I’ve learned the opposite after years of watching the classic player base go out of its way to dismantle classic with all the RMT antics they’ve engaged in.
To be anti-GDKP is to be anti-cheating
For the same reason it’s illegal to use scheduled drugs AS WELL AS buy/sell them. No detection method is perfect, and it reduces demand.
Which, granted, isn’t the best argument, as other countries outside of the US have shown that decriminalizing these things actually does a better job for “policing” it than a simple blanket ban. As a personal anecdote, I volunteer with festival groups that provide free drug test kits and testing services and the amount of people that show up is always staggering.
The person you complimented above admitted to buying gold to fund her GDKP in this thread. Idk what to say:
Derpidy derp.
Anyway. Enough denial, let’s move to concrete suggestions.