GDKP (PayPal Looting) is a toxic gold buyers paradise

My bad… I should’ve press enter after the question.

Thanks, for the history lesson. Nothing I can tell you will change ur mind as nothing you will say will change mine. On that Im sure we can agree.

:warning: warning :warning: :warning: warning :warning:

Carry Chad Detected

Dont hurt his feels or his hustle!

Mass reports from butt hurt gold buyers incoming!

:warning: warning :warning: :warning: warning :warning:

Are you still here shilling for gold sellers? Damn one could easily assume you are working around on the clock on this forum lol

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You still here using strawman arguments?

This man will have to leave his home and engage in the economy, in a serious way, for the first time in YEARS!

This conversation is threatening to his very way of life

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I see the blatant lying hasnt stopped lol.

The gold sellers are absolutely loving your tireless crusade to promote their services.

Keep up the - not so - honest work hahahaha

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Lets hope he remembers how to interact with other people?

Oh wait, he cant even do that in the game, seeing as he needs GDKPs to raid instead of being on an actual raid group and be part of a real team of people interacting with each other lol.

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Its pretty pathetic that your only tactic of argument is to just use blatant strawmen.

“Oh, you must buy gold or be a gold seller, check mate”


I was loyal to the same guild for the entirety of classic 2019.

I was part of the horde first week 1 naxx clear on whitemane. Raiding with the same guild every single week. You have no ground to stand on claiming im not a team player

Notice how every single one of your arguments amounts to saying blatantly untrue things you make up in your head

Its baffling how you hard you miss your mark, but then again that has been one of your few consistent features lol.

Weather you like it or not, you spending hours of your time defending GDKPs, is doing a massive service to gold sellers. People get payed to spend hours of their day promoting something this hard lol.

You’re either a payed shill, or simply incapable of being part of an atual raid group . Its the only reason one would spend so much of their day on this

But the amount of disingenuous lies and lobbying leads me to believe the former.

Havent lied a single time in this thread

Almost every single statement you make to refute me though has been you making up a baseless lie about me and presenting it as a fact when you know nothing about me

I have receipts

I can quote them but i really cant ba bothered

But you brought us amazing quips like:

“Losing a gold bid is the same as losing a roll”

“People have to press buttons to get loot”

“The AH promotes as much gold buying as GDKPs”

“GDKPs are a just like a guild run, and will get you ahead in the game”

Mate, just stop lying. The best argument you got is “my run is different” but it doesnt matter because other runs exist and are a massive detriment to the economy and integrity of the game.

In any case im done arguing with payed liars. GL on your crusade

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Again more strawman arguments by misquoteing things to twist their meaning to fit your strawman and removing all context

You do know everybody can scroll up and read these “lies” you claim ive told and debunk your claims right?

GDKP should be against ToS and they should ban your credit card so you cant ever make an account again


I really hope they do, that way they will get a glimpse of how misleading and dishonest your points are.

Oh the irony

If GDKP was treated like in-game gambling, y’all probably wouldn’t notice it’s there.

It seems to be pretty effective in getting you to say ridiculously wild stuff to defend gold buying/selling


There you go again with the strawman arguments

Quote where i ever once defended gold buying or gold selling

You are either the most dense person or just completely unable to understand basic facts

GDKP is supported in such a way because of gold buyers/sellers exploitation of the general public

GDKP was the most hated system of looting, historically, because of that very fact

It wasnt popularized until server clusters for classic came about, and finding an alternative is damn near impossible

It is such a difficult feat because GDKP has created an environment where young guilds just have players wash through them as they GDKP grind

There are 2 or 3 15/15 naxx guilds in the Whitemane cluster.

They will take “buyers” into BWL and they sell Naxx runs for $$$ right in trade chat

They wait until a player purchases enough gear from them to join the farming runs once geared

That is the reality of raiding on Horde Whitemane

None of that is a strawman

It is the present reality of raiding on the only classic PvP cluster

It literally goes SO DEEP that the guild leaders of the GDKP guilds organize together and take officer positions in the other guilds