GDKP - The Correct Way To Think About Them

Why do they need to make GDKPs when they have players that are willing to raid for the love it?

So, when I said keeping up with inflation, the rest of the server moves with gold that GDKP shifts around. Consumes, enchants, mooncloth/arcanite bars/rugged hide, don’t stop costing gold cause you love to raid. If you’re suggesting people want to stop performing for the sake of raiding, that’s being dishonest and unfair.

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Assuming there are no other ways to make gold that keep up with inflations, why don’t they make like 1 naxx per month GDKP instead of the lower end raids?

Often a single naxx pot is bigger than all the other raids combined. If everyone is bis and community building is important simply make naxx GDKP and that should cover all their consumes and lots more.

I think its a bit unfair to say SR players are forced into GDKPs when non-gdkp raiders are almost all gold buying.

Because often these groups feel that GDKP’s are antithetical to raiding and will not participate when the rest are doing one.

Also lol on the gold buying part Xdrain. I report all gold buyers, including when my friends have, and its been mostly people going into GDKP on a new toon buy a large amount to ‘‘get started’’ in the system.

Also guild runs are rarely SR.

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SR or LC - i just mean any system that isn’t GDKP in that sense.

I mean every high performing raid-logger that isn’t raiding GDKP is gold buying.

This may just be a difference in culture from WMC to Mankrik cluster, but almost all our raiders are online day to day doing stuff. Including things like helping socials/lowbies run dungeons - there’s no need to buy gold, and Mankrik AH is very manageable with gold from regular activities.

perhaps, on WMC we are like one giant DKP guild and can join any raid we want and they are basically available at any time of the day.

And we can use our ‘points’ to buy stuff on the AH, respec, tip it to people, give to lowbies, boost alts, buy summons, probably even buy dances in goldshire

But that means you’re also making everyone on the server part of your DKP system whether they want to join it or not.

There are LC and SR guilds.

Xfour is in a guild that does SR + points and has been running naxx weekly ever since TBC.

Moreover, you just listed things that are influenced by the large amount of shifting gold from GDKP. It doesn’t even NEED to be dirty gold, making community as a service turns players into customers or not. And I think that is directly shown when the answer to inflation is ‘‘do a GDKP’’, and summons cost more than a stack of consumes.

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Imo certain thigns are good as services:

  • summons
  • DMT buffs
  • boosts
  • GDKP raids

personally these are not things I want to ‘meet people’ and ‘struggle to overcome’ together, they are things I want well organized, and to pay a rate for a service, or receive an amount for pumping.

Now pvp is where I enjoy meeting people, open world pvp - killing the enemy. Battle grounds - grouping up to overcome other enemy stacks - that feels good.

But having to meet keyboard turners that refuse to read up about basic raid mechanics and cause unnecessary wipes, is not really my cup of tea. I rather there be someone getting paid to keep those people out of the raid until they are willing to make an effort.

Now I love leveling toons and going through the journey and meeting people as I do it. But I rather not be forced to do that for every single toon. It should always be a requirement on the first, as one has to become established. But I think having a main creating benefits is good.

I mean, you can do a TMB/SC/LR/EPGP/DKP without keyboard turners or people who don’t read up on stuff. That’s what guilds are for. This is what I mean by a cultural difference, when the incentive to get better is to access end game content and do it smoothly, rather than gold, it creates a natural progression curve. Something that isn’t overcome by swiping or just joining enough ZG’s until you can buy your way in.

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I think a lot of GDKP raiders aren’t looking for progression raids but to quickly clear content for its loot - or gold value of the loot. For the shiny :heart_eyes_cat:

It fulfills a very human desire

Swipers should be banned. But those spamming ZG / AQ20 until they get some gold / better are doing a fine progression curve.

A good player without gear and gold can talk themselves into most raids, someone learning will struggle to. As they get better it will become easier.

I have zero problems at people running any loot system. I just find it a little disappointing when people blame gdkps or call for their ban (not that you are), when it is the only way to really enjoy raiding long term for lots of us.

I hope I’ve made myself clear I don’t think GDKP’s should be banned, even if I don’t like them. Swipers/cheaters definitely should be banned. Just also what the person I responded to posted read to me that he simply fails to create a community environment and relies on a threat of removing cut to motivate people

Yeah, that’s the response I am responding to :slight_smile:

I’m kinda venting about the whole blizzard GDKP ban in which they said it was to promote ‘guild community’ or whatever.

I just think the way the game is designed guilds are very predatory and their loot systems often end up even more so. So often I’ve meet players that basically got abused by a guild their first time getting geared and raided for months while being only handed scraps for gear, but they never knew any better.

I like the GDKP stick that punishes players that are harmful to runs, but it goes both ways. When hosts make bad runs people get really upset and they really struggle to get good carries in the future.

There is a degree of transparency and power that is given back to raiders relative to ‘leaders’ in GDKP system versus guilds, in which people are siloed and kept separate.

I can respect that view point.

I’ve had very good experiences with guilds, and that 100% influences how I feel.

I’ve had one really good one, bunch of average ones, and a not great one.

Perhaps those experiences led me feel like there’s no need to force the game’s social organization around the guild unit as it feels particularly unreliable.

What power? You mean your wallet?

Except GDKP is now synonymous with RMT. It’s in the open. Hosts talk about selling and buying gold, everyday raiders talk about buying gold, streamers talk about buying gold.

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All cheaters, that deserve the ban hammer.

Be careful who you associate with.

over and over and over again i hear this repeated claim, that GDKP is the harm to community organization. I have always operated as a free-agent and offered my raids with no strings while making tons of friends in the process. The community is the community. what is “community building”, really? organizing players into an association for… holding them to a schedule and to raid under conditions for which they have virtually no say in? Every single SR guild in Whitemane has HR’d gear for long periods at every phase of their progression and some even continue to create conga lines for gear. you must do this or that and maintain relationships or kiss the guild leader… so on and so on. loot becomes a difficult point of conversation as the disgruntled lifer guildies find themselves without gear for months for no better reason than “bad luck” it is enormously more difficult to operate a “community” as an SR guild than it is as a GDKP.

All I have to do as a GDKP runner is to keep it nice and clean and deliver a solid experience for the people that choose me instead of someone else. for who gets the gear is of little concern to me, as it is an economic question to be settled by the raiders themselves. i leave it to them to sort their strategies.

I will say this for your benefit and to those reading who have suffered under Gamba-Loot-Distro. SR guilds hold great players hostage and most-often reward the worst players.

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