It would be obvious to you to the point of not needing an explanation if you weren’t so narrow in scope.
Generally speaking an individual has to be a part of or find a guild that is doing raid content and all that entails. They have to be social and productive enough to earn a roster spot and maintain it all while agreeing to play a specific class on a set schedule for an unspecified amount of time, typically months if not longer.
Being dedicated to the long term mission statement of a raid guild, its rules and customs by being a real team player and personally accountable to dozens of other individuals is not even in the same universe as GDKP.
The poorly named GKDP is what we used to call “buying a carry”. Some of the specifics are a tad different and some names have been changed but its the same thing in principle. Buying a carry is fundamentally easier than earning it on every single level. Its a glorified pug that, much like most other forms of raid associations you can think of, uses peoples justifiable self concern against them by offering them the opiate we refer to as “loot systems”. GDKP is just more inherently stupid than the rest of them.
I mean, if you want to make my case for me, Im not gonna say no.
Personal opinions are just that - personal. If that’s how it feels to you, you’re entitled to feel that way but personal anecdotes have no bearing in any real discussion. Other people might see it as playing an old game with friends for fun. Who knows? There’s a huge variety in tastes and outlooks.
Its a basic understanding that someone who is taking a fairly substantial shortcut to a particular goal is doing it because they don’t have the patience to not take the shortcut and actually play the game.
The lack of scruples comes in because if it can be abused this player bases MO is to run roughshod over it like demons do. It is certainly no secret that RMT has had a big hand in how the “speed game” is played and while I agree that RMT is a separate issue unto itself, there is simply no denying the two are inextricably linked.
Its extremely reasonable to suggest if not state directly that if anyone were willing to take the big shortcut (RMT - totally cheating with real in game consequences) there’s probably few to no shortcuts (mage boosting/raid carries) that would be a hindrance to their conscience and as we can see, all of those things do exist.
All that being said, its not a big deal on the horde side of my cluster so I really don’t care personally. Those things happen but the overall community still puts the emphasis on guilds, were it belongs. I dont worry about bot gold in Era so much because its been out for so long now its possible for many players (except me) to be loaded to the gills in honestly earned gold and its gonna change hands one way or another.