GDKP in Season of Discovery

Personal attacks, sign of a lost argument.

No you won’t.

This can just as easily be explained by incompetence

Until they arent. The truth has a tendency of winning. And where it doesnt, there’s a trail of failed companies.



Maybe you guys should hug it out

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You haven’t proven anyone wrong but yourself.

Like your entire perception of what you think you have accomplished is wrong.

Gold prices are down because demand is down because SOD lost literally 90% of its playerbase.

You’re equating demand being down because gdkps are gone and that’s just your delusion, everyone has quit SOD, which is funny because the nickname given to sod was literally Season of Swiping.

The only thing you have proven to anyone is that you don’t know how wows economy works and you have no idea what you’re saying.

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https:// i

“Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy for later phases of Season of Discovery.”

GDKP’s are the best thing for this dead game.


I wonder if blizzard checks there own posts.

Those were directed at a person that started them. You try to do stuff like this. It’s disingenuous when you pull these as if they are directed at you. I tore apart his argument. He had arguments in a clutter, unorganized mess. I was trying to have a dialogue with him. Told me I took his words out of context. I said if you’d of presented it better it wouldn’t be out of context, he took it personal. Started attacking me when I just wanted to talk to him.

I did sum up the argument. We started talking as we progressed through the conversation I ripped apart your arguments. You eventually came back screamed, “no evidence.” As soon as I pointed to evidence of a gold price graph you started lying about the graph. You first started saying that it isn’t representative of reality, you have no proof. You then go start throwing supply and demand around that makes zero sense. Trying to prove the graph is wrong with once again no proof of your theory. After going back and forth you started adding economic buzz words into your statement. Trying to appear as you know what you’re talking about. I kept showing you that you were wrong. I showed you your argument with flawed for supply and demand with your own words. Once I realized we were just replying with literally the same messages and talking points. I realized it’s not worth the time. I tried to disengage with proof of the circle talking points to point out we are getting no where. You started declaring that as a win. For some little reason you are delusional as to what winning arguments work.

Incompetence is on, I have proved time and time again. Trying to explain to you that they know something we don’t. Every time I point something you scream proof, yet all your ideas have none.

Proof? There none it’s pure conjecture.


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Bergelmir you make very valid points i also reached the same conclusion according to my calculations gdkp’s should be unbanned.


I agree with this bloke ^^


See your boy here would disagree with that. He thinks that low demand for RMT’s has nothing to do with gold prices. See that’s what I was saying. Whether the population is huge or small. I stated that low RMT’s = low gold prices. He disputes, looks like you two disagree. I find this interest, lol. I explained to you that gold prices dropped before the massive exit. You can point to P1 all you want but it was fluffed with alts. I don’t deny people quit during P1. I just say since the P1 ban it’s more accurate reflection in that graph of P2 week 1 of actual independent players not fluffed with alts.

When a reason for a huge gold sink is removed from the game it leads to less gold spent. Less gold needed for spending leads to less RMT’s. It’s just simple, I can’t make it more simpler than that. I do understand that less population leads to less RMT’s, I never denied this. The only thing I’ve denied is that it was the primary reason. If it was the case the graphs would line up with the population nearly identical. They line up for P2 then the gold graph starts to decline. It continues to decline as the P3 raiding pop graph goes up. So my argument was lower RMT’s started while the population was still good. Pointed out gold prices hit rock bottom end of April a month prior to Cata launch, when the population was hammered hard.

This is delusional. Granted a huge population is taking a break from the game, but people are still playing. With P4 release in the works people are leveling some alts.

Haven’t heard that one. I thought maybe you of said Season of Dying?

So for me not to know how supply and demand works then you, yourself don’t. Why do I say this? I agreed with some of what you posted. You have the right idea but the wrong reason for it happening. I’m just clarifying it. However, you are so obsessed with saying I’m wrong you literally don’t see where we agree and disagree. So to call me wrong is to call yourself wrong. I just think you’re misinformed is all.

I however am still not wrong because GDKP’s are still banned. Enjoy.

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The entire arm of KataaR oF mAAr is here, hello fellas. Oh look nec is here too and liked a post. Not helping your cause. You need the entire guild here, lets do this.

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“Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy for later phases of Season of Discovery.”


“Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy for later phases of Season of Discovery.”


“Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy for later phases of Season of Discovery.”


“Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy for later phases of Season of Discovery.”


I actually agree with you guys above.

I doubt they pay enough to get someone to read these posts and if they did the employee would either quit or just say they read them without actually reading them. They base their decisions on data not the opinions of nerds wasting time posting on forums. The forums are for the players.

Completely agree that gdkp’s should be unbanned couldn’t of said it better myself.

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Cool story. Doesn’t matter.

No, you didn’t summarize it. You invented an argument you could defeat and then attacked it.

There is no actual argument here. You’re just trying to craft a summary of the exchange that is favorable to you. Luckily, the transcript is here. You’re not referencing it because you have no basis for these statements and you’re just making it up.

I don’t know what you’re saying here, do you?

Lol. Say it enough times and it becomes true!

Lol, good arguments :joy:


Keep doing Gods work Berglemir.

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