GDKP > "xxx res" runs

Personal loot solves this, but thats why classic exist in the first place…

Lol. Yep i foegot to add that. The alts. That everyone gets to bring except us tanks. Lucky im a good sport. I just shake my head when its " hang on, i want to swap out my (insert class) for this next boss". Shrug, it is what it is. I have to pay close attention to make sure something i wluld want ismt getting de also. Lile wait!!! Ill take that, yeah i realize that at this time its all junk to you guys but it like my dream gear lol.


My guild finally took Naxx off DKP back in the days when this was current retail content, and we had to trial a few folks that first week we’d had open rolls.

Turning Tide dropped. I had had to wait for six casters and another Hpal to get it. I was the last person in line for this sword on my hpal.

it went to the mage trial.

i was livid. And the guild leader profusely apologized for it afterwards. The mage didn’t even log back in again for any of our raids after that.

Still should have been left in for LFR so they didn’t have to hotfix their rolls thing 200 times because “if I can need, I’m needing, need it or not”.

Which is a common attitude, at least on EU servers.

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The problem with need/greed is people just stack friends of a similar role instead. Especially in pugs.

Nothin like losing that LFR weapon to somoene with a heroic one, because they’ve never looted that specific weapon before on any difficulty.

Happened to a friend of mine last week. He lost a bow to someone with a heroic weapon. I said I thought they fixed that? Nope, you can have a higher item level and still roll, you just can’t have ever looted that specific item on any difficulty.

They already have one. The system has the ability to tell if a run is majority guild. There’s acheivements for guild runs. You need a majority of players in the group/raid to have the same guild tag.

Because I go every week to their raids I deserve to reserve an item over you that you’re not allowed to roll on, or because I am putting together the raid, I get to reserve an item for myself and or my friends.

What you get is coming in completely poor off the street and get items we don’t want as much.

I’d rather just join an SR or free roll pug.

I hr stuff all the time. Only difference is I say if it does drop I am hr it and all present will get a payout. Same with zg I am taking the raptor and you can have the tiger simple as I see no reason for my non-mount collectors to be unpaid interns, but when I hr something I pay if it drops.

So far I have memorized the layout of up h. As for the other loot systems
gdkp/sr/ms-os/epgp/hr(with conditional payout)>dkp>ffa loot>roll25 random>hr.

Thats such a small percentage of gdkp and when it does happen its only for the bis of the current phase.
But guess what? You get compensated for it. Unlike SR and HR where you are left with nothing to show for it.

Thats fair. As long as people get something out of it. Makes it worthwhile for them.

At least you don’t pay for your loot and waste your loot chance at the bis loot you might need. There are reasons to want to sell boost/carry runs/funnel run because they make it worth your time. I do not need the gold or want to be trapped in joining only GDKPs because that’s the only way to spend that gold mostly. At the end if you want to run them more power to you.

But I still believe in equilibrating the forces between the raid leader and pugs by making master loot guild only and by giving pugs more opportunities with a soft lockout system.

I dont understand how a main raid can run on a GDKP system. How does a raid team have any cohesion when loot decisions are determined by who can swipe the most?

GDKPs is the reason why gold buying is an epidemic. Retail RMT doesn’t even come close to what is happening in Classic.

Yes, there were gold buyers in OG Vanilla too. But NO ONE needed 100’s of thousands of gold. If there are no GKDPs, no one will need such absurd amount of golds.

GKDP is pure gold laundering and all GKD{P leads should be perma banned.

I just wish Blizzard stopped banning bots and started banning players. Perma ban them all.

Since we keep a static team, only the first of the major items go that way, after the first item the price drops pretty sharply because we don’t bring in pure buyers at any point. Since it turns out that way, most people don’t even feel like it’s worth it to swipe outside of insanely big items like Death’s Verdict. It also helps the PvPers in the raid that normally wouldn’t be able to get their items in a Loot Council.

What’s more confusing to me is how cohesion exists in Loot Council guilds when all players are great at their class. You’re one of the best players at your class, but your class scales worse than the others, looks like you’re not getting anything for a while buddy because Mr. Warrior says that the Death’s Verdict is a 900 DPS upgrade for him and it’s only 300 DPS for your class! We’re already clearing the content week 1 anyway, those types of DPS optimizations aren’t important to us. It’s not like we’re a speedrunning guild, we’re just friends doing the raids together.

We could do normal DKP, but the problem with normal DKP is with flexibility. Miss a week with DKP? It’s basically over for your odds of getting the items you want, and your DKP is worthless the second your guild disbands or if you join another raid. With GDKP, if I can’t raid the day my guild normally raids, I can just join one of the hundreds of other GDKPs on the server and my “DKP” is not only still intact, but I can even generate it from running with other groups.


Seek help.

Found one!

What the GDKP’s offer is a compelling way for organisers to make some nice $$ by selling the gold they make running them.
There are people on my EU realm who host h ToGC gdkp’s on many, many characters per week, usually raking in well over 500k gold a day as their cut (host+raider cut).
Of course you can believe they’re just keeping it or recirculating it back, but the truth is they sell it all on g2g and make more money than most people in civilised countries.
Pretty good scheme too, as in many cases they sell the same gold to the same people over and over.

Nobody does that. Selling gole isn’t as easy as you seem to think

No offense… but rofl. You have no idea what youre talking about

See above

I like bananas. :banana:

Unfortunately I do have a fairly decent idea what I’m talking about, as the gdkp hosts I played with keep ledgers and show their cut. 100-150k per raid (just the host cut, they also take a raider cut because they well raid) since Ulduar, and they do it 5-15(!) times a week especially now with 50/50 togc being quick in and outs… I know I know, all this gold just goes back into the economy and totally isn’t sold on g2g.

Oh and by the by, my arena partner recently got perma’d for gold selling specifically and no, it’s not “hard”. Make contact at g2g, offload bulk.