GDKP "laundering" and massive inflation is already occurring on SoD, as predicted. Bots/exploits, etc

i’ve seen bots in silithus for some reason

I vote they just troll the bots and gold buyers by introducing a new debuff, heavy purse strings. Make it account wide to avoid them being able to use alts to bypass. Having over a certain amount of gold reduces damage done and movement speed as well as increasing damage taken. And scale it. The bigger the whale, the bigger the debuff.

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We get it, you buy gold.

Arent you just precious. Nice try.

Yep, economy is already a disaster. I don’t see it recovering either. Just one reason why I probably won’t stick around too long. Shoutout to the jerks posting mats in stacks of one.

If you’ve been paying attention to price per gold on these elicit sites, you’d notice that prices are down by more than half. This means that they have literally double their gold supply on most servers in seven days… One should note that they did this using bots that weren’t even level 25 yet. Now that most of the initial wave of bots are reaching 25, it’s going to get really, really bad.

Right, so the rest of us can’t make any money due to the value of our time and resources tanking.

If you knew anything about how GDKP interacts with the RMT system you’d know that GDKP pushes people to buy the cheaper gold more which not only counteracts but exponentially inflates the price schemes beyond the the microscopic (in comparison) reduction due to increased supply.

The sum total is a vast net increase in inflation, regardless of the initial “supply”.

That’s literally how era economy happened.

The botting is an insignificant obstacle to that end.

What an uneducated take.

Just trying to make a living selling low level mats.

They can’t keep getting away with this! Blizzard must take aggressive action and stop handwaving the issue.

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Totally agree on this, we had GDKP in Classic Era and Wrath and both times it has been proven that it is false that GDKP is not related to RMT and Gold Buying - this time around they have the chance on a brand-new experience to show us a world without GDKP’s.

Let us see if Bots are then still a thing in this mass capacity without the only real gold sink in classic wow.