Ya sure didn’t. Not a boomer. I just don’t waste my words with personal insults. but great communication skills!
It’s 216 at 1600. You understand mythic raid gear is 226 ilvl. We’re talking about ten ilvls between challenger and elite rating.
It’s really not gonna be that big a deal.
If a player has 2 average ilvl than you, sure, he has an advtange, but outplaying someone will win over that advantage.
You spent virtually the entirety of your post explaining that class balance is important because it’s class against class not class against computer.
I’m not sure why, as that’s incredibly obvious.
Class balance isn’t related to gear progression. Class balance is class balance. Gear progression is gear progression.
You understand between 1600 and 2400, there is a 10 ilvl disparity.
I would have no problem with there not being a difference between a 1600 player’s ilvl vs a 2400’s. That said, I also understand why a system would be implemented that gives pvp players the same ilvl progression that raiders get to enjoy.
The ilvl differential will be extremely minor.
Personally, I see it as yet another reason to work hard to climb the rating.
Sure, it’s not perfectly balanced if a hard stuck 1800 player is preventing a better player who’s at 1750 from getting to the next tier of gear. But eventually, that 1750 player will get there. It’s a nominal handicap that the 1750 player has to overcome. If you’re a legitimately better player than your opponent, I promise you an average ilvl difference of 2 is not going to make or break the game
The class balance is the baseline while the gear is included after… I don’t understand how that changes anything. The important point was the balance of PVP, ALL aspects of it, not just the classes but GEAR too. I feel like you didn’t read / accept the car analogy either where the 500hp upgrade is the gear built up on the class / player already.
People focus on the ilvl too much, the real problem are always going to be the fact PVP trinkets are basic as hell while PVE trinkets all have game changingly powerful effects.
Well as you have said yourself in another post, PVE difficulty is the same (arguably easier as everyone learns the fights) while PVP gets harder because everyone is gearing up.
That’s from the weekly box. Which if you only PvP, you get 3 choices to pick from. Might not get an upgrade there. So that disparity could potentially grow to be quite large and quite bad.
With this I absolutely agree.
People focusing on a 10 ilvl differential between challenger and 2400 and ignoring how unimportant the 20% increased damage from versatility “set bonus” really is.
To be clear, my comment was simply to state that 2400 = mythic ilvl loot at 226. I’m not talking about whether it’s beneficial to participate in both pve and pvp, as that’s not really the point of this discussion
Sorry to keep targeting your quotes but just to give a better understanding. Yes this will be an issue unfortunately but why players may be wasting to much time on “x” ilvl differential is because we think x should always equal 0 and will die on that hill defending it!
I think the biggest concern here is that PvPers are just going to have to gear through PvE again at any mildly competitive rating. If 226 is gated behind 2400+, mythic+15 and mythic raids, then a much much much larger percentage of players are going to be able to access that gear through mythic+15 and mythic raids. I’ve cleared 2400 mmr teams, but never brought my cr above that. However, I’ve never found it a struggle to to do high level mythic dungeons or get invited to clear some mythic raid bosses.
Simply put, 2400+ in PvP is a harder achievement than Mythic+15. I guarantee you that you would be unable to find a 2400+ PvPer who cannot clear a Mythic+15 with ease. Partially, because we’re used to being forced to do them every week to stay competitive in our gamemode.
There are going to be innumerable PvPers this expansion, again, who are sitting slightly above 2k who will spend a majority of their time PvEing because it gets them objectively superior gear to what they earn from PvP. Because it’s easier for them to go clear some Mythic+15 keystones than to keep pushing rating every week.
And you can say that a 10 ilvl differential is small, but that isn’t going to stop people from spending half of their week trying to minimize that gap through PvE content to get a larger edge in PvP. And the notion that to clear the gap from 2300 to 2400 you might just need to go do some Mythic+15s is such bad design.
It’s still pretty relevant since you brought it up how it’s not that big of a gap and it sounded like you assumed people would be getting an upgrade each week. So, I think it’s more than fair to bring up.
Yes but you understand the primary focus right now should be addressing the brokenness of pve trinkets in the arena.
A ten ilvl differential in the arena between challenger and elite is nothing compared to mythic trinkets being mandatory in the arena yet again
Someone mentioned and datamined on wowhead that duelist potentially gives 226 ilvl gear so maybe not . Elite gear (or 2400 rating gear) also being 226.
This is very true. Though, in response I’d say “okay, lower the arena range”. 1600-2100 would be fair, then. Maybe 2400+ would award a unique 233 ilvl (as that is the weapon ilvl that drops from the final two bosses in mythic Castle). If not, okay, but it would be nice to see weapons categorized as highly-prestigious. Maybe 2.2k instead of 2.4k. only in 3’s
Absolutely agree that the difficulty between 2400+ and a mythic 15 isn’t even comparable.
That would be great!
Now they need to fix trinkets. There are some very scary raid trinkets that will dominate the arena if they aren’t severely nerfed in pvp
If that’s the case, that would honestly be the best change that they could possibly make. 2100/2200+ for 226 seems reasonably comparable. I would still argue that it’s easier to do Mythic+15’s, but I think the percentages of the active player bases would be much more accurate then. Honestly if they confirmed 2100 was the cut-off for 226 PvP gear, I think I would be 100% sold on SL PvP restoring what PvP used to be. I’m still concerned with some of the raid trinkets, but honestly that cutoff would land exactly on what balance they’ve been going for!
It actually makes zero sense. There is no other commonality between the two systems. They litteraly seperated talents because they couldn’t balance PvP and pve. Why the f do they think they can balance gear, because they can’t.
Let’s get a PvP dev please who can tell our pve overlord ion how PvP works.
Your own words blizzard. When you actually understood PvP.