GDKP Runs are textbook sharp practice

It’s crazy how many people just think “gdkp bad”. Just join a guild if that’s how you feel. I opted to start doing GDKP in phase 1 because I’m not the greatest parser (well into purple average but not 99er) and knew I wouldn’t have first prio on big ticket items in my guild.

I’ve made hundreds of thousands of gold from the pots since I started. I have the agency to select which items I want to get first and how much I’m willing to spend. Gdkp is literally the best loot system.

What’s your ideal alternative, OP? Do you think you’re going to get in to a guild and instantly get fed loot as a 4k gs tryout? No, you’re not. Just join a ms>os naxx and get your character to a respectable place. Not sure what you really expected.


What’s the spirit of the game to you?

It isn’t an opinion, it’s fact.

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I like the posts that create the most awful, doomsday image of GDKPs that are wholly inaccurate. Legit never seen a GDKP on my server like the one you describe, no one looks for pure buyers or pure carries. People just make a raid comp full of suitably geared people for the content, and GDKP is the loot system.

It’s crazy how many people just think “gdkp bad”. Just join a guild if that’s how you feel.

It’s not an preconceived notion, that was experience. The first paragraph was my first interaction while looking for a raid after hitting 80 and running H+ for a week. Combined with my interactions with previous guildmates I don’t need to imagine what gdkp runs are like. I don’t need to try crack and get addicted before I decide that crack is bad for people. I will be playing with my friends in a guild by the way.

GDKP wouldn’t be all that bad if it were legitimate gold farmers paying for a carry, but it’s not that and everyone agrees to be willfully ignorant about the nature of the way they play the game.

I opted to start doing GDKP in phase 1 because I’m not the greatest parser (well into purple average but not 99er) and knew I wouldn’t have first prio on big ticket items in my guild.

That’s just pure narcissism. If you’re a second disc priest or holy that’s not a surprise. If you’re dps you play a mid class at an above average level but since you know that isn’t what will push you through progression bosses you opt to spend your lockouts outside of your guild expecting to get gear prio in exchange for gold.

What’s your ideal alternative, OP? Do you think you’re going to get in to a guild and instantly get fed loot as a 4k gs tryout?

Play the game, get lucky, get unlucky, farm the gold yourself and pay for a carry, or raid with your guildmates knowing that bosses will eventually fall even if you aren’t doing top dps/hps.

Do you think you’re going to get in to a guild and instantly get fed loot as a 4k gs tryout?

No that’s dumb. I played Enh/Resto in BC until halfway through when I switch to Enh/Ele in SSC/TK with the full understanding that I would be passed up for gear upgrades over stronger classes. You play what the guild needs when the guild needs it. Also, you’re projecting. That’s what you expected.

Not sure what you really expected.

What I didn’t expect was for the culture surrounding casual gameplay to have gotten this bad this fast. New and returning players without a guild are immediately priced out of progression because other people expect the new players to farm gold (In competition with bots) for them in order to raid. People play classic because they don’t like retail, but classic has become retail with brain dead easy bosses and the same toxic culture all because people would rather pay botters and take botted gold no questions asked.

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Understand and agree completely with the OP.

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Maybe play the game?

People out here crying about other peoples gold that doesnt effect them.

How does the gold i have do anything to someone else?

Does this hurt you all?

is there even a point to your post ?

lol drinknblink never fails to deliver

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Does it happen? Sure, WOW is a game comprised of human beings and human beings can be a-holes. Is it common or in any way indicative or unique to GDKP’s? Not at all… I’ve never seen it and even when I’m turned down for a GDKP on one of my alts with a lower GS, the most I’ve ever heard is something along the lines of “we’re looking for more dps for the HM’s we’re doing.” So again, this is only evidence that people are occasionally jerks… not exactly breaking news. It’s in no way evidence that people in GDKP’s specifically are any better/worse than anyone else

And as expected that’s exactly where you were going with this made-up story. You want to assign the action of one (questionably real) person to hundreds/thousands of unrelated people to further your preconceived narrative, that somehow the two are linked and thus since this (totally real) person is bad, the thing they do must also be bad!

And all of this is then drawn from that same false narrative. And is thus equally worthless.

I lived with a Grandmaster and professional chess player. I never once heard him discuss “the spirit of chess.” Sounds like BS to me.


Yes, i wanted all the anti gdkp players to see my gold and seethe.

Yes im petty.

They mad right now.

Yes. Use leatrix or something to clean up those minimap buttons.


They are kind of everywhere.

Bag addon too


Also the random questie tracker in the middle of your screen. You still running a lot of quests these days? :grin:


Im a whole quest enjoyer.

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Oh sorry that was just my mages gold, heres my full account.


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Probably the worst thing about GDKP is that pro GDKPs do not realize how detrimental GDKP is to the community.


First of all… get an authenticator like an adult…

Second of all… You have over 200k gold and you’re still using mooncloth bags? Really my guy? Have some respect for yourself.

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Sorry dad.

They are actually 2 onyxia bags, the sunwell 20 slot bag from the 5 man and the 22 slot sarth bag.