They will do it with everyones guild.
Because buying 1,000 gold for $40 is alot easier than farming 1,000 gold for 16 hours.
They will do it with everyones guild.
Because buying 1,000 gold for $40 is alot easier than farming 1,000 gold for 16 hours.
Im speaking mainly on the GDKP discords, where people were PAYING REAL MONEY to host GDKPs because of the REAL MONEY profit it returned
That didnt happen on my guilds and we were the largest most likely.
At our peak we were running around 40 runs a week in ICC.
No one was selling gold on the discord, this is a fantasy where its an outlier but being passed out as the normal
Its what anti gdkp players do, they take these crazy outliers and pretend its how it is normally.
Same with the gressil.
We are in Cata and the gressil is still being brought up.
You speaking vanilla? im speaking on GDKPs ever since 2019 classic launch and onward.
Yes, 2019 Classic.
My guild ran Imagine Caring on Bene.
Cherry pick? That is their reason for banning it the first time, It remained banned which would mean it was successful?
Whats wild is you claim to have run in the “biggest” gdkp discords but sit here and claim RMT wasn’t prevalent. Because people didn’t specifically spam for buyer only slots to fill the GDKP? People didn’t do gold checks and only allow players who could put at least 10k gold in the trade window join the raid as a buyer?
Brother get real. I get that you have an agenda and want GDKP back but at least be real. Don’t sit here and say GDKP wasn’t about RMT and taking gold from people who RMT’d to redistribute it to those who don’t.
Sorry to say your guild wasn’t an outlier, no one has been who has ran a GDKP discord, they got paid to allow people to host.
No need for a guild with cliques that loot council everything to their buddies isn’t a Con.
All guilds use Discord anyways, I don’t see why it is a Con but it’s common to all systems anyways.
GDKP isnt about rmt, if it was then why if you removed all rmt and bots in an imaginary world would gdkp still be the best pug system?
Youre coping.
GDKP was there when raids got too hard for bad players like yourself and the discords fully vet their players.
Its why heroic raids in wotlk and cata are cleared by these people on their alts.
Your guild wont even clear the heroic content.
Its for people who want to play an alt and not run with trash cans from trade chat.
Its most likely why you all hate it.
If the agenda of gdkps was rmt then why would it be the best pug loot system if you removed rmt?
Make it make sense.
You can in other game modes, this one isn’t for that, why do you need it everywhere? oh you follow the circus and sell balloons you say? marvelous
I mean you can on Era right? how are things going there?
OP is right don’t even need to read the rest of the thread to see that the only counterarguments against him are people calling him a swiper.
What in the hell are you even talking about? Heroic raids? THIS IS VANILLA, THIS IS AN ANNIVERSARY WOW TOPIC. get lost dude. GDKP isn’t banned in your little corner of World of warcraft. No one cares about Cata.
GDKP would be the best loot system if RMT didn’t exist, but it does… and it took full advantage of the degeneracy of players to spend upwards of $200 an item. It TURNED INTO finding a handful of swipers to have them swipe for you and snag their gold so blizzard wouldn’t ban you for RMTing yourself.
Correct this is Anni.
And people are selling more gold without gdkps around lmfao.
If only you knew.
Thats furthering the point, do something about the RMT. I’m sure blizzard is aware of the Private discords for GDKPs that still exist today on anni servers
Not even close. But believe what you want I guess.
They would need to spend $$.
Blizzard cant do that so they added the placebo of the gdkp ban
I literally know the gold sellers rofl.
Yeah? your one little gold seller knows that the RMT market is selling Millions of gold a week now? like it was in 2019? hell we don’t even have 20% of the player base we did in 2019… and you think there is MORE gold being sold now? Cope Cope Cope.
You’d be the worse person to commit a crime with, sheesh
Yeah i lead you right to them right?