Clearly not, because you weren’t even aware of people reserving 7-10 spots for buyers, or people doing gold checks on the buyers before raid inviting them. Sounds like you were way behind the curve with GDKPs than the rest of the game. Probably shouldn’t claim to have ran with the “biggest” GDKP group of classic if ya’ll couldn’t even average a 600g split per raid.
You have 0 clue on the gdkps i have done rofl.
Where did i say gdkps filling up with buyers was new?
The raids are easy you could have all buyers rofl.
We are talking era raids here.
I love the goal post keeps moving tho.
Cant wait for the switch up on the next reply.
It isn’t and no.
I miss Frosstfire.
Probably sums up every single one of your posts in a single sentence.
No one does.
I have taken control.
Tell me where i mentioned our payouts?
Can i get some binoculars i cant see the goal post anymore.
Children, this is your brain on GDKP, take note.
You can’t because either:
A. You post a laughable payout for your “biggest GDKP group”.
B. You confirm that items were min bid 6-10k depending on raid.
Neither option works for you.
I mean i dont have ledgers from 6 years ago.
I also wasnt with HUNKS in 2019.
I did gdkp discords with a group of about 6 guilds.
Min bids werent 10k tho, thats just cap.
Hell min bids in current cata are 10k.
Listen you don’t need to fight about GDKPs because they are banned. NO one cares about your past payouts.
You can’t GDKP anymore.
So why are you posting?
If only you could eliminate RMT from the auction house
Youd need to remove it
Sorry but RMT is a fact of life on the AH.
At least we eliminated GDKP RMT.
Welp I mostly ran with TL GDKPs which WERE known as one of the bigger gdkp groups across several servers. and DO have their price listings (minimum bid, and item reserve prices) 3-6k depending on item in AQ 40 and 6-10k depending on item in Naxx
No one cares here cause GDKPs are banned now.
3-6k is nothing and far from these outlier items.
I sold SM boosts, i could easily make 20k a week just off that.
ah rmt is bigger than anyhing else in this game
you just dont want the AH removed because it serves you
gdkp didnt because your raid logs didnt get you in
You can’t stop RMT on the AH so GDKP was the next best target.
Glad we sorted that out.
His grey parses were really good for greys man.