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So, I’m playing on BB, on my main character that I’ve had, since the beginning, and she’s moderately geared (nothing Naxx nor AQ). And, somebody asked me “how much gold did it cost you, for your gear, in GDKP?”.
I laughed and said “nothing 'cause I don’t do GDKP”.
They were shocked. Then, they asked “how did you get your gear, then?”
I then said “by participating in non-GDKP runs and collecting their ‘scraps’”.
And then everybody clapped
I was just more surprised that that was their first thought. Like, it’s automatically assumed anyone with gear participates in GDKP LOL
I saw a dude with hand of Rag in a BG with a bunch of blues mixed in
I messaged him and asked how much he spent
He invited me into one of the best progression guilds on the server because he also doesnt like gear buying chads
Its pretty easy to spot characters that geared purely through gdkp.
Most people who geared organically through phases in 2019 classic/som have mostly aq/naxx gear in every slot with occasional bwl/mc pieces in minor slots because they would have spent months raiding each tier and obtained most/all the loot from the previous tiers.
Purely gdkp characters will randomly have bis pieces of gear from aq/naxx gear mixed with zg/aq20 and pre bis.
You pretty much never saw people with naxx gear that didn’t have full bwl+ epics in 2019 classic
my worst raiding experiences were always guilds that had a loot council, sure at first everything is fine and they try as best they can to be fair, but eventually all loot councils get corrupt and start funneling crap to their friends
at least GDKP is open and transparent.
My experience with people that make this claim against loot council guilds:
“Omg i joined this loot council guild and have been raiding with them for like 2 months but they gave this bis piece of loot to this guy thats been with the guild for almost 2 years that has showed up to every raid and is very active with helping other guild members, but i did more dps than them last raid so i should have got it, so corrupt, only giving loot to friends, im going to immediately g quit over this and totally vindicate the loot councils decision not to give the best loot to me.”
But you know, thats just my anecdotal experience from being in a loot council guild that delt with these kind of players regularly
yeah i used to think that too but there are definitely corrupt loot councils out there. and like i said, sometimes they start fair but slowly get corrupt over time
No, you hold them accountable. Communication is key… our guild in TBC/Wrath keep logs of every piece of loot that was handed out and after a time. People knew when they would get the next drop. I prefer knowing where in line I am then guess when and if I will ever get a drop.
If you are new to a LC guild you better not expect to get anything old members need first for a while. That’s an unwritten rule.
A lot of people join loot council guilds with the mindset that raid performance is/should be the main deciding factor of who should get loot, but in reality the biggest factor successful loot council guilds use to determine where big ticket items go is whether or not that player is still likely to be in the guild months from now.
There are tons of players that guild hop soon after getting loot and nothing is more discouraging to a progression focused guild than seeing their investment in a player go completely to waste
Its like that if your part of that guild from day 1… if you are joining one already in progression I dont give a sh1t if you parse 100. You will not get anything over people that have been there since day 1.
i like how you are strawmanning people who have had bad experiences with loot council guilds the way these people are strawmanning those who like GDKPs
Just be sick of the ppl that buy gold and have more ways open to gear their char on a not legal way. It has nothing to do with being poor.
Doubt it. There are many gdkps that are shady af and holding back the gold for no reason.
Not even talking about the way that the buyers have their gold from lol.
all the GDKPs i’ve been on have been very transparent. in fact, most of them used special addons that constantly put in the chat what the gold total was, who got what item and how much they paid, etc.
if you’re in a bad GDKP group, leave. it’s not complicated.
Most of the anti gdkpers have no idea what they’re talking about.
You do cuz you have ran it for 13 years. We know…
Why because it’s true? The game has offically become p2w thanks to GDKPs. Enjoy your pixels you worked so hard for to be sold to the highest bidder for IRL funds.
oohh look, the player that is denying the fact that the buyers dont buy gold with irl currency.