GDKP - The Correct Way To Think About Them

screw you m8 give us gdkp server. and screw playing with you gdkp players nothing but con artist turned something pure into cash shop. like uther said to arthus i hope there special place in hell waiting for you

Intentionally directed towards me? I hate the credit card swiping crusaders. They make Classic Era not worth playing.

The key word here: Community

Raiding has always been about the group overcoming the obstacles, as a team. The loot is the byproduct of that.

I don’t recruit, organize, and raid lead because I want something out of it. I do it because it’s fun and a reward to build a community of likeminded players.

Classic is currently at about 90% GDKP. It will most likely completely be devolving into full GDKP within the next 6 months.

Only the large pvp cluster uses GDKP primarily, the large PvE cluster, small PvE cluster, RP servers, oceanic PvE, small PvP cluster, and oceanic PvP clusters all use other loot systems as a base. With some GDKP, mostly 20 mans.

Edited to add: In respect to ‘‘classic being about 90% GDKP’’

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Blizzard should add a new currency called raid points that cannot be traded or purchased with gold.

When you raid and kill a boss a new bid window comes up and raiders can use thier points to bid on items. You gdt bonus points for clearing a raid within the lockout period.

So no need for RMT and people who want to use their credit card to spend extra money for extra gold will be limited to actually raiding and building up those points like everyone else

I would be ok with a ban of GDKP, though cheap ZG gear makes things a lot easier for fresh 60s. But it will never happen because it would kill the population of Era servers. Developers don’t get bonuses by driving away large numbers of customers.

The current state of the game seems to prioritize individual gain over the overall health of the game. Making adjustments to refocus on the collective experience may attract a different type of player. However, it’s unlikely that Blizzard will take this route due to potential subscriber loss.

Absolutely, please remember this: Separating GDKP and RMT is a fallacy. In essence, it’s a Causality Dilemma (similar to the chicken and the egg). However, in reality, it doesn’t matter. If you want to raid or PvP at any level, you MUST enter into GDKP runs to earn gold. There is no alternative that equals the amount of gold-per-hour. None.

It’s a poorly kept secret that GDKP Hosts sell gold. Rome is burning and will continue to burn without Blizzard intervention. The harsh truth is that people are fueling the fire and celebrating it. These same people have no love for the game, or if they do, it’s strictly a monetary one. It’s a literal job to some GDKP hosts.

Why do you think people are so eager for Classic+?

EDIT: I just realized the irony of GDKP enjoyers championing “I’ll play my way”, but then creating an entire system that gatekeeps the community from playing the way they would want to.


I GDKP and don’t RMT. They are therefore separate. Anything outside of that is Blizzard’s problem to deal with. Not my responsibility. Thanks. Bye.

Incorrect, sir. There are in fact faster ways to make gold than GDKP. I can make 4k gold in 20 minutes. Consistently. Twice a week. 8k total for 40 minutes. That’s better than a Naxx payout and takes less time.

Misleading on my part. You might not directly purchase RMT, but you engage with RMT and promote it by attending GDKP’s. The gold at the end of your raid is not clean, human-farmed gold. It is botted. It is RMT’ed.

In Classic Era? I’ll require proof, because frankly, I just don’t believe that.

I don’t care. That’s not my problem. That’s not my responsibility. That’s not my fault. It has never in the history of any online videogame, to my knowledge, been on the players to enforce the rules of a game. Why would this game be different? It’s on Blizzard. Hold them accountable and stop blaming rule following players like myself that are literally just playing the game. Thanks. Bye.

14 leatherworkers and 15 tailors. Figure it out.

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Another log on the fire!

This the the common mindset of the community, in a community driven game.


If the community shared my mindset they would never RMT in a million years. RMT is asinine. It’s paying more money to not play a game that you’re paying to play.

And again, this is a problem of a lack of action on Blizzard’s part. You’re implying this as well by suggesting they ban GDKP. I think that’s a bad solution to the problem because GDKP is an amazing loot system, especially for Era, and also banning it will not rid the game of cheaters. Action needs to be taken against cheaters.

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Guys, GDKP has never been more accessible. Just level 29 characters to 35, funnel them the mats to develop their professions, then keep a constant flow of materials going so you can profit.

It’s so simple, just get to it and you’ll have enough gold to buy your way to gear in no time*!

* Time is a relative concept and may not be the same experience for all parties. Consult your Doctor before use.


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A single character can have 2 professions. And like 2 mooncloth cooldowns pays for the mats to level the professions.

Also I was responding to the posters very adamant insistence on GDKP being the best and only way to make significant sums of gold without the need to RMT. If you really think that then either your brain is tiny or you haven’t put much effort into figuring out how to make gold.

This defeatist attitude is exactly why we have whiny little Alliance wimps complaining about how GDKP is too hard to keep up with. If you’re thinking relative to 2019 Classic, level 1 to a Kel’thuzad kill is way easier than it was then.

Come on man, even 15 characters with two maxed professions is a tall order. I’m not saying it can’t be done, not at all, but the chief complaint here is that it’s difficult for a lot of people to afford a buy-in for GDKP and that GDKP gives strong incentives for RMT.

I did some math a while back and determined that it would take at least a month for a single character to afford one run via herbalism/alchemy. Your solution is certainly more sustainable long term, but the initial time investment is significantly longer. This also only gets you enough gold for the small priviledge of getting an invite so you can then give your gold to the rest of the raid in exchange for a few pieces of gear. Thrilling stuff!

If you can’t understand why that gives strong incentives for RMT then you’re really trying hard not to.

If you’re already geared and attending GDKP I’m sure it’s great. You’re getting gold kickbacks that fund all of your alts and you’re thinking there’s no problem at all. It’s pretty easy to have blinders on and not see it’s done to the game because you’ve got lots of gold and you’re not playing the gold gathering minigame. Meanwhile the RMT machine you’re fueling chugs along in the background.

It’s a real shame.

Want a solution?
Report all the players that you KNOW are buying / selling gold. Report people who organize GDKP for gold buying and selling as well as RMT and selling items for real currency.

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That’s bait. GDKP are fueled by gold buyers most the time. Just stop dude, you’re sad.


And I’m not saying anyone has to do that. All I said was it’s a quicker way to make gold than GDKP. What I am saying is that there’s absolutely no need to RMT just because GDKP exists. They’re by no means inseparable and I’d say that it’s easier for a new character to farm gold and GDKP their way to Naxxramas than it was in 2019. I’d bet a new player could do it in 6 months easily. And that is of course without any RMT.

What run? You can farm a thousand gold in a day easy through conventional means, which is enough to get into a 20 man run. And a few days of farming would get you enough to be in an MC or BWL. Even a Naxx run would never take that long to farm the gold for.

Blaming legitimate players for RMT definitely doesn’t help. Blame Blizzard. Blame cheaters.

Stop your copium my guy, these apes can’t help themselves but to spend money gold to buy pl’s from mages bots or loot in raid. You guys killed classic yourself, there used to be a lot of people, now there’s none you dumb :clown_face:

What I’m saying is that because GDKP exists, it pushes players into RMT. They certainly don’t need to… people don’t need to wear name brand clothing, buy lootboxes in video games, or eat kale (>.<), but people do it because they see others around them with cool loot or doing raids and think “Hey I want that too!” and feel compulsion to do it as well. They also see opportunities where they can take shortcuts and feel compulsion to take them. A GDKP leader won’t let you in because you don’t have enough gold, but that same GDKP leader offers you a website where you can buy enough gold to get in.

This is basic human pyschology and the predatory practices that have exploited that for centuries, not just in this video game.

I do absolutely blame both of those parties. I also blame people like you who are propping up this loot system that doesn’t need to exist but does because you just can’t envision playing a game for fun anymore instead of for profit. You don’t get to pass the blame because you’ve never purchased gold directly.

This was based on a 10k buy-in for a Naxx run and a couple hours a day for most of each week farming shadow pot mats via SM reset runs. The actual run is irrelevant though. Yes, you can get into 20-mans cheaper, but you’re still in that cycle of having to spend and re-earn to bring your character up which takes much more time than you would have people believe and pushes RMT.

Ironically, it’s actually significantly faster to just join a standard loot guild and just play the game. Especially this late in the game where most guilds have gear and things are just getting disenchanted. Guilds have no incentive to impose shady practices to boost the value of items because nobody cares and everybody is just happy to see their fellow player succeed because it means greater success for the team.