GDKPs banned in SoD. Let's see how it plays out and if good, do the same for Cata. Or personal loot

Precisely this:
GDKP’s - dead or a joke of a criminal underground.
Carry runs - the new thing until the very competent and very well put together team finally realises that they’re also an issue and bans them.

So if you’re a raid for 9 people let’s say. But you really want that BIS guy from WF guild come and help. You can pool together 10 gold and trade him. Sure. That’s fine. As long as he doesn’t get rights to some item.

Giving items for gold is what’s not allowed.

Can a fresh toon pay a group of people to run him through a run? - That’s actually fine too, as long as it wasn’t RMT (paypal/swipe). (i’d imagine)

Can you get 10 people and someone pays 10k gold and gets XYZ item LC’d to them - No.

Anything that has the word “gold” and “item” in the same sentence will not be allowed starting phase 2 of SoD.

You can get 5 people from your guild and sell 5 raid spots with loot funneling included just carrying the dead weight.
You can take someone who’s after a single item and simply hand it over to that person should it drop - they paid the ticket price and that’s what the transaction was about, you sold him a raid spot.
Absolutely nothing in the rules so far stops this from happening. Nothing.
Pay 5000g for the spot and 2000 extra to reserve an item for you, also nothing stops this from happening because no matter what you might believe this is not an exchange of items for gold and even with the “Microsoft AI” sifting through reports of people advertising their run with “X item hard res” on the off chance someone paid for said hard res it is not very plausible they’ll nail them.
All you have to go by are the rules as stated by the competent and well put together devs which only specify exchanging items for gold and that no matter where that trade happens their system will find it.

So you can safely assume their system tags trades where one side puts in gold and the other puts in a raid drop and they click accept and nothing more. Their system almost certainly won’t track anything more because then they’d need actual employees checking the logs or tech and resources they simply do not have available to them to make it work.

People will sell hr’s and either no action at all will be taken because they’re not Blizzard’s GDKP’s or action will be taken and they’ll just sell raid spots loaded specifically to funnel items or an item to specific players. Say you have 4 spots to sell because you suck and can’t carry 5. One melee dps spot, one hunter spot, one caster spot, one healer spot. Loot funneling or single item ml’ing commence.

It doesn’t take much to think of this and if they DID think of it they would include similar scenarios in their “rules clarification” post. They didn’t. Which means they are either more incompetent than they showed so far or they specifically side stepped this issue to allow carry runs to happen. I’m leaning towards the former personally.

Do it, get banned, create another account and post in the forums how blizzard banned you for no reason.
We all know how it ends.


Like on some other rules they intentionally word things so that “forums lawyers” can’t find loopholes. This is on purpose to avoid someone trying to get out of a ban/suspension on a technicality.

It is not new and is not there for the players benefit but so that blizzard doesn’t have to deal with a bunch of wannabe legal aides arguing gotchas in appeals.


People thinking they have rights in WoW are hilarious. You have none. They can ban you for any reason and there’s nothing you can do about it.


They need to bring this to wotlk and cata.


I don’t play SoD, sorry. I also don’t have to do any of this really I have a guild.
People will do this though, they will not get banned and you’ll get tons of complaints about “carry runs” until Blizzard finally wisens up and bans those too.

If you think so…
Nothing I can say to change your delusional view

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It’s convenient and literally nothing in the rules stops people from selling carries. It’s not hard to sell gear this way either without going in the Blizzard’s GDKP territory.
People will do it until Blizzard clarifies the rules further.

I refer you to this:

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People who habitually run gdkps that aren’t the bots or swipers are simply put; addicts, I’ve ran these abominations so I know the kind of people that run gdkps, you’re just pathetic, defensive dopamine addicts that just want that next hit so bad you’re willing to let the house around you rot and wither away for it.

I am more surprised Blizzard thought enough about this to even try and it blows me away they’re just going for it. Maybe this small classic team can save the game from its own junkie player-base. For those that aren’t grasping my analogy here as you are too dense or literally the person I am talking about, all of you are responsible for the decay of classic wow as much as the swipers and bots. All of you are happy to take insane amounts of gold for playing the game and acting like you “earned” that as the game economy goes sky high, and new players are gate kept from the game more and more.

Now you have to come to your own defense I’ve come to this conclusion, you don’t have one, cry more now you’ll just have to play the game like the rest of us “poor” schlepps.

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Why bother having a code of conduct then? It exists for a reason, the reason is to regulate player interactions in game.
If a player feels they were falsely or mistakenly actioned, they can make an appeal and often they get their services reinstated. Why would that be a thing if Blizzard giving 0 f’s and just wantonly banning anyone for any reason is the main rule?
Because it isn’t. They police the code of conduct and other terms of service, and they reserve the right to just ban anyone they feel the need to. Reserving the right does not mean that’s their main m.o., it only means they retain that possibility.

People will run paid carries with loot exclusivity either as part of their deal or by not having any competition until they are clarified as also illegal in the next rules update.
Blizzard should have already added this to their ruleset but they for some unknown reason didn’t.
That’s all there is to it and the entire argument - they should add carry runs to the GDKP rules right now and make it actually specific so people don’t transplant retail carry runs into the game version that has much more rmt velocity than even retail.

You should actually go and read some of the ban threads in Customer Support and then come back here and tell us about how they word things so they can or can’t apply the terms.

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They go by the ToS, code of conduct and exact wording. The wording for this GDKP rule does not include carry runs in any way. In fact is worded specifically to exclude them which is stupid.

It doesn’t say “Carry runs” specifically, no. But it says that any loot received via gold transaction classifies as GDKP for them. (Even if you don’t think it falls under GDKP. It does for them) So at the moment, without any further clarification, it sounds like carry runs THAT HAVE LOOT FUNNEL may be against new SoD P2 ToS.

You can still pay carry, but without any exclusive rights to loot.

We don’t know if that definition will change though. It might. I’m sure more details will come out soon enough.


No, it says that “items exchanged for gold” constitute a GDKP. If you get carried with loot exclusivity either because that’s the run’s rules or because there’s nobody who will roll on the items you want you aren’t directly exchanging items for gold. You are buying a service.
Please work on your reading comprehension. Whatever you think they might have possibly meant or whatever you believe to be what that paragraph means in this case is irrelevant. They track items exchanged for gold. That is all.

Its says they treat GDKP as ANY run where goods are exchanged for gold.

Their definition of GDKP is not just GDKP bidding. Its everything. I’ve told you this many times.


Do you perhaps need help with more difficult words there?
Items awarded in exchange for gold means that you pay directly for the item. Not for the spot, not for the hr.
If you open a trade window with the RL and he puts in an item and you put in 10g that equals GDKP according to those rules.
However if you paid 50g yesterday for a spot today and then get the item master looted to you, well that’s not an exchange for gold. And they do not have the resources or capabilities to track it, especially since they just got even more of their customer service fired.
So yes, paying for a raid spot and getting items funneled to you or paying for a raid spot and getting one trinket ml’d to you are perfectly legal as nowhere during, before or after the run you are directly trading gold for an item.

Just give it time, there will be plenty carry runs with hr’s and they will keep going until one of their extremely competent and well put together devs wakes up from his competent and well put together stupor and adjusts the rules to finally nail carries too.

I think the largest qualm with Personal Loot are the asinine restrictions on trading said loot. Everyone I know has enjoyed Personal Loot, with the sole exception of being incapable of trading a piece of gear because it’s ilvl is higher than what you’re using. For example, I am using a 483 staff on my Evoker. I got a 476 off-hand the other day that my buddy’s warlock would have benefitted from tremendously (his was 424). I couldn’t trade it to him, because I didn’t have an off-hand at all… That is the part of the PL system that is stupid and disliked. Other than that, PL was just fine.