Gear in pvp


I think it was WoD I had a group of PvE players join with only PvE gear and I was el healer solo. The tank felt he could just stand there and Iā€™d keep him alive while he was being attacked by most of the opposing team, and I could for a little while until they focused me down and no one peeled. Worst BG ever, people were calling me a bad healer for not healing them while I was in the GY.

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It already does matter pls stop you have PVE gear and cloak plus corruptions I donā€™t wanna hear it . You have your gear advantage that matters.


well corruptions matter, as well the choise of the player to pick wich ones they want to use, is also odd to say that some one die in a pvp from corruption, but then again is up to the user to gear themself.

brb gonna go choose the right 475s from my m+ chest

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You are in better shape, true you canā€™t choose your 475+ that you want from the mythic + chest, but a majority of the population are only getting 455 or 460 from boxes. Sure the hardcore people are getting 470 or 475 pieces, but likely the majority arenā€™t. Canā€™t forget about everyone else.

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Iā€™d rather have a 460 bis trinket than 475 bracers with the worst stats

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Okay im 472 when geared, in Pvp im geared at 450 sumthing i forget.
I can tell you now IT IS NOT ABOUT GEAR. yes to sum degree like 10% the rest is how you line up YOUR gameplay, abilities, sausage fingers. Anyone can get high level gear but if the stats are all over the place well then u die to 430ā€™s and 420ā€™s. they have pvp gear and some of them are whole lot better than those 470ā€™s.

this is also to include your essences, traits, corruption line them up and your golden.

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doing something very wrong if you lose to them on 450+. a 445 shlts on 430

true story my hp 430k and im dropping 470ā€™s players like butter lol

warrior life for me. i also get jumped alot for it XD

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This would actually be bad game design.

Players should be rewarded for playing their class effectively, not just for dumping a lot of time in farming for gear.


Iā€™m not. I think gear shouldnā€™t matter. PvP should be 100% about skill and outplaying your opponent. The only thing that should improve your performance in PvP is your own personal abilities, the mastery you develop around your class, and your proficiency with it.

Thereā€™s enough depth and complexity in this gameā€™s mechanics that it doesnā€™t need to bolster performance with a time sink investment for a gear advantage. The gear arms race has been at the root of PvP exclusivity since Vanilla and has kept PvP as a niche, token gameplay mode next to PvE.

Thereā€™s a reason every tournament/event lets competitors choose their gear loadout prior to competition.



Gear matters because some classes scale better than others.
That said. I think yall complain about the wrong things.

The question should be. Why is pve gear handed out like candy on Halloween but pvp gear is hoarded like some dragons treasure?

The way pvp gear is aquired is terrible.


I hate the quest turn in doesnā€™t have all rewards. Itā€™s so annoying.

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I miss when PvP gear was obtained through Honor and conquest points from weekly arenas.

Bring this back, IMO.

I canceled literally 30 minutes ago due to this. Hopefully Shadowlands normalizes things like it use to be?

I donā€™t have the time to farm mythics, etc. for PvE gear, to PvP. Most asinine system ever implemented into WoW


I think PvP and PvE gear should just be the same up until a certain point, maybe have a different aesthetic or w/e. However at a certain point - like doing high end raids, or rated arena stuff - the gear is different. This way you can do both PvP and PvE to get your gear and you donā€™t have to have 5 different sets of azerite stuff. One of the worst things ever was separating gear way back in the day.

Did I just read a person admitting publicly to losing a pvp battle at ilvl 470+ against a 430?

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Some people are just bad. I killed a mythic raider during Legion on a world quest geared toon. I would never have known if I hadnā€™t looked him up.

Thatā€™s true everyone can get the corruptions on rotation. But you are missing one key point.

A corruption piece on a 475 piece of ilvl gear is superior over the same corruption on a 455 piece of ilvl gear.

In other words, the higher the ilvl, the greater the effect of the corruption.

A gushing wound on a 475 piece of gear does more damage than a gushing wound put on a 455 piece of gear. Iā€™m not talking about stats, Iā€™m talking about the damage of the corruption effect.