GDKP Sucks and there is a propaganda campaign by a select few that says otherwise

heh ive said this in other posts and will say it here again.

if the gdkp ban had never happened, there would be alot more people playing and actively raiding (and on multiple alts to boot) right now .

this is fact.

its a self sustaining system . it fuels itself.

the notion that it inflates the economy is silly too because most people in gdkps or who run them often actually save the gold for getting items in a gdkp. they only really spend that money on consumes for preforming in raid and maybe get mounts when the bump is there to get one which doesnt put any money at all into the system.

that is also fact.

would it save sod now if they reinstated it tomorrow?

no probably not .

unless we get back maybe 20% or so of the people that left , it wont make a dent in anything putting it back in the game.

the people are already gone and are probably not coming back that left because of it.

this is fact too.

arguing over this is an exercise in futility.

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Gdkp shills are so pathetic and funny to read at the same time lol


I’ll bet they have some killer Clash of Clans forts.


Just because you watched a youtube video and don’t understand why players like it, doesn’t make it a bad system or immoral. You can play however you want and have fun, but kindly buzz off with how we wanna play. Good luck.

he who has the most gold wins the rolls, that same person also get the same cut as you when the payout is done at the end of the raid. if that person has more time to farm or swipes you will never win against them. its a terrible system that favors no lifes.


yes auctioning off items that should be BOP is a bad system… Buying raid drops is the exact opposite of what is intended for gearing hence them being BOP not BOE


Oop, you guys triggered the GDKPalts

Here they come


have you ever considered ur playing the wrong type of game? you will always be behind people who play more than you

guys i just checked how much i made last week and the guy who worked 10 more hours than me earned more money, isn’t that crazy unfair? what a stupid system

You’re right! I should just buy gold and then buy gear in GDKPs to even the score!

Whats your website btw? Susan, is that you?


if you have a childlike mentality where u have to “even the score” with someone who outbid you on an item then sure go ahead, remember its the zoomers who want instant gratification and instant items and not you

I love GDKP threads.

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typical GDKPer compares wow to real life because they are perpetually online. its a game its supposed to be fun know what isnt fun losing to people who swipe and people who the only grass they have touched in years is virtual


The economy on ally Wild Growth seems fine tbh


i like the way you amended your statement into swipers now rather than no lifers, very politician

you know what’s fun? having fun

if you can only have fun at wow when u are “winning” then u might need to reevaluate

i got a feeling u dont do too much winning

which explains why you are so anti-gdkp, i suspect that most people that don’t like them are because they are casuals who don’t or can’t participate in them and u see people getting further ahead and “winning” so u get mad and type on the forums all day

reading is hard


He won’t always be behind people who play more than he does if gdkp comes back. Then he can swipe to victory and be carried in a raid for all the gear.

The only people who want gdkp are bot farmers, bads and people who dont like rng in a game built around rng.


if you can only have fun in wow by doing GDKP you might need to reevaluate

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the thing is, i didn’t say that, but you did

imagine being a full grown man (maybe) and thinking people are “beating” you at wow so much that its unfun lol

notice how there isn’t an explicit statement of always winning in my post? it only says to swipers and people that don’t touch grass. i know you really have a hard time reading but you should maybe get a kindle or somthing and buy some ebooks to brush up on that grade school reading level.

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maybe u should invest in some youtube videos to brush up on that inability to play sod so much that u are in a perpetual state of losing