GDKP in Season of Discovery

How great would it be, to rake in huge pots of gold paid for by someone else.

Please unban GDKP.

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Or just get better at detecting bots and gold sellers and allow players to continue using a currency that’s been in the game for 20 years.


This is a lie. You made arguments and I dismantled them. You went to the no proof line, once they fell apart. Then I gave evidence and you said doesn’t represent. Then started to discuss your theory which I used your own words against you. Then at that point we were spinning in circles posting the same stuff. At this point in time it’s just a finger pointing game.

It’s reality, you have no standing. I ripped through your arguments like paper. You’re just upset that at every turn I called you on your crap.

Incompetence is on you. I left out the word you.

This is your whole argument. You shout down people’s arguments with the words “No Proof.” When it’s flipped back on you, you pull random things out of the woodwork. You have no proof and you never will.

You clip things out of context :rofl:. You do this all the time :clown_face:.
Just except that the following is true: GDKP’s are still banned and you were wrong.

Have a nice day :wave:.


Going to have to start marking your posts as spam.

You’ve shared your input we don’t care.


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Don’t agree so I have to flag him.

I believe that this test has run its course and has failed there is an overwhelming number of people who wish to return to gdkp’s.


There is just as much that doesn’t want it back.

I still think Blizzard should share some info since the ban.


It’s not even close.

There is a reason you antis say gdkps take over and it’s because it’s the most popular pug loot setting.

You 6 antis on the forums are just a loud small minority

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I am certain blizzard is monitoring these threads and preparing to revert the gdkp ban its in there best interests.

Lol ya right.
You, Bergy, and bullkakke bout all you got.


I would love to see your data.


/yawn let me know when your statements grow a spine.

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You guys were literally crying because all the pugs were gdkps.

Like what are you even saying, that was legit an anti gdkp argument.

Gdkps take over the pug scene and that’s all their is.

I wonder why?

Because it’s the best pug system, if blizzard ever did actually do a vote your side would have a monumental loss.

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Can quote this all you want. Doesn’t change the fact you were wrong and GDKP’s are still banned.


For the others in this thread that didn’t read the exchange what happened was this:

  1. The claim was made that GDKP would result in more gold buying.
  2. I challenged that claim, saying that gold buying is still happening and bots are still quite active. So what’s the reason for thinking gold buying is down?
  3. Gold prices were presented as a reason. Suggesting that lower prices means demand has fallen?
  4. I explained that a bot farming 100g/day in P1 and selling for $20 is just as profitable as a bot farming 1000g/day in p3 selling for $20. Gold prices are a reflection of inflation. Bots can scale up or down to meet any demand.

That’s it. Massive walls of text followed, but failed to provide any argument against 4)

As far as gold sellers are concerned.
Would SoD have a higher potential for profit due to the lack of WoW token?

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If blizzard made SOD good it would have a higher potential for profit.

What a stupid argument lmfao.

Is phase 4 going to have more people buying gold?

The whole gold selling thing is literally a meme at this point, half of you already buy gold.

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I claimed that unbanning would lead to an increase in RMT’s indirectly and directly. I agree with what you said there.

I agree with this statement for the most part. I never denied that RMT’s were not happening currently. My whole argument was an increase after unbanning. Even though I haven’t seen hardly any bots on my server compared to the past I went ahead and gave you the benefit of a doubt.

This is true as I presented him a gold graph from a gold seller. It drops down at a point in P2 and continues before hitting an all time low at the end of April. During that time from P2 to April the gold curve didn’t spike like raiding population. So I said demand is down so prices are low.

He was stating that bots have infinite demand and infinite gold. I asked then why were gold graphs changing in price, wouldn’t they be the same. No real answer was provided. I then said if that’s the case couldn’t 1 gold seller monopolize the market. His answer was no he’d get undercut. I explained that eventually someone would be the lowest seller and price everyone out of the market. He didn’t like that so he said other’s would move in and undercut them dodging the question. Eventually someone would be the lowest. My issue was why isn’t there a monopoly and why have the prices changed, which go against his argument. He had none.

Massive walls of text were us quoting one another going back in forth and getting no where. I was trying to point out for both of our sakes we were wasting each other’s time. I got to a point where I realized that no matter what either of us say to one another we wouldn’t change our stance. I pointed that out and you started saying I was bowing out due to weak arguments.

Value of gold always trends down.

This is pretty obvious

The demand for gold from phase 1 to phase 2 to phase 3 also kept going down, sod lost 90% of its population.


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Yeah i think you make a good point about bringing back gdkp’s and the test failing.

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