GDKPs banned in SoD. Let's see how it plays out and if good, do the same for Cata. Or personal loot

Sure, but when you see stuff like a one-handed sword from Naxxramas selling for gold cap in classic you kinda have to deal with that at some point.

GDKPs are inherently fine and genuinely a really good loot system.

Classic players do rather have a tendency to minmax abuse the fun out of everything though.


Not sure about that statement. GDKPs existed basically since the first day for classic 2019. It just got popular over time because more and more people bought gold and spent in GDKPs. At some point it was the most lucrative gold method.
Remember how nobody complained about bots in early 2019? Yeah because people didn’t buy that much gold (for GDKPs). Crazy, right?

Probably cause that didn’t happen and people have been complaining about bots from day 1 cause classic has been infested with them since day 1.

I’d wager world wide there’s like 10 rank 14 players who didn’t buy gold to buy consumes for the grind.

I mean they def existed and some people complained about it but was def not as widespread as now. It got more over time because people bought more and more gold.

And cause botters knew there was a market.

I guess you are right

People have been complaining about bots in WoW since 2004.

They have been complaining about bots even back in Warcraft 3, sure but we are talking about widespread botting and disrupting gameplay

As a new player to classic, I just find all this GDKP nonsense baffling. Moreover, it’s just another thing that ruins the community, one of the main things that draws a player to classic in the first place.

It’s like the players at the top couldn’t stand to be without some drama-causing system that they could e-peen over, so they invented some multi-level marketing garbage and turned it into an in-game system to milk gold farmers, bot farmers, gold buyers, and unsuspecting noobs to classic.

People just find a way to ruin everything, dont they?


Some GDKPs are communities.

Cringe. It’s just a loot system. Not a new one either.

Cringe? Please. If it was “just a loot system”, it wouldn’t be so devisive.

But it IS just a loot system that people have opted to absolutely ruin though?

Personal loot has entered the chat.

Arguably more divisive than gdkp.

I really struggle to comprehend what gold buyers are dumping gold into if it isn’t the bottomless pit of that which GDKP offers. I suppose if they’re running tons of alts, power leveling professions, raid consumables, BoEs, etc but a lot of it is very finite or sporadic needs in nature.

Regardless deleting a form of content that values gold is going to negatively impact them. Even the token hurt them from a price standpoint, but their so saturated with gold lowering their prices to stay competitive likely made little impact.

Incompetent players love hating on gdkps. Clearly these people have not tried running MS/OS or SR runs in content more difficult than Naxxramas, they are absolutely AWFUL in quality because geared and competent players have ZERO incentive to join them.
Gdkps may promote RMT but that is on Blizzard to police them (punish gold buyers/sellers), not destroy the one actually competent form of pug raids.

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And what’s really curious about the whole thing is that they send out warning mails to people who have “been detected doing GDKPs in the past” but troll mages flying over EPL for close to 20 years? Crickets.

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