GDKP - The Correct Way To Think About Them

Shadow GDKPs are bound to exist…

Its not like they put in a sniffer to detect what people are doing within a raid group to determine if it is infact a GDKP.

It is just a parent word/saying with them telling us GDKPs are bannable. They are still being done but to trust 1 person in the raid doesnt report the entire raid group, even themselves to get everyone a hefty suspension is a big risk.

So there are probably shadow runs where there is a trust buy in for like 1k gold. Just a guess really.

I cannot deny this man. He is simply right.

GDKP worsens those issues though. And GDKPs do NOT create more raids. They create more lobbies. You get to join GDKPs only if you already have your loot (so you were fed loot and don’t want to help your guildies) or if you have gold. If you’re new and don’t buy gold, you’re screwed. GDKP sucks all of the pug bandwidth.

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This parsing min/max culture is what is damaging WoW. Join a top 10 guild if you want that level of perfection.


It actually reduces it.

Consumables are required for all raids. Being able to purchase those because of efforts done inside a raid remove the need to farm outside of them to purchase raid materials. I now have time to play alts, pvp, or grind.

Are you trying to be smart here? Any additional raid will add players back, thing is GDKPs bring back alot of folks who have already completed the game, whereas LFR brings in newer people or those that struggled in it the first time around. I understand why you don’t want GDKPs, it’s akin to why I don’t want LFR. The type of player they bring isn’t for everyone.

Do you enjoy making up your own narratives? There’s so many blanket assumptions in this I’m not even going to really dive into it. No one is forced to play in a GDKP.

Refer back to my first point. Even if you don’t play in GDKPs the market will adjust accordingly. Consumables and raid materials will be more advantageous to farm if you’re not into GDKPs.

So let me get this straight, you want a game with no GDKPs, no logs, no gatekeeping?

You should play a single player game. Sounds like you don’t understand how communities or markets work.

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do you have a bladder issue?

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GDKP wouldn’t even be a thing! If it wasn’t for RMT gold.

If a Sunken Temple GDKP were to pop up with 5g minimum bids on loot, 20g on epic items, would that be too rich for your blood? Would you feel the only way to enter that raid is by RMT?

Thanks OP for telling people the “Correct Way” to think.

You GDKP people should all be perma banned.

If this is referencing those toxic ST SoD GDKPs then yes, it’s too expensive.

Do you remember phase 1 with 5-10g min bids for deadmines loot? These people suck.

So news flash, players have thousands of gold at the moment and there haven’t been any GDKPs for two phases now.

Does my prior offer of a ST with low bids still seem completely unreasonable to you?

Its hard to tell if your making stuff up, but I have never seen a GDKP for anything less then a raid, and even in SOD, the vast majority of raids I saw for 10m were MS/OS. Honestly I am guessing someone was trolling LFG since it seems relatively easy to set the anti-gdkp crowd off. While never really attending many GDKP, none would have required RMT to bid and win almost any item in fact you could likely buy an item and have payed for it with the winnings.

Here is a suggestion, if you don’t like GDKPs, get geared, bring consumes, get buffs, know your rotation and find a guild with a raiding schedule that meets your needs. Even a weak guild running raids will be preferable assuming you can get a consistent raid spot.

It is reference to SoD and the mentality. Not talking about ERA in that sense. But yes GDKP BFD/SFK’s happened alot and deadmines/stockades were just kinda meme to those.

They do this to get ahead and alts decked out for future phases and only the sweats or people with a ton of bought gold get into them. When min bids were 50g to start back in Phase 1 for BFD then you’re screwed unless you grinded rep turn in crates just for the raw gold.

Not making it up as I lived it -_-

Perhaps you simply need to create your own groups then, I know its what I do when I can’t find a group for whatever reason, and no I wouldn’t join a dungeon group that wants to use GDKP anymore then I would join a dungeon group that wants to hard reserve items.

That is always the default reply when the discussion becomes difficult to understand. Oh well.

For the record, I do make groups, fill them even if it takes ages and get what I need or others need done. But Someone else that starts a sweaty GDKP fills in a few hours when they advertise they got big “buyers”.

What is difficult to understand here. You have several options, you can join a group you don’t like the make up of, find a group you do like, or can create your own group. Now obviously making your own group is more difficult. But there isn’t anything difficult to understand about this, you have the right to play how you want, but no you don’t and should not have the right to force other people to play the way you want over the way they want.

As for your group taking forever to create, the best option there is to have a list of reliable people you have raided with in the past that you can tap to fill the roles needed (primarily tanks, healers, and good dps). Of course if your groups tend to struggle, that could have a negative long term impact, but making sure everyone is ready with buffs/consumes will help.

If your struggling with success, then obviously you will you will probably want to be more targeted about who you invite, and maybe make sure that people are competent prior to brining them, as most good raids can only afford to carry 1-2 people, while raids that are already struggling will often fail adding a few more poor players. It also helps to raid at a consistent time each week, so you can start finding other people that might be willing to come back the following week.

Haha maybe he does, but in this case he’s not wrong about GDKPs.

The pool of wealth has both escalated and isolated. The buy-in for GDKPs can be pretty high right now, or at least it was the last time I investigated the matter (~4-6 months ago, maybe?).

GDKP advocates are quick to point out that you can farm and sell things on the AH because inflation makes it very easy to get gold now. This is partially true but overlooks a few things…

  • It can be very difficult to find in-demand farmables (such as herbs) due to high demand and bot action.
  • Even with inflation as it is now, it still takes considerable time to farm enough for a buy-in.

I did the math at the time and even assuming perfect farming success (ie, no contention) it would still have taken at least a month of full time farming just to get to the point where you now have the priviledge of coming to a raid and giving all that money to someone else. By contrast, you could have spent a month running with a guild and probably have more gear than you ended up getting when you paid for it, building bonds with a community as you did so.

The problem is that players don’t see that. GDKP looks like a fast means to an ends, as long as you have the gold. So while you could spend that month farming for the buy in, it’s much more likely that people purchase that gold instead. This makes the organizers of GDKP even richer, which in turn drives up buy-in prices so it’s worth their while.

The only people GDKP is benefits is the people running it, not unlike any other racket humans have managed to convince others they need. It’s a scam and it really undermines the community aspect of WoW because it gives people an easy out. Why make an effort interacting with other people when you can just swipe and buy your way to phat lewtz?

So we will continue to make our own groups and we will continue to try to make the game thrive in spite of the monetization folks are trying to ram down our throats. Blizzard isn’t stopping you in Era so there’s not much I can do. Just don’t sit there and pretend like it’s a good thing for the game when really, it’s just good for you and your buds running them.


Same back at you… I shouldn’t be forced to make my own groups. I’ve been there and done that leading a damn guild, making pug raids for years and years… I have the right to sit down and chill.

Others have a special drive to create groups and host events. It’s in their nature and blood. Not mine anymore. Least when it comes to WoW.

I certainly don’t sit here and mooch/slack off in a pug raid or dungeon group just to get gear. I bring whatever I can to the table.

Target invites is what killed retail for me after years in a mythic prog guild and my MDI team. I got sick and tired of the selective nature we had to have as humans picking performance over friendships, it tore me apart. But hey we did it for gear… I guess.

This goes back to something that is touchy, the realms are a little dusty. Some days you can form a few scholo groups or strat orb runs in minutes or an hour. Other days it can take 4+ hours to find a single tank.

Think of that but in a raid scenario. Unless you form a cheap but profitable GDKP, host it yourself and lead it yourself you wont get anything done outside of scheduled guild pugs. The few guilds on mankrik cluster that do GDKPs right now only 1 of them is expensive(in my opinion) and the rest do have cheaper buy ins but they have bigger whales attached to them within the guild.

The highest min bid currently on this cluster for AQ40 and Naxx is 5k. That being said, sounds cheap but take into account consumes, deaths and the pots being low. The other few GDKPs ran by other guilds are cheaper but the risks for wipes are higher thus making it expensive by default from other means.

I can keep going on tangents of different areas as to why GDKPs are horrible, specially for our current server population. But I don’t know how much you like to read.

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Well perhaps you should start a character on Deviate Delight, it sounds like they have a good group of people started and are looking for more to fill out the roster, and its unlikely they will ever have any GDKP raids on it.

GDKP puts the CON in Economy.