I am a Christian that believes in being charitable, but it’s against my beliefs to state to the extent that I do. simply speaking, I do what I can where i can afford my time and resources to help others
Someone’s gotta do it and most people are loathe to. I just happen to have enough of the necessary traits to make it work most of the time. I might as well get paid for the trouble of maintaining relationships with hundreds of strangers from tons of different backgrounds and attempting to make as many them happy as possible. funny enough, raid leading is a largely undocumented skill set that overlaps heavily with real-world general management techniques.
Here is my contention. You begin in your mind at 0 gold and zero gear and assume that there is no where to start and you will always be at zero. this is false and bad math. maybe you do not want it to be true that you can start fresh with nothing via GDKP, or maybe you have never done it and don’t have an appropriate frame of reference. thankfully, I have started at 0 and can recount part of my experiences.
I grinded dungeons when i first wanted to start raiding until i had about 2k gold. joined some MC and BWLs and picked up some tier plus my cut for playing. I got a talking to about how to improve my play and took it to heart. went back to dungeon grinding til the next week. I had more money next time around and more gear. I did my best and no one yelled at me to do better. my marks on the logs looked better too. Weapons were hard to get and expensive. I decided that I would save as much as I could and get quel serrar from onyxia to shortcut my way to a 50dps weapon. i picked up more hit chance from other gear too, to be a better raider in the future. the game turned around for me when i finally saved up 10k and managed to buy sand polished hammer for 8k, a STEAL for the time as it normally went for 15-20k and most of the server was very competitively rostering for aq40. I had that hammer forever until I eventually got into naxx some months later. The entire time I progressed I made a bunch of friends and a couple of really great ones. I owe my progression to our cooperation, and I like to think that I was of assistance to them as well. So even in GDKP you can have close personal ties, without the GEAR DRAMA
My point is this. with GDKP, your Gold is your DKP and it’s global, untied to any guild or organization. spend it as you please and wherever you want. you have all the room in the world to associate with others and not be trapped in abusive relationships that I have personally witnessed with guilds. If you waste all of your gold all the time, that is YOUR PROBLEM. you must plan ahead and be thoughtful, this is true in life as a general fact. I cannot help but to wonder whether the slander against a system that liberates people from the necessity of guilds masks their own desire to entrap others into providing themselves with gear that they would not have the opportunity to get themselves.
Here is my final note about Gold buyers, and maybe you’re unaware of this as well. when they get full bis by swiping, you know what they do? they log off and often forever lol. If they loved the game, then they would play it.
a great player is person who is good at the game. it doesn’t make them a good person. I’ve talked to plenty of great people who are just not great players, and vice-versa. I would love to have your answer my earlier question:
Thanks again for the dialog