GDKP - The Correct Way To Think About Them

Because they’re cheaters. They do it because they’re cheaters. That’s it. People who RMT are cheaters who have little to no respect for the integrity of the game. They don’t do it because they feel like they have no choice. Ban the cheaters. Clean the community of their filth. That’s what needs to be done but Blizzard won’t do it because :dollar:


Yeah. Ban them. Ban the filthy RMTers.

I don’t know who you’re talking to but is sure as :poop: isn’t me.

Sure they are, but you’re creating and promoting an environment that gives them strong incentive to do so. Stop shirking your part of the blame. It’s not you or them, it’s you and them.

If you don’t want RMT, stop running and promoting GDKP. If you don’t want a game full of bots, stop buying all your stuff off the AH. If you’re quite happy with those things then carry on, but stop trying to pretend like you didn’t have a hand in creating the environment we all now live in.


Oh. Well now I get it. I’ve been creating bots this whole time. It’s totally my fault for playing the game. How foolish of me to question this. I guess I should just quit raiding. I’ll quit making gold too. I’ll stop using the AH. Yeah I’ll just stop playing the game altogether. That will fix the problem. That’ll stop the bots and the RMT!

That’s sarcasm.

You’re a complete moron if you insist on blaming players for RMT who literally just play the game and have never RMTd. I don’t know what else to tell you.

GDKP is an amazing loot system for Era. It’s easy for the person running the raid, it eliminates most opportunities for loot drama, and people end up getting the loot they want the most. It encourages people to make gold which means people go out into the world and farm. It encourages people to play the game more than any other loot system and makes people more valuable to the server. The loot system makes the World of Warcraft go round.

For Era there needs to be a better solution to RMT than eliminating the best loot system in the game. It’s a bad idea and it will not fix the problem because it does nothing to address the existence of cheaters who will continue cheating if the loot system is “banned”. Cheaters already ignore the rules of the game. What kind of asinine solution is it to just make more rules to fix a problem caused by people who don’t follow rules?

Obviously, but…

Clearly you do not.

I have nothing further to add here. You’re either unable, or unwilling, to see the role you’ve played in normalizing monetization in WoW. On paper, GDKP is a great idea. Not for me personally but the merits are easy to see. In practice… well, we’re all living it.

But hey, you’re doin’ fine so what’s the harm, am I right? :slight_smile:

i actually read through the entire thread. Good read.

The genre changed. Times changed. Players changed. Gaming has changed.

GDKP was born from it.

In a vacuum there is nothing wrong with it. There are plenty of other pay to win games out there today - or using some other in game currency.

I personally don’t like GDKPs because I think they’re destructive to a piece of MMORPGs i find important - the social fabric. And it’s also why I resubbed after 20 years, played Classic 2019, did all the low level dungeons i skipped, until I hit 60, tanked nerfed into the ground scholo, strath, and UBRS once, then quit before my guild stepped into MC because i knew exactly what the game would become .

An official server running on 1.12 driven by private server culture wasn’t my cup of tea and that was ok.


I have played no role in that as I have never purchased or sold gold. That is a fact. Fools like you who want to blame legitimate players are not making the issue any better. Just because there are a few bad apples that abuse GDKP through use of RMT doesn’t mean you should ban it, nor does that mean regular players have anything to do with it.

You wouldn’t ban free speech just because some people say offensive things would you? Would you ban power tools because they’re used by serial killers? Would you blame the manufacturers of the power tools for the murders? Would you hold someone accountable for using money stolen from a bank robbery they obtained as change?

No. Of course not. So why do you insist on blaming innocent people who follow the rules for a problem they didn’t cause? It’s detrimental to the game. You’re actively making the problem worse by misplacing blame. It’s disgusting and despicable.

By your own logic separating the AH and RMT is a fallacy. Sod still has bots despite no gdkps. Wonder why.

Bro we literally do not care how you play. Go make your LC run or your HR/SR MS>OS+whatever, or whatever run you want. It doesn’t affect gdkps.

Gdkps are not more gatekept than other raids. It’s almost like it’s just a loot system, and nothing else changed.


GDKP runs allow players to bypass the need for a guild and a community, which are considered essential components of WoW. This leads to players not wanting to wait for loot, encouraging gold buying.

It’s ironic that GDKP runs are one of the best ways to farm gold per hour for players who want to avoid the risk of getting banned for buying gold. Whether you’re for or against GDKP runs, it’s hard to pass up the opportunity if you get the chance to join one. Now, couple the above with extreme inflation in the economy, especially with raid consumables in mind. This further encourages GDKP runs or gold buying, as you risk falling behind.

GDKP’s also discourage people from farming materials, further reducing the supply on the AH. Why would individuals spend time farming when they can earn more gold through GDKP or boosting?

GDKP has taken over Classic WoW. It’s become the de facto way to play. Monetization has completely replaced community, and every item now has a price tag.

Championing a loot system in which people earn a share from gold bought with real money isn’t a positive sign for a healthy game, contrary to what you may think. It’s a death rattle. See below.

Actually, they encourage people to farm. More farming means more gold which means you can get more items in GDKPs.

I see more people with xfour’s mindset (do a 3 hour naxx gdkp for unlimited potions) than your mindset (farm matts to cash in on lazy people).

Levelling up on my old pvp server and yeah, its still full of a bunch of bots muling herbs and elemental earth to Whitemane. Tbh both statements are true in that, GDKP’s encourage botting for consumes as people don’t feel a need to farm if they have excess gold, AND people want to farm to cash in on gold.

Root problem is people being very willing to overlook botting and goldbuying, and even defend it. The amount of times I’ve had to convince people open world farmers who enjoy herbalism/mining exist, these players have insulated themselves so much that they actually believe people don’t want to herb/mine and the bots are ‘‘necessary’’.


Muti facetted answer, but in part because, mobile games/P2W/cash shops have had a hand in grooming current gaming culture.

Coupled with the overall incline of online degeneracy, and the decline of work ethics.

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Personally, i like 40 man raids because i like the idea of trying to balance many things at the same time. orchestrating a raid contains many points of social intrigue, traits, and skills. when it comes to loot distribution, i am a staunch moral capitalist. I dont believe in lying, cheating, stealing, misleading, or screwing other people and I believe that doing right by others is the best way to conduct any repeated group activity in the long run.
Exploring the challenges of raiding, you have several issues to overcome and some are outside of your control after a certain point. rather than making a list, I will simply state the most important problem that every single SR, GDKP, DKP, and LC distro group must confront in order to succeed. “How do i get my raiders to play well so that we can clear without huge issues?”
to this, I say that it is merely a matter of incentives. What can i do in an SR guild if someone decides that they simply will not attempt to be an active participant? low activity and damage/heals. what if they never change but they never miss a raid and are taking more and more gear but never improving? what can i say?? “if you dont improve i am not taking you to Naxx/AQ40!!!” you still need the slot. most SR dedicated players dont even have gold to afford consumes beyond a 5 stack of each thing. in a gdkp, not receiving your full cut is a disaster that wrecks your progression and teaches the player a hard lesson rather instantly. “do better or else this keeps happening” and in a realm where everyone who raided made 500 gold, except for you, your purchasing power just got smaller. you ability to pursue certain activities just shrank. the reduction of player gold income is indeed the greatest possible feedback a player can received from the game that informs them of necessary change.

GDKPs are much better from an administrative point of view because it allows players to freely associate without the burden of often-abused loyalty. bad players can have their cuts deducted. prices of gear are freely determined. pools of raiders can be preened efficiently.

Here again, I must reiterate that I believe that capitalism should be practiced morally. often times, a well worded threat is a better option than cutting someone at the end. even better, is to offer forgiveness and advice before handing out that person’s cut with a word of caution. ultimately, this is up to the raid leader to decide for themselves.

In summary, SR is the barter system. DKP is the mining corp’s voucher system. and GDKP is the american dollar. Traveling anywhere, i would prefer to have my dollars, if you’ll permit the expression. GDKP is the natural evolution of loot distribution and it keeps old content alive by providing incentives where there was little to none before.

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GDKP is a perfect system. Inflation goes down? So do gear prices. Need incentive to do raids? Payout for performance. I am profoundly in love with the system and I can’t believe I’d never experienced it until classic era. I will always preach the goods of gdkp. As a primarily solo player that farms at odd hours and raids a couple times a week, it has allowed me to bis at least one character while i continue to build up my gold stacks to bis another


This is a key point, and really the question. My answer is different. In my opinion, GDKP’s bring the best performers because if you don’t perform, you just don’t get to come back. People aren’t afraid to miss out on gold, they are afraid to miss out on experiences.

When you have a surplus of bodies for your raid, of course you’ll have people that follow the rules.

GDKP is the loot form of treating content with a dollar sign. Trading community for the almighty dollar, quite literally.

RMT continues, hosts sell gold, and all is right in the land.

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So, in essence, you just told us you fail at creating an environment where people wish to help each other and perform because of a strong community, and your best way around a weak community is to create a desperation that you control.

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I think its less about community and more that people in wow like gold. It is more fun to play the game when you get a bunch of gold.

The community in guilds and GDKP has equal potential, in both you are playing with 39 other humans - it is up to y’all what you make it.

At least to me, it never felt more or less transactional than guild raids, in which I’m just showing up for gear. But it definitely felt more fun to get a payout when I got no items.

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No offense meant here, but that is very much why GDKP is good for you and why other people feel its so hurtful, we’re not just showing up for gear, but to build a community in which we support each other even beyond getting gear from raids. My naxx raid has plenty of BiS people, we just like raiding together.

If I got gold and gear for winning pvp games I would likely never raid again.

Its fine and I look forward to the weekly GDKPs I do, but pvp is far more interesting to me.

There are quite a lot of pvp players like me that mostly pve for gear (or with GDKPs for gold and gear), and for us that system really saves pve and turns it from a huge chore of having to group with some pve-andys at a pre-set time and watch them keyboard turn for hours, to a fun activity that we get a reward from.

It also makes it so PvE players have to turn their older raids into GDKP’s to keep up with inflation which damages community building when older raids becomes transactional.