GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

I don’t think you understand what it means. Your trucker brain is showing :articulated_lorry: :brain:

They already are.

Gdkps banned and rmt and bots are 30% of the server.

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Yeah but unlike the pro gdkpers, the anti gdkpers will cop it. We understand it’s out of our hands. We won’t cry on the forums for years after

I’m smart enough to be good at this game and not have to hide on a video game forum.


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You’re saying your personal details are attached to that toon or something?

Who said that?

All I said was I’m smart enough to be good at this game so I don’t need to hide on a video game forum

Unlike you and Zaalg and Frossty.

Isn’t that a great coincidence? The Three stooges all have to hide

Aren’t you hiding behind a toon?

He’s a gnome. He could hide behind a thumbtack.

Reread what I wrote again because you keep trying to bring real life into it.

You’re hiding who your character is because you’re bad at the game.

That’s pretty common with anti-gdkp players.

We make adorable rogues

I’ve been playing this game for 20 years

What character is my character?

Not sure.

Because you hide them.

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First time I started posting was in sod, was I meant to go back to my retail toon? Cata? HC?

Trying to draw a connection between a posting character and in-game character is the calling card of someone who can’t stand by their ability to discuss logically or intelligently.

Truckers argument

What was your pre nerf Heroic LK kill toons name?

I told you yesterday

He would sit down across from Gore Vidal for a debate and begin with, “Look how fast I can spam that frostbolt keybind!”

It’s so silly. :rofl:

There is no argument your side thinks you’re right and my side thinks we are right all we can do is fight.

Pull up

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I hear this a lot, but what exactly does it mean?

How are people laundering money in real life through GDKP’s?

I’m genuinely curious because I don’t understand.