Genuinely, why can’t people spend their gold how they want? I am biased as I am a fan of the GDKP system because I feel the pros outweigh the cons and is the superior raid loot distribution method. I am inviting opposing views to perhaps convince me otherwise, but I will briefly outline the pros/cons for me with GDKP’s.
Pros: (to name a few)
More Alt Friendly
Can get right into raids at max level
Personally, more community involvement for me. More raids, more players, etc
More gold for raid consumes/other endeavors
Less botting/RMT because players get gold from raids, no need to swipe.
On average better players in the raids (Poor performers not invited/no cut, etc.)
Consolation Prizes (Gold)
Removes RNG element when obtaining loot
No need for a guild
More discord driven
Truthfully can’t think of others
Again, these are my opinions and I am open to hearing opposing view points. With only the weekly guild run available and the only other options for alts is very toxic “Everything good HR” runs where performance doesn’t really matter. I don’t want to rant too much but with GDKP’s I play wow like 20hrs+ per week, without, its like 3-4hrs per week.
I think it got banned because enough people whined about it. I agree though its far superior than having to listen to some ultra nerd for a chance to get a drop.
Thankfully theres the one server that still has it. Makes playing the game much more chill imo
I use the forums as much as you see here, I am just a casual browser. I would argue the same, a handful of people with a million alts complained about how other people enjoy the game and therefore blizzard acknowledged the minority in this scenario.
I don’t care how you enjoy playing the game, why would someone care so deeply about how I enjoy playing the game?
This pretty clearly says ignores the reason people RMT. People don’t buy gold just because they want to have gold, they buy gold because they are impatient and want to get ahead.
These people aren’t gonna farm gold by playing the AH or by grinding mobs or farming materials, so why would they farm gold by doing GDKP?
That is a fair point, that’s the whole point right to propel yourself ahead of others via gold I agree.
I’m not sure if people involved with GDKP’s though are not too upset with the outcome of losing items. It’s not like they /roll and just lose gg go next and pray next week’s PUG goes better. They go into GDKP’s knowing how they operate and the outcome. Furthermore can control their “destiny” as far as loot is concerned.
Also, I personally think people would rather farm gold through GDKP’s being that a raid can take 1,2,3 hours and you can make enough gold to last you a month in raid consumes. Whereas if you are to sell boosts or grind a precious material you can only make a fraction in the same amount of time spent. Again, just my .02. Thanks for the feedback.
GDKP’s are not only more efficient in the gold per hour metric, but also getting consolation prizes, that being gold, is a far superior feeling to rolling a 3 on your SR week after week and going home with nothing.
“Looking for 7 more BUYERS for GDKP xxxx tomorrow at 7pm EST”
more alt friendly if you RMT
can get right into raids at max level if you RMT
MORE botting/RMT because players have to RMT to compete with the bids of those who RMT
I mean the average payout for an AQ 40 in 2019 was like 600g on an even split -20% organizer fee. Big ticket items were MINIMUM bid of 6k. you think players are waiting 10 runs before they can even bid on an item? hell no swipe swipe swipe. The reason Blizzard banned GDKP in SoD is for this very thing.
In a perfect world where NO ONE RMT’d GDKP would be the best and most fair loot system, but that wont ever happen. So it should remain banned. I can actually open world farm now unlike in 2019 because how bot infested it was with GDKPs ensuring players were probably buying millions of gold weekly. Hell now its pretty much limited to people buying epic mounts and consumes which is probably a tenth of what was being sold in 2019.
GDKPs promote RMT on a whole different level, what starts out fun becomes a monopoly of GDKPs running by a GDKP mafia who then trade their earnings for real world money. There is no way around this because EVERYTHING in this world that can be monetized will be, video games are no exception. So it may start out fun and welcoming but it will devolve into a cesspool of greed.
With that in mind, you don’t need the very very very best item as much as people want it. I had several alts pulling more than their weight wearing 2/3rd bis gear for a fraction of the cost, no RMT needed and leftover gold to fund those bis items I want on my main.
Blizzard didn’t want to call their community a bunch of RMT Gold buyers the second time around? Who would have thought?! They did say they were following the same guidelines as SoD which would mean the reasons they banned it were valid and it saw a metric of success.
It is the most famous one. Big ticket items were 10k in naxx minimum starting bid and 6k minimum starting bid in AQ 40.
So you get to cherry pick and call it the reason? Imagine if i did that, you wouldnt let it slide.
I did gdkps more than pretty much everyone, my guild ran the biggest gdkp discord and the fact is that gressil goes for far more than even current cata items.
If anything the gressil was more of a click bait than anything, notice how youre all still bringing it up? You havent seen any other stories of things going higher for a reason.
This odd idea that every gdkp is just full of swipers is wild.
Now im not saying people dont buy gold, but lets be honest Anni has more gold buyers than any other version, more people are buying gold in anni then any other version.
Im not speaking my opinion i know people who sell gold, point blank. They have more weekly sales for crazy amounts in Anni than they sold in ICC phase of wotlk.