With bots running amok en masse (literally just open your eyes in the game and look around), we’re already seeing massive inflation on the marketplace for items and as more people are starting to hit 25 we are also seeing GDKP groups and GDKP bands/statics start to form. GDKP is a blatant form of cleaning/laundering gold and clearly promotes RMT.
Exploitative farming of high level mobs is also happening for massive gold advantage.
I’ve seen green pieces on the AH for 25-30g and beyond. I’ve occasionally seen lvl 50 epics up there already for hundreds. People are already starting to reach gold amounts of the average fresh lvl 60 with substantive farming under their belt after getting their epic.
To add insult to injury the long awaited “PvP activity” has been sourly panned and being regarded as even worse off after supposedly well-intentioned changes.
This is just going to snowball and get worse and worse until the economy is unrecoverable.
Ban bots and buyers, permanently. Close their account, full-send. Go ahead and allow appeals in extremely exceptional/unique cases for users banned of buying just incase of rare false positives, but be rather flat-out and blatantly strict about it.
Classify GDKP as a form of RMT (as it is a primary lynchpin in the RMT economy), make it against the TOS, and ban any easily proven instances of a GDKP occurring (the gold exchange records make it pretty obvious, I would imagine). If people still find ways to obscure the exchange of gold in order to hide it, so be it. It will still happen a lot less and far less publicly on a scale that threatens the economy due to it being against the TOS.
Exploitation methods need to be addressed quickly or the economy is ruined before it even gets off the ground (it might already be at this rate if 1 & 2 aren’t addressed first). Was it even foreseen that gold for quests completed at level cap might be a problem, as well?
This already isn’t looking good. Props to those who play solo and don’t pay attention to anyone else but themselves and thus “don’t see any issue”, but this might kill the entire season for the majority of players right off the get before players can even reach lvl 60.
Some quests are awarding like, 2 gold if you do them at 25. This also inflated the market. Its not hard to afford a 10g item on the AH as a fresh 25.
You should check out the fishing bots in STV!
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That’s not the point. Inflation will happen faster because of bots and RMT, soon it’s not gonna be hard to afford things that are worth 100g, then eventually 200, then 500, 1000, etc. The goal is to slowdown the inflation by preventing RMT as much as possible, especially ban gold buyers for 6 months, if not forever.
Gold site stocks for gold are now up to 8mil
1 gold is worth around 9$ now.
We’re screwed.
Well blizzard is the one who decided respecs still cost money and added all these runes that cost a ton of gold when we are low level and can’t make as much. They reap what they sow
We are capped at 25 for months, farming gold isn’t that hard for normal gameplay. We don’t have many talents at this point, and almost everyone is missing the important ones, so it’s laughable to think that people will be swapping specs multiple times a week to min/max. At this level swapping runes is more impactful than talents.
People aren’t buying gold because normal gameplay drives them to. People are buying gold because they want to buy gear, GDKPs are already going.
Gold is under $0.50 per gp. Everyone with the capacity for critical thought knows whats happening.
Dont insult your own intelligence by pretending to be naive enough think this is “normal” inflation, or our intelligence by expecting us to believe it.
What a braindead response. It’s really not hard to grind 5g, you can passively get a few gold an instance run even.
Bots exist because people choose to swipe a credit card instead of play the game. Easy solution is to ban them.
what did you expect? a flawless game without bots / real money traders & gdkp’s?
that sounds like a dream/utopia…SoD players are people who was playing classic/era & wrath classic & Some retailer which all 3games are filled with gold selling/buying therefore SOD will have the same issue of RMT/boosts/gdkp/bots.
At this point I agree, GDKPs have ruined every single version of classic I’ve played. This is coming from someone who has hosted and bought in them.
I think the only answer is basically non-tradeable personal loot. Can’t even add exceptions to full guild runs because they will just invite the buyers to guild before run and funnel them.
why would blizzard ban rmt or bots when they both pay subs? what are you gonna do, quit? thats still a net profit.
Blizzard…“We hear you. Here’s the WoW Token!”
That’ll solve the bot issue. No bots in Wrath anymore. ![:+1: :+1:](https://d38bqls1q93fod.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/+1.png?v=12)
Who wants to he the one to tell him that bots farming tons of stuff actually lowers the price of items because of the supply?
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I’m talking about normal gameplay. That’s on you then if you can’t be bothered to spend a very minimal amount of time playing the game to earn what little gold is actually needed to play the game. Make whatever excuse you want to buy gold. But you absolutely don’t need to unless you are trying to buy prebis off the AH or bis from a raid.
Who wants to be the one to tell you that the bots sell things cheaper to amass large amounts of gold to be sold in bulk to devalue the currency which causes inflation? It’s not about what they sell peacebloom for its the fact that joebob can buy 200g from them at lvl 10 and now his buying power is 100x what it should be. Most vanilla players never got to 200g EVER and now level 1s can start with it. Sure like I said peacebloom is cheap AF now but that random lvl 20 BoE item you want is now 480g instead of 4g. Oh and let’s not forget that now that bots are selling the peacebloom for barely over vendor price it makes it not worth it for YOU to farm it. Bots destroy any farms that are worthwhile and force you to buy gold or get one of the blue 400g BoEs to drop.
Inflation has many more layers that you are failing to identify.
“I want it so cheating is okay”
Youre insinuating that the current inflation we are seeing is “normal gameplay inflation” its not.
Stop insulting yourself by suggesting it and us by expecting us to believe it.
Thema re not bots that’s a new player named aghoireheo ~blizzard