Gear gaps are not big enough


I still suck though.

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You took out the OP rets!

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Genuinely asking, why do you see this as a bad thing?

Giving people the flexibility to try out different classes without having to sink days and weeks into making that new toon viable is a good thing in my opinion. Keeps player around a lot longer.

Obviously, there was a whole bucket of things wrong with Shadowlands but requiring SO MUCH time investment in a single toon definitely helped steer the number of people playing down into the basement.

^This is also a great point, just because people can level and gear easily doesn’t make them a force to be reckoned with. It takes time to become intimately familiar with a spec and class. The average FOTM chaser is going to be rolling their knuckles across the keyboard.


Agreed. I havnt played it in ss cuz my destro is forever 67 but it would seem to me that hunter would feel like it has more mobility but no defense and destro lock would feel exaxtly the opposite.

But 100k+ spamable crits tho.

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If you can only focus on one or two toons and their classes/specs turn out to be bad in the meta, it’s like better luck next season. And if Blizzard doesn’t buff your classes/specs next season, then it’s better luck next expansion.


Or Blizzard will be forced to balance better and more often…

People who are constantly rerolling to the next class experience the most frustration because they never actually learn how to play the game. Having easy access to alts on paper should increase class variety and encourage players to do more odd builds. Which, unironically it does the opposite. How many dh/shadowpriests did you see on launch? Warriors when they buffed warrior? Demos when demo dominated the AWC? With the recent changes all you’re going to see is mage/destro. That’s the reality of easy access to alts, not some strange utopia you have in your head

This causes poor balancing for the rest of us

I’m not saying easy access to alts is bad, but it causes a flavor of the month meta that will never end

I also find it odd that the players who advocate for the most alts hardly play the game at all

There’s a reason why shadowlands participation was so high, and it was because of better balancing and more variety. I tie better balancing to people not rerolling the second cdew makes a new youtube video

Even a bad class is annoying to fight if you faced 10 of them. That’s the problem.

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In BfA i played not-FotM specs and still had a lot of fun because the design made room for it. Just had to keep up with conquest and do a little corruption questing which was much less oppressive than today’s endless quest/rep requirements.

Despite this forum talking like there is only two viable specs, I would argue there is PLENTY of room for non fotm viability. You can check any spec on checkpvp and you will find players above 2k.

I’m confused about what endless rep / quest requirements you’re referring to with respect to pvp.

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Lets not pretend Shadowlands doing good was anything other then Covid lock down number boosting.
No pvp is better this way especially for the casual player. I dont care about arena players they are always too busy acting high an mighty to even their own community.
Every argument boils down to (u only got insert rating cause of insert class) u got carried.