG gearing will always feel bad in any game. There are some bigger problems when you add in scaling. Since there are so many sources damage/healing.

A 450 player that has stacked versa and pops a 470 trinket will hit way harder than a 470 player with a 470 trinket. The 470 players trinket by the law of scaling must have his trinket damage scaled down (since he is attacking a lower item level character) and it does less base dmg since less versa.

The 450 players trinket by law of scaling must have his damage scaled up (attacking a higher level character) and stacked versa so it does even more. ( same item, but the advantage goes to the 450 player who will do more burst with it ) Just a different twist for us Twinks out there.

Just one example but you get the hint. Then add in the fact we have essences, corruptions etc…So I am gonna play around with Twinking at 120 to take advantage of this poorly implemented system and hope they can just abandon things like scaling and RNG gearing.

TLDR - In practice we don’t want to worry about raising item level we just want to raise our Dps and Healing while keeping the item level the same. Adding in more damage sources and stacking stats to increase those. Twinking is back?? Maybe. :thinking:

What’s the line at which ilvl trumps the type of corruption and rank?

For eg. Gushing wounds is coveted and has only one rank. How many ilvls can you drop before the corruption becomes worse than the loss of raw stats?

Also, a rank 3 tentacle will be superior to a rank 3 twilight dev (esp on a class like rogue with fast attack speed as it seems to proc more).

If you can make an excel sheet with how interaction between corruption rank, corruption type and ilvl stats work that would be helpful.

Item level is still a large part of the gear gap. I was squishing people with significantly lower item level than me before corruptions. Corruptions just make it worse. However, I do agree that a lower item level person with strong corruptions can overcome the gap if the person they are fighting has bad corruptions.

Such a stupid system.

Yea higher item level typically gives better Secondary stats although that is now changing. Also how much though was also trinkets, Azerite traits?

Now it is possible to have better stats on lower item levels with corruption stat amps. A Blue socketed 12% versa amp ring for instance. It would be a huge stat boost overall but a lower item level. You have higher damage at a lower level then fighting a higher player that gets increased.

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Very informative , thank you and a breathe of fresh air by adding value

. Max level twinking is super fun as corruption resistance increases so does the versa stat stacking meta (for Healers)

Then add sockets , that can be bought. End if season is looking like the wild west of stat munipulation

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