Nothing about that says paid carry.
Clearly you don’t get it.
Nothing about that says paid carry.
Clearly you don’t get it.
How did you get paid carry from kicking people who don’t pull their weight or have gold to bid on their upgrades? Like… would you raid with someone in a DKP guild where people never spend their DKP on upgrades because they only want to spend on bis pieces? Cause I hated raiding with those people. They underperformed for months on end with previous tier gear they wouldn’t upgrade until they got bis contested items first.
These people don’t have a clue what they are talking about ever.
GDKPs are usually all weight-pulling players. Towards the end of phases they may save a couple slots as dedicated buyer slots, and those buyers are vetted to be legit alts whaling in good faith. Leechers are not permitted, and even called out on discord communities so other groups know not to invite them.
These threads are the definition of letting something live in your head rent free. All of you.
He said outright, I would not be welcome in his runs unless I’m paying. If I’m paying, nobody cares what my gear is.
That’s the very definition of a paid carry, lol.
Interesting that you bring up standard DKP. If I join a DKP group, I start at zero so I’m not bidding. I have to stick around for a while before I can bid. I can’t do that in a GDKP run.
You are literally buying your way into a run.
People do care about your performance. Nobody wants to raid ICC25HC without the 30% buff with someone who is dead the entire raid. That’s not a paid carry. You’re creating an entirely different situation in your head to justify calling it a carry when it’s not.
A majority of GDKP’s are literally just regular pugs, vetted more heavily, and with requirements/rewards tacked on for performance. If you don’t perform well and grief the raid you don’t get a cut. Many groups will just kick you outright even if you’re bidding but especially if you’re not bidding on upgrades and being useless. I’m not going to GDKP’s to carry some gray parsing dog to gear for money. I go to GDKP’s because the groups are better than 90% of guild raids and I expect people in them to perform well. Loot distribution is handled via gold bid, no different than spending DKP. And people do perform better in GDKP’s. Because going to a GDKP and being useless and either getting kicked/blacklisted or getting your cut revoked is a pretty steep penalty.
Also, you’re using your retail character on the forums. You wanna talk about paid carries? Lets talk about m+ carries, aotc/ce carries, armor type stack carries, the usual arena/rbg carries. Where’s the threads about all those being an issue that needs to be banned fully from the game? Nobody seems to care about those. But it’s somehow ruining your experience in classic to not go to pugs you weren’t going to go to anyway since you raid with your guild.
No it isn’t.
Grab a dictionary and figure it out
It’s why gdkps are the most successful pug runs.
Go kill heroic rag carrying people
When you can kill heroic rag with good players who have gold.
You’re just bad at the game we get it
You’re talking to irrational people who’ll claim the sky is brown…just to argue with you.
Fact and truth means nothing. They’re simply angry and want to vent.
There’s nothing irrational about wanting to raid with people who are going to show up and perform because if they don’t not only will they not be invited back, but the whole reason they showed up to the raid will be forfeited as punishment, with no schedule so I can go any time any day of the week.
It’s a pretty great system for weeding out the rats.
ITT: people too crap/poor to get invited to gdkps, hence they prefer ms/os because an rng system benefits bad players.
How people buy and sell carries varies across different versions of the game, but it’s the same fundamental principle. A raid slot is purchased and gear or achievements are awarded.
GDKP falls squarely into this category. If you’re not paying and you’re not carrying, you’re not invited.
Whatever point you think you’re making here, you might wanna rethink it.
I haven’t played retail in quite some time but when I did, paid carries were easily as popular as GDKP runs. There’s more than enough folks out there who want something without putting in the effort to get it to feed the cycle.
Personally I think that’s bad for the game, clearly you do not. You’re welcome to your perspective, but it is downright comical how upset you guys are when I call a spade a spade. GDKP is just another form of paid carry, that’s all it is and that’s all it will ever be.
It’s never been about community and progression, it’s always been about profit.
Look, I didn’t come here to enrage a bunch of GDKP enthusiasts with a simple truth, it’s just a nice side bonus
Except it doesn’t, because you can be a terrible raider and you will still be welcome as long as you pay. It’s got nothing to do with ensuring performance at all.
It does weed out the rats. If all you want to see is paid carries, there’s a million more on retail in any given piece of content than there have ever been in classic.
The majority of GDKP’s are not paid carries. They are pugs with entry requirements and expectations that push people to perform like they would for a guild raid. Which is exactly WHY so many GDKP’s are better than guild raids.
Keep refusing to see reality because you’re mad people cheat. Banning GDKP’s didn’t stop carries. Certainly hasn’t stopped gold buying.
Not for vanilla raiding which is easy so you can definitely carry under geared players.
They’re already enraged. They don’t need our help.
The gdkp discords are a community.
You raid with the same people
You are out of your depth and saw a gdkp and assumed all of them are like that.
Imagine trying to carry Zaalg and Frosstfire and Ripsod thru a heroic Rag or heroic LK when you can just grab better players and they aren’t floor Pov every fight and actually do mechanics and perform.
You’re failing to accept there is other kinds of gdkps and all gdkps arent the same
They can’t comprehend that different raids are different. Despite being able to comprehend that MS/OS and SR raids are better ways for them to get gear because they suck and can’t farm gold.
Maybe they struggle with understanding the concept of guilds as a whole being different as well?
Like, do they think the most casual dad guilds will perform at the same level as world first players? That those guilds even have the same requirements and expectations?
Yes enraged its a money laundering scream full of rage i think
There are certainly paid carries on retail. I think it’s an officially supported practice now. Blizzard made a services channel so that people knew where to go to find these groups. As I said earlier, they’re wildly popular… people want the result of clearing content without putting in the work to get there.
As for whether or not there’s more, honestly I can’t say. I’d imagine that, relative to the population of any given version of the game, it’d be about the same. It’s all the same general pool of humans, after all.
They certainly are pugs with entry requirements… and the entry requirement is that you pay. It’s not about pushing your performance at all, it’s about profit. If you’re a terrible player but you’re paying, you’re welcome in any GDKP run I’ve ever seen advertised. If it was all about performance then it would be closed roster with strict performance requirements, gold wouldn’t even be a part of the equation.
It’s amusing that this upsets you. Like, you can sell carries all you want to in Era, Blizzard isn’t stopping you. I think you can even sell them in Cata. You just can’t sell them in SoD and Anniversary because Blizzard decided to take a half-baked and ultimately ineffectual stance on it for some PR points.
I didn’t say GDKP was cheating, I just said it was a paid carry and that this form of content progression is bad for the game. Not only does it undermine the integrity of the game and it’s form of progression, it leads to a lot of tourists who come, pay their way to the end, and then leave the game.
I would much rather have a significantly smaller population comprised of those who actually want to be there, playing because they enjoy the game and not because they’re getting paid. That’s just me though, you’re welcome to a different outlook.